PSCF v1.1
Parameter Files (Up) Parameter File - Syntax (Next)
The different programs in the PSCF package use parameter files with similar structure and syntax, with slight differences in some elements. To illustrate common elements, we start with an example.
Shown below is a complete parameter file for a simple 1D SCFT calculation performed by program pscf_fd:
This particular example gives parameters for a calculation of a binary mixture of a symmetric AB diblock copolymer with a homopolymer of type A in a one-dimensional planar geometry.
Before considering details, note the overall structure of this example: This file contains a set of nested blocks that each begin and end with lines containing matching curly brackets. The syntax is ths similar to that of a C program. Each parameter file block begins with a line that contains a label for the block (System, Mixture, etc.), followed with no intervening space by an opening curly bracket, "{". Each such block ends with a matching closing curly bracket on a line by itself.
The structure of the main blocks in this example is shown in skeleton form below:
The main block of a parameter file, which encloses all the data in the file, is always labelled "System". The purpose of each primary subblock of the main "System" block is described below.
The parameter files required to initialize a simple SCFT calculations performed using a pscf_pc or pscf_pg program have a similar structure, with analogous top level blocks appearing in the same order. Parameter files for all three types of program use exactly the same format for the Mixture and Interaction blocks, but generally different formats for the Domain and Iterator block. The skeleton structure shown above is specfic to simple SCFT calculations - a somewhat different sequence of top-level subblocks may be required to initialize more complicated calculations. For example, a simulation of a sequence of SCFT calculations along a line through parameter space (known as a "sweep") would require an additional "Sweep" block, as discussed elsewhere.
Each block in a parameter file may contain a sequence of parameter entries and nested subblocks. Each parameter entry starts with a label that indicates the name of the parameter followed by a representation of the parameter value.
Single Parameters : Each entry for a single parameter, for which the value can be represented by a single number or some other compact string representation, appears on a single line that contains a label (the name of the parameter) followed by the parameter value. For examples of this, look for the nMonomer and nPolymer parameters within the Mixture block.
Array- and Matrix-Valued Parameters : Labels for some other parameters refer to names of 1D arrays or 2D matrices of values. In these cases, lists of elements of the array or matrix are delimited by either matched square brackets (for one-dimensional arrays) or by parentheses (for matrices or two-dimensional arrays). Names of array-valued parameters are often given as plural nouns.
As an example of a one-dimensional array-valued parameter, see the "monomers" parameter in the Mixture block, which begins with a line containing the string "monomers[", which ends with an opening square bracket, and which ends with a closing square bracket ("]"). The value of each element in this particular array is a real (i.e., floating point) number that is given on a line by itself. Each element in this array gives the statistical segment length of a particular type of monomer.
The value of the "chi" parameter within the Interaction block is a symmetric matrix. The distinct nonzero elements of the chi matrix are given using a syntax in which each such element is given on a line containing a row index and a column index (defined using a zero-based convention), followed by the real value of the matrix element. The resulting list of nonzero matrix elements is enclosed by opening and closing parentheses.
Mixture :
The system described in the Mixture block of the above example contains a mixture of two types of polymers (nPolymer=2) that contain two types of monomer (nMonomer=2). Different types of monomer are labelled by integer indices in the range 0,...,nMonomer-1.
The "monomers" parameter is an array-valued parameter shown above as
The value of each element in the "monomers" array gives the monomer statistical segment length for a monomer type, listed in order of increasing monomer type index.
The Mixture block in this examnple contains two "Polymer" subblocks. Each "Polymer" subblock describes a polymer molecular species. The first polymer species in this system is a diblock copolymer (nBlock=2) containing blocks with monomers of types 0 and 1. The second polymer is a homopolymer (nBlock=1) with monomers of type 0. The system described in this file contains 60% of diblock copolymer by volume (phi = 0.6 in the first Polymer block) and 40% homopolymer by volume (phi= 0.4 in the second block). The diblock copolymer is a symmetric copolymer in which each block has a length of 0.5. The homopolymer has a single block of length 1.0.
Each element of the "blocks" array within each Polymer subblock contains information associated with one block of a block polymer. The syntax used in this example for each block is designed for the simple case of a linear block polymers, which is the default polymer topology. In the case of a linear polymer, each element of the blocks array contains the integer id for the type of monomer in that block followed by the length of the block, which is given as a real number. A more complicated description of each block is required to describe the connectivity of a branched polymer, as described elsewhere.
Interaction :
The interaction block contains a single matrix-valued parameter named chi. The chi matrix for this problem has a nonzero value of 10.0 for interactions between monomers of types 0 and 1. The chi matrix is represented internally as a symmetric square matrix with nMonomer rows and columns. Values of diagonal elements (i=j) are usually taken equal to zero by convention, though this is not required. In a system with two types of monomer and zero diagonal elements, only one nonzero chi parameter value is required. The value of this parameter is given here as a line containing "0 1 10.0".
Domain :
The simulation uses a 1D planar geometry, in which variation occurs only along one axis of a Cartesian coordinate system. The block labelled Domain contains information about the spatial domain (minimum and maximum coordinate values xmin and xmax) and the number of grid (nx). The value of nx = 401 indicates 401 grid points, including both end points.
Iterator :
In this example, the block labelled Iterator contains a single parameter labelled "epsilon". This is a error tolerance that is used to decide when an approximate solution is adequately converged - iteration continues while the total error remains greater than epsilon.
The iterator block is a "selectable" block that allows a user to specify a choice of an iteration algorithm from among a list of available alternatives. The name of the desired algorithm is specified by the label that appears in the opening line of the iterator block, on the same line as the opening curly bracket. The label used in this first line of an iterator block can either be the generic label "Iterator", as in this example, which is used to indicate that the user would like to use the default choice for the iterator algorithm, or it can be the name of the class that implements a specific algorithm. The default iterator algorithm for the pscf_fd program is an Anderson-mixing algorithm that is implemented by a class named AmIterator. This algorithm can thus be invoked either using the generic label "Iterator", as in the above example, or, more explicitly, by using the class name "AmIterator" as the block label.
Users of pscf_fd program can also choose either of two other iteration algorithms. A Newton-Raphson algorithm is implemented by a class named NrIterator, and a simple relaxation algorithm for systems with only two monomer types is implemented by a class named BinaryRelaxIterator. To choose the Newton-Raphson iterator, the Iterator block in the above example could be replaced by a block such as the following:
Here, the use of NrIterator as a block label indicates the choice of a Newton-Raphson algorithm. In this example, the body of the block contain parameters named epsilon and maxItr. By convention, the first parameter for each iterator algorithm is a required parameter named epsilon that represents an error tolerance.
This is actually the only required parameter for either the AmIterator or NrIterator algorithms. In the above example, we have also included an optional second parameter named maxItr that specifies the maximum number of iterations that should be attempted before exiting the iteration loop and giving up.
In general, each iteration algorithm may accept a different list of required and optional parameters, and thus require a different format for the body of the iterator block. The documentation of the parameter file format for each program in PSCF lists of all of the available iteration algorithms, and provides links to pages that describe the parameter file format for each algorithm (i.e., that list all required and optional parameters for each algorithm).
For simplicity, almost all of the examples shown in this user manual use the default iterator algorithm, which is always an Anderson-mixing algorithm. Most examples in this manual thus contain an iterator block that starts with the string "Iterator{" on a line by itself.
Parameter Files (Up) Parameter File - Syntax (Next)