Simpatico  v1.10
1.1 Goals

The design of Simpatico was motivated by the following goals:

The design of mcSim and mdSim (which share a great deal of code) is similar in some ways to that of Etomica, which was written in Java by David Kofke's group at the University of Buffalo. The domain decomposition parallelization algorithm used in ddSim is similar to that originally introduced in the LAMMMPS molecular dynamics code.

Simpatico has thus far been used only for simulations of simple coarse-grained models of polymer liquids. It lacks some features for setup and simulation of atomistic models that are found in several more mature open source molecular dynamics simulation codes, such as Lammps, DL_POLY, NAMD, Gromacs, and in a smaller number of Monte Carlo codes, such as Towhee.

1 About (Up)         1.2 Capabilities (Next)