Simpatico  v1.10
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
 ProgramsExecutable simulation and analysis programs
 Util namespaceGroup of modules containing classes in the Util namespace
 AccumulatorsStatistical operations (e.g., averages or autocorrelations) on a data sequence
 SerializationSerialization of C++ objects to/from file or memory
 Container TemplatesContainer and iterator class templates
 Object ArraysArray containers that store objects by value, and related iterators
 Pointer ArraysArray containers that store pointers to objects, and related iterators
 Matrix ContainersTwo-dimensional array containers that store by objects value
 Linked ListA simple linked list implementation and associated iterator
 IteratorsIterators for use with particular containers
 CrystalCrystal periodicity and symmetry groups
 Output FormatUtilities to simplify formatted C++ stream output
 MathematicsMathematical constants and utilities
 Miscellaneous UtilitiesMiscellaneous utility classes and functions
 Managers and FactoriesA Manager is a container for items with a common base class
 Parameter File IOClasses used to read parameters from a parameter file
 RandomRandom numbers and processes
 Signals (Observer Pattern)Classes used to implement the observer design pattern
 Space (Vector, Tensor)Classes that represent spatial Vectors, Tensors, etc
 Xml Tag ParsersClasses to verify and parse XML markup tags
 Simp namespaceSimp namespace
 BoundaryUnit cells for periodic boundary conditions
 Statistical EnsemblesStatistical mechanical ensembles for specific macro-variables
 InteractionsPotential energy functions
 Angle InteractionsPotential functions for covalent angle interactions
 Bond InteractionsCovalent bond interaction potential energy functions
 Dihedral InteractionsPotential functions for covalent dihedral interactions
 External InteractionsPotential functions for external one-body interactions
 Pair InteractionsPotential functions for non-bonded pair interactions
 SpeciesClasses that represent molecular species
 McMd namespaceMcMd namespace (single-processor MC and MD)
 AnalyzersClasses that implement data analysis or output operations
 MD AnalyzersAnalyzers for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with mdSim
 MC AnalyzersAnalyzers for Monte Carlo (MC) simulations with mcSim
 MC/MD AnalyzersAnalyzers for either MC or MD simulations
 Chemical StructureClasses that describe atoms, molecules, and groups of atoms
 CommandsOperations that can be invoked from the command script
 MD CommandsCommands for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with mdSim
 MC CommandsCommands for Monte Carlo (MC) simulations with mcSim
 MC/MD CommandsCommands for either MC or MD simulations
 Configuration File IOA ConfigIo object can read and write the configuration file for a System
 GeneratorsClasses that generate random initial configurations
 Monte Carlo MovesThis module contains all McMove (Monte Carlo Move) classes
 Molecular Dynamics IntegratorsMolecular dynamics integration algorithms
 Nonbonded NeighborsClasses used to keep track of nonbonded neighbors
 Free Energy PerturbationClasses that implement free energy perturbation theory and replica exchange
 Potential EnergiesClasses used by a System calculate potential energies
 Pair PotentialsNonbonded pair potentials
 Bond PotentialsCovalent 2-body bond potentials
 Angle PotentialsCovalent 3-body angle potentials
 Dihedral PotentialsCovalent 4-body dihedral potentials
 Coulomb PotentialsCoulomb potentials, implemented using Ewald separation
 External PotentialsExternal one-body potentials
 Special PotentialsSpecial (i.e., specialized) potentials
 ManagersA Manager is a container for objects with a common base class
 SimulationsA Simulation object represents a complete simulation
 SystemsA System is a set of interacting Molecules enclosed by a Boundary
 Trajectory ReadersClasses that can read trajectory files for analysis
 DdMd namespaceDdMd namespace (parallel domain-decomposition MD)
 AnalyzersClasses that implement data analysis or output operations
 Analyzer BaseBase classes for analyzers
 Energy AnalyzersAnalyzer classes that analyze energies
 Miscellaneous AnalyzersAnalyzer classes (miscellaneous)
 Scattering AnalyzersAnalyzer classes that analyze spatial correlations
 Stress AnalyzersAnalyzer classes that analyze stress or boundary dimensions
 Trajectory AnalyzersAnalyzer classes that write trajectories to file
 Chemical StructureClasses that describe atoms, molecules, and groups of atoms
 MPI CommunicationClasses that control interprocessor communication
 ConfigIosConfig file reader / writers
 MD IntegratorsMolecular dynamics integration algorithms
 ModifiersActions that can modify the state of the system
 Nonbonded NeighborsClasses used to keep track of nonbonded neighbors
 Potential EnergiesClasses used to calculate potential energies
 Pair PotentialsClasses that represent non-bonded pair potentials
 Bond PotentialsClasses that represent covalent bond potentials
 Angle PotentialsClasses that represent covalent angle potentials
 Dihedral PotentialsClasses that represent covalent dihedral potentials
 External PotentialsClasses that represent external one-body potentials
 SimulationsComplete simulations
 StorageContainers and iterators for atoms and groups
 Atom StorageContainers and iterators for atoms
 Group StorageContainers and iterators for covalent groups (bonds etc.)
 Tools namespaceTools namespace (post-processing for MD trajectories)
 AnalyzersSingle-processor Classes for data analysis or data output operations
 Chemical StructureClasses that model atoms, groups, molecules, and species
 Config File IOConfiguration file readers and writers
 Config File ReadersConfiguration file readers
 Config File WritersConfiguration file writers
 Nonbonded NeighborsClasses to efficiently identify non-bonded neighbors
 StorageClasses that store atoms and groups
 Trajectory File Readers
 Unit Test FrameworkA framework for constructing unit tests for other classes