12#include <pspg/field/RDField.h>
13#include <pscf/solvers/PolymerTmpl.h>
14#include <util/containers/FArray.h>
63 void setPhi(
double phi);
70 void setMu(
double mu);
132 {
return stress_[n]; }
134 #ifndef PSPG_POLYMER_TPP
Descriptor and MDE solver for an acyclic block polymer.
Block< D > & block(int id)
Get a specified Block.
int nBlock() const
Number of blocks.
virtual void solve(double phiTot=1.0)
Solve modified diffusion equation.
double length() const
Sum of the lengths of all blocks in the polymer.
Descriptor and solver for a branched polymer species.
void setupUnitCell(UnitCell< D > const &unitCell, WaveList< D > const &wavelist)
Compute solution to MDE and concentrations.
PolymerTmpl< Block< D > > Base
Alias for base class.
double stress(int n)
Get derivative of free energy w/ respect to a unit cell parameter.
void compute(DArray< RDField< D > > const &wFields)
Compute solution to MDE and concentrations.
void computeStress(WaveList< D > const &wavelist)
Compute stress from a polymer chain, needs a pointer to basis.
Field of real single precision values on an FFT mesh on a device.
Container for wavevector data.
double phi() const
Get the overall volume fraction for this species.
Ensemble ensemble()
Get the statistical ensemble for this species (open or closed).
double phi_
Volume fraction, set by either setPhi or compute function.
double mu_
Chemical potential, set by either setPhi or compute function.
double mu() const
Get the chemical potential for this species (units kT=1).
Base template for UnitCell<D> classes, D=1, 2 or 3.
Dynamically allocatable contiguous array template.
A fixed size (static) contiguous array template.
void setClassName(const char *className)
Set class name string.
C++ namespace for polymer self-consistent field theory (PSCF).