PSCF v1.1
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PSCF is a package of software for solving the Edwards-Helfand self-consistent theory (SCFT) for polymer liquids. PSCF stands for "polymer self-consistent field". The version presented here is written primarily in C++, with some CUDA code for programs that make use of NVIDIA graphics processing units (GPUs). The source code for PSCF is maintained in the github repository
The current C++ version of PSCF is intended to supersede an older Fortran program of the same name. This older Fortran version of PSCF is maintained in a separate repository at . The current C++ version provides almost all of the capabilities of the older Fortran program, and some significant new capabilities, as discussed below.
Differences between the current C++ version of PSCF and the older Fortran program and some expected advantages of the new code include:
PSCF contains the following executable programs and sets of programs:
All PSCF programs are designed to treat an incompressible mixture of one or more block polymers or homopolymer species with zero or more small molecule (point-particle) solvent species. All polymeric species are treated using the standard Gaussian model of each polymer block as a continuous random walk.
Features that are common to all of the PSCF programs include:
Features specific to pscf_pc and pscf_pg programs for periodic structures include:
Features specific to the pscf_pc CPU programs for periodic structures are:
The mask and external field features are used in the pscf_pc programs to implement simulations of thin films. A mask is used to constrain a polymer material to a slit within a periodic supercell, and external fields are used represent selective interactions of different monomer types with the top and bottom surfaces.
The PSCF C++ package is currently only provided in source code form. The source code may be obtained by using a git version control system client to clone the github source code repository. To do so on a machine with a git client installed, enter the command:
Note the use of the –recursive option to the git clone command. This is necessary to clone two git submodules that are maintained in separate github repositories. This command will create a new directory called pscfpp/ that contains all of the source code and associated documentation, including all required git submodules.
We do not recommend that users obtain the source code by instead downloading a zip or tar file from the PSCF github repository. A repository that is created by unpacking such a file will not contain source code for the other git repositories that are automatically downloaded and installed as submodules by use of the git clone command with the "recursive" option.
Documentation is provided as an html web manual that contains both user and developer documentation. An online copy of the documentation of a recent major release is available online at .
The PSCF source code repository contains all of the files from which the web manual is generated. This makes it possible for users to generate a local copy of the manual on their own computer. The web manual is created using the doxygen documentation utility. In order to generate a local copy of the documentation, doxygen must be installed on your computer, and the directory containing the doxygen executable must be in your unix command search PATH.
To generate documentation, change directory (cd) to the pscfpp/ root directory and then enter
This should create many html files in the docs/html directory of the pscfpp/ root directory. To begin reading the documentation, point a browser at the file docs/html/index.html, which contains the main page of this web manual.
Formatting of some mathematical expressions within this web manual relies on the use of a MathJax interpreter that is provided by a remote server, and which thus requires an internet connection to function. Mathematical expressions in local copies of this manual may thus not be formatted correctly if the computer is not connected to the internet.
The PSCF source code is written using C++ as the primary language, with CUDA used in some programs for GPU kernels. The C++ version of PSCF was developed on linux and and Mac OS X operating systems using standard unix utilities, and is designed to be compiled and run in these or other unix-like environments.
The CPU-based programs within the PSCF package depend on the following external libraries:
The one-dimensional finite difference program pscf_fd requires only GSL, and not FFTW. The pscf_pc CPU-based programs for spatially periodic structures require both GSL and FFTW.
The GPU-accelerated pscf_pg programs can only run on a computer with an appropriate NVIDIA GPU. To compile or run these programs, the system must also have an NVIDIA CUDA development environment that provides the cuFFT gpu-accelerated fast Fourier transform library.
Complete directions for compiling and installing PSCF are provided in section 2 of this manual. These include instructions for installing the dependencies listed above in several operating system environments using several common package managers.
The C++/CUDA version of PSCF is free, open source software. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as (GPL) published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License or (at your option) any later version. PSCF is distributed without any warranty, without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the LICENSE file or the gnu web page for details.
Development of PSCF is supported by the National Science Foundation program for Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Development (CSSI) under Grant No. 2103627.
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