PSCF v1.1
Parameter File - Format Descriptions

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Users of PSCF require precise documentation of the required format for each block that can appear with a parameter file of a PSCF program. This page describes a representation that we use to concisely indicate the format of each parameter file block. This format representation is similar to that of the actual block, supplemented by notation to indicate the data types of parameter values and the use of special symbols to indicate syntactical elements such as array-valued parameters, optional elements and selectable subblocks.

Example 1

As a simple first example of this sort of description, the overall syntax for a pscf_fd parameter file is shown below:

Mixture{ ... }
Interaction{ .... }
Domain{ ... }
Iterator#*{ ... }
Sweep#*{ ... }

This description should look familiar, except for the inclusion of a Sweep{...} block, which is an optional element that was omitted from our example file. In such a description, the syntax Label{...} is used to indicate a nested subblock, for which the format of the subblock must be described separately somewhere else. The appearance of an asterisk (*) after any block or parameter label is used to indicate that the element is optional (i.e., omittable). Parameters and subblock labels that are not followed by an asterisk thus indicate required elements. The appearance of a "#" symbol after a block label indicate that the block is selectable. The above description thus indicates that the Iterator and Sweep blocks are both optional selectable elements.

Example 2

As a second example, the format for a Mixture block in any PSCF parameter file can be given compactly as follows:

nMonomer int
monomers Array [ real ]
nPolymer int
Polymer{ ... }
nSolvent* int (0 by default)
Solvent*{ ... }
vMonomer* real (1.0 by default)
ds float

In this example, we see that the locations at which values of individual parameters would appear in an actual parameter file have been replaced by labels that specify the type of parameter value, such as int or real. The word Array followed by opening a closing square brackets enclosing a type descriptor is describe an array-value parameter. Note that default values for some optional elements (nSolvent and vMonomer) are given as comments enclosed in parentheses.

This sort of compact format description must be generally supplemented by a table and/or text that contains an explanation of the the meaning of each parameter, comments about allowed values for particular parameters, values for dimensions of arrays or matrices, relationships among choices of parameter values, and any other required supplementary information.


The following conventions, most of which are illustrated in the above examples, are used in this type of parameter file format summary:

  • Parameters : Individual parameters are indicated using the syntax
    label type
    where "label" denotes the name (or label string) of the parameter and "type" is a string that identifies the data type of the parameter value (e.g., int, real, string, etc.).
  • Subblocks : The presence of a nested subblock is indicated using the syntax
    Label{ ... }
    where "Label" denote the label string for the subblock.
  • Selectable blocks : Selectable subblocks are indicated by adding a "#" symbol after the subblock label and before the opening curly bracket, using the syntax
    Label#{ ... }
    for a required but selectable subblock. The label for a selectable subblock in a format description should be the generic name for the subblock (e.g., "Iterator", rather than the name for a specific iteration algorithm). This generic name is also the block label that can be used to select the default choice for this block.
  • Optional elements : Optional subblocks and parameters (i.e., elements that may be omitted from the file) are indicated by an asterisk after the subblock or parameter label. The label for an optional simple parameter is thus
    label* type
    where "label" denotes the actual label string. The label for an optional selectable subblock places the asterisk after the # symbol, giving Label#*{ .... }.
  • Default values : Default values for optional parameters may be indicated by a comment enclosed in parentheses after the label and data type. The comment is often of the form "( ... by default)", where ... denotes the actual default value. The default value is the value assigned to the associated variable if the parameter is omitted from the parameter file.
  • Arrays : Parameters that represent one-dimensional arrays are indicated using the syntax
    label Array[ type ]
    where "label" is the name of the array, and "type" is a string that identifies the data type of an element value as given in the parameter file.
  • Matrices : Parameters that represent two-dimensional arrays or matrices that must be input in element format are indicated using the syntax
    label Matrix ( type )
    where "type" is the data type for a single element.

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