Programs | Executable simulation and analysis programs |
▼Util namespace | Group of modules containing classes in the Util namespace |
Accumulators | Statistical operations (e.g., averages or autocorrelations) on a data sequence |
Serialization | Serialization of C++ objects to/from file or memory |
▼Container Templates | Container and iterator class templates |
Object Arrays | Array containers that store objects by value, and related iterators |
Pointer Arrays | Array containers that store pointers to objects, and related iterators |
Matrix Containers | Two-dimensional array containers that store by objects value |
Linked List | A simple linked list implementation and associated iterator |
Iterators | Iterators for use with particular containers |
Crystal | Crystal periodicity and symmetry groups |
Output Format | Utilities to simplify formatted C++ stream output |
Mathematics | Mathematical constants and utilities |
Miscellaneous Utilities | Miscellaneous utility classes and functions |
Managers and Factories | A Manager is a container for items with a common base class |
Parameter File IO | Classes used to read parameters from a parameter file |
Random | Random numbers and processes |
Signals (Observer Pattern) | Classes used to implement the observer design pattern |
Space (Vector, Tensor) | Classes that represent spatial Vectors, Tensors, etc |
Xml Tag Parsers | Classes to verify and parse XML markup tags |
▼Simp namespace | Simp namespace |
Boundary | Unit cells for periodic boundary conditions |
Statistical Ensembles | Statistical mechanical ensembles for specific macro-variables |
▼Interactions | Potential energy functions |
Angle Interactions | Potential functions for covalent angle interactions |
Bond Interactions | Covalent bond interaction potential energy functions |
Dihedral Interactions | Potential functions for covalent dihedral interactions |
External Interactions | Potential functions for external one-body interactions |
Pair Interactions | Potential functions for non-bonded pair interactions |
Species | Classes that represent molecular species |
▼McMd namespace | McMd namespace (single-processor MC and MD) |
▼Analyzers | Classes that implement data analysis or output operations |
MD Analyzers | Analyzers for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with mdSim |
MC Analyzers | Analyzers for Monte Carlo (MC) simulations with mcSim |
MC/MD Analyzers | Analyzers for either MC or MD simulations |
Chemical Structure | Classes that describe atoms, molecules, and groups of atoms |
▼Commands | Operations that can be invoked from the command script |
MD Commands | Commands for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with mdSim |
MC Commands | Commands for Monte Carlo (MC) simulations with mcSim |
MC/MD Commands | Commands for either MC or MD simulations |
Configuration File IO | A ConfigIo object can read and write the configuration file for a System |
Generators | Classes that generate random initial configurations |
Monte Carlo Moves | This module contains all McMove (Monte Carlo Move) classes |
Molecular Dynamics Integrators | Molecular dynamics integration algorithms |
Nonbonded Neighbors | Classes used to keep track of nonbonded neighbors |
Free Energy Perturbation | Classes that implement free energy perturbation theory and replica exchange |
▼Potential Energies | Classes used by a System calculate potential energies |
Pair Potentials | Nonbonded pair potentials |
Bond Potentials | Covalent 2-body bond potentials |
Angle Potentials | Covalent 3-body angle potentials |
Dihedral Potentials | Covalent 4-body dihedral potentials |
Coulomb Potentials | Coulomb potentials, implemented using Ewald separation |
External Potentials | External one-body potentials |
Special Potentials | Special (i.e., specialized) potentials |
Managers | A Manager is a container for objects with a common base class |
Simulations | A Simulation object represents a complete simulation |
Systems | A System is a set of interacting Molecules enclosed by a Boundary |
Trajectory Readers | Classes that can read trajectory files for analysis |
▼DdMd namespace | DdMd namespace (parallel domain-decomposition MD) |
▼Analyzers | Classes that implement data analysis or output operations |
Analyzer Base | Base classes for analyzers |
Energy Analyzers | Analyzer classes that analyze energies |
Miscellaneous Analyzers | Analyzer classes (miscellaneous) |
Scattering Analyzers | Analyzer classes that analyze spatial correlations |
Stress Analyzers | Analyzer classes that analyze stress or boundary dimensions |
Trajectory Analyzers | Analyzer classes that write trajectories to file |
Chemical Structure | Classes that describe atoms, molecules, and groups of atoms |
MPI Communication | Classes that control interprocessor communication |
ConfigIos | Config file reader / writers |
MD Integrators | Molecular dynamics integration algorithms |
Modifiers | Actions that can modify the state of the system |
Nonbonded Neighbors | Classes used to keep track of nonbonded neighbors |
▼Potential Energies | Classes used to calculate potential energies |
Pair Potentials | Classes that represent non-bonded pair potentials |
Bond Potentials | Classes that represent covalent bond potentials |
Angle Potentials | Classes that represent covalent angle potentials |
Dihedral Potentials | Classes that represent covalent dihedral potentials |
External Potentials | Classes that represent external one-body potentials |
Simulations | Complete simulations |
▼Storage | Containers and iterators for atoms and groups |
Atom Storage | Containers and iterators for atoms |
Group Storage | Containers and iterators for covalent groups (bonds etc.) |
▼Tools namespace | Tools namespace (post-processing for MD trajectories) |
Analyzers | Single-processor Classes for data analysis or data output operations |
Chemical Structure | Classes that model atoms, groups, molecules, and species |
▼Config File IO | Configuration file readers and writers |
Config File Readers | Configuration file readers |
Config File Writers | Configuration file writers |
Nonbonded Neighbors | Classes to efficiently identify non-bonded neighbors |
Storage | Classes that store atoms and groups |
Trajectory File Readers | |
Unit Test Framework | A framework for constructing unit tests for other classes |