PSCF v1.1
Pscf Common

Basic classes in the Pscf namespace, accessible to all sub-namespaces. More...


 Chemical Structure
 Classes that describe chemical structure of polymers and solvents.
 Classes that describe crystallographic information.
 Homogeneous Mixtures
 Classes to compute properties of spatially homogeneous mixtures.
 Classes that specify a model for excess or interaction free energy.
 Iterator Tools
 Templates and tools for constructing iterator classes.
 Miscellaneous mathematical utility classes.
 Spatial Mesh
 Classes to define a regular grid or mesh.
 Solver Templates
 Templates for classes that solve modified diffusion equations.
 Sweep Template
 Template for classes that solve SCFT for a sequence of parameters.

Detailed Description

Basic classes in the Pscf namespace, accessible to all sub-namespaces.