PSCF v1.1

A Pscf::Fd1d::Domain<D> object represents a spatial domain and discretization in a simulation of a D-dimensional periodic structure.

See also

The parameter file format for a Domain is:

geometryMode enumeration
xmin* real (0.0 by default)
xmax real
nx int

Parameters and subblocks are described below:

geometryMode Enumeration value of type "Fd1d::GeometryMode". String representations of allowed values are "planar", "cylindrical" or "spherical"
xmin* Minimum coordinate value, at lower boundary of the domain. (real, optional, 0.0 by default)
xmax Maximum coordinate value, at upper boundary of the domain
nx Number of grid points, including endpoints at xmin and xmax


 - For cylindrical and spherical modes, omit xmin to simulate a 
   simply connected cylindrical or spherical region, or include
   to simulate an annular shell. 

 - For cylindrical and spherical modes, if xmin is present, it 
   must be assigned a value xMin > 0.