PSCF v1.1
Solver Templates

Templates for classes that solve modified diffusion equations. More...


class  Pscf::BlockTmpl< TP >
 Class template for a block in a block copolymer. More...
class  Pscf::MixtureTmpl< TP, TS >
 A mixture of polymer and solvent species. More...
class  Pscf::PolymerTmpl< Block >
 Descriptor and MDE solver for an acyclic block polymer. More...
class  Pscf::PropagatorTmpl< TP >
 Template for propagator classes. More...

Detailed Description

Templates for classes that solve modified diffusion equations.

The templates defined in this module are designed to be used as base classes for classes that define a variety of different implementations of self-consistent field theory (SCFT), in which each implementation uses a particular set of algorithms to solve the modified diffusion equation (MDE) in a particular type of geometry.

To define an implementation of SCFT, one must define the following set of solver classes derived from these templates: