►NDdMd | Parallel domain decomposition (DD) MD simulation |
CAnalyzer | Abstract base for periodic output and/or analysis actions |
CAnalyzerFactory | Factory for DdMd::Analyzer objects |
CAnalyzerManager | Manager for a list of Analyzer objects |
CAngleFactory | Factory for AnglePotential objects |
CAnglePotential | Abstract base class for computation of angle force and energies |
CAnglePotentialImpl | Implementation template for a AnglePotential |
CAngleStorage | Container for Group<3> (angle) objects |
CAtom | A point particle in an MD simulation |
CAtomArray | An array of Atom objects |
CAtomCollector | Class for collecting Atoms from processors to master processor |
CAtomContext | Descriptor for context of an Atom within a molecule and species |
CAtomDistributor | Class for distributing Atoms among processors |
CAtomIterator | Iterator for all atoms owned by an AtomStorage |
CAtomMap | Associative container for finding atoms identified by integer id |
CAtomStorage | A container for all the atoms and ghost atoms on this processor |
CAtomType | Descriptor for a type of Atom |
CAutoCorrAnalyzer | Compute an autocorrelation function for a sequence of Data values |
CAverageAnalyzer | Analyze average and block averages of a single floating point variable |
CBondFactory | Factory for BondPotential objects |
CBondPotential | Abstract base class for computing bond forces and energies |
CBondPotentialImpl | Implementation template for a BondPotential |
CBondStorage | Container for for Group<2> (bond) objects |
CBondTensorAutoCorr | Calculate stress autocorrelation function |
CBuffer | Buffer for interprocessor communication |
CCell | A single Cell in a CellList |
CCellAtom | Data for an atom in a CellList |
CCellList | A cell list used only to identify nearby atom pairs |
CConfigIo | Abstract reader/writer for configuration files |
CConfigIoFactory | Default Factory for subclasses of ConfigIo |
CConfigWriter | Periodically write simulation configuration to a new file |
CConstAtomIterator | Const iterator for all atoms owned by an AtomStorage |
CConstGhostIterator | Iterator for all ghost atoms owned by an AtomStorage |
CConstGroupIterator | Const iterator for all Group < N > objects owned by a GroupStorage < N > |
CDdMdConfigIo | Native / default format for configuration files |
CDdMdGroupTrajectoryWriter | Native binary trajectory format for ddSim, for one group |
CDdMdOrderedConfigIo | Native / default format for configuration files |
CDdMdTrajectoryWriter | Native binary trajectory format for ddSim |
CDdTimer | Class for measuring time intervals |
CDihedralFactory | Factory for DihedralPotential objects |
CDihedralPotential | Abstract base class for computing dihedral forces and energies |
CDihedralPotentialImpl | Implementation template for a DihedralPotential |
CDihedralStorage | Container for Group<4> (dihedral) objects |
CDomain | Decomposition of the system into domains associated with processors |
CEnergyAnalyzer | Compute averages and output block averages of energy components |
CExchanger | Class for exchanging Atoms, Ghosts and Groups between processors |
CExternalEnergyAnalyzer | Output and evaluate average of external energy |
CExternalEnergyAverage | Periodically write simulation energies to Log output |
CExternalFactory | Factory for ExternalPotential objects |
CExternalPotential | Calculates external forces and energies for a parent Simulation |
CExternalPotentialImpl | Implementation template for a ExternalPotential |
CGhostIterator | Iterator for all ghost atoms owned by an AtomStorage |
CGroup | A group of covalently interacting atoms |
CGroupCollector | Class for collecting Groups from processors to master processor |
CGroupDistributor | Class template for distributing Group<N> objects among processors |
CGroupExchanger | Interface for a GroupStorage<N> for use in Exchanger |
CGroupIterator | Iterator for all Group < N > objects owned by a GroupStorage< N > |
CGroupStorage | A container for all the Group<N> objects on this processor |
CIntegrator | An Integrator numerically integrates the equations of motion |
CIntegratorFactory | Factory for subclasses of Integrator (i.e., MD integrators) |
CKineticEnergyAnalyzer | Output and evaluate average of kinetic energy |
CLammpsConfigIo | Lammps data file format for configuration files |
CLammpsDumpWriter | Write a trajectory in the Lammps dump format |
CLogEnergy | Periodically write simulation energies to Log output |
CMask | Set of Atoms for which pair interactions with a parent Atom are "masked" |
►CModifier | A Modifier can modify the time evolution of the simulation |
CFlags | Bit flag constants associated with particular actions |
CModifierFactory | Factory for DdMd::Modifier objects |
CModifierManager | Manager for a set of Modifier objects |
CNphIntegrator | A reversible, symplectic NPH integrator (Anderson barostat) |
CNptIntegrator | A reversible symplectic NPT integrator |
CNveIntegrator | A velocity-Verlet constant energy integrator |
CNvtIntegrator | A Nose-Hoover constant temperature, constant volume integrator |
CNvtLangevinIntegrator | A NVT molecular dynamics integrator with a Langevin thermostat |
COrderParamNucleation | OrderParamNucleation is designed to evaluate a sort of composition profile in the specific case of nucleating a lamellar ordered phase in a small region at the center of a simulation cell |
COutputBoxdim | Periodically write Boundary dimensions to file |
COutputEnergy | Periodically write simulation energies to file |
COutputPairEnergies | Periodically write pair energies to file |
COutputPressure | Periodically write (scalar) pressure to file |
COutputStressTensor | Periodically write (tensor) StressTensor to file |
COutputTemperature | Periodically output kinetic temperature to file |
CPairEnergyAnalyzer | Compute and analyze pair energies |
CPairEnergyAverage | Compute average of pair energy |
CPairFactory | Factory for PairPotential objects |
CPairIterator | Iterator for pairs in a PairList |
CPairList | A Verlet nonbonded pair list |
CPairPotential | Abstract base class for computing nonbonded pair forces and energies |
CPairPotentialImpl | Implementation template for a PairPotential |
CPlan | Communication plan |
CPotential | A Potential represents a potential energy contribution |
CPressureAnalyzer | Sample and evaluate average of total pressure |
CSerializeConfigIo | Save / load configuration from / to an archive |
CSimulation | Main object for a domain-decomposition MD simulation |
CSimulationAccess | Provides access to members of Simulation object |
CStressAnalyzer | Output and evaluate average of stress tensor |
CStressAutoCorr | Compute stress autocorrelation function for a liquid |
CStressAutoCorrelation | Compute the shear stress autocorrelation function |
CStructureFactor | StructureFactor evaluates structure factors in Fourier space |
CStructureFactorGrid | StructureFactorGrid evaluates structure factors in Fourier space |
CSymmTensorAverageAnalyzer | Analyzer that computes average of a sequence of symmetric Tensor values |
CTensorAverageAnalyzer | Analyzer that computes averages and block averages of a single Tensor |
CTrajectoryWriter | Base class to write a trajectory to a single file |
CTwoStepIntegrator | A two-step velocity-Verlet style integrator |
CVanHove | Evaluates the van Hove function S(k,t) for one or more wavevector k |
CVirialStressAnalyzer | Output and evaluate average of virial stress tensor |
CVirialStressTensor | Periodically write virial stress tensor components to file |
CVirialStressTensorAverage | Compute average and output block averages of virial stress tensor |
►NMcMd | Single-processor Monte Carlo (MC) and molecular dynamics (MD) |
CActivate | Static member functions to de-active and re-active atoms |
CAnalyzer | Abstract base for periodic output and/or analysis actions |
CAnalyzerManager | Manager for a list of Analyzer objects |
CAngleFactory | Factory for subclasses of AnglePotential |
CAnglePotential | Interface for a Angle Interaction |
CAnglePotentialImpl | Implementation template for an AnglePotential |
CAtom | A point particle within a Molecule |
CAtomDisplaceMove | Random displacement of one atom |
CAtomMSD | Autocorrelation for vector separation of two atoms on a molecule |
CAtomType | Descriptor for a type of Atom |
CAverageAnalyzer | AverageAnalyzer averages of total potential energy |
CBennettsMethod | Bennett's method estimates free energy difference between two states |
CBlockRadiusGyration | Radius of gyration of different blocks in a molecule |
CBondFactory | Factory for BondPotential objects |
CBondLengthDist | BondLengthDist evaluates the distribution function of the lengths of the bonds |
CBondPotential | Abstract Bond Potential class |
CBondPotentialImpl | Implementation template for a BondPotential |
CBoundaryAverage | Average of boundary lengths and volume of simulation cell |
CCell | A set of Atoms in a small region |
CCellList | A cell list for Atom objects in a periodic system boundary |
CCellTag | Location of the pointer to a particular Atom in a CellList |
CCfbDoubleRebridgeMove | Configuration bias trimer double rebridge moves, to reconnect two chains |
CCfbEndBase | Base class for configuration bias (CFB) end regrowth moves |
CCfbEndMove | Configuration bias end regrowth move for flexible linear chains |
CCfbLinear | Base class for configuration bias (CFB) end regrowth moves |
CCfbLinearEndMove | Configuration bias end regrowth move for flexible linear chains |
CCfbRebridgeBase | Base class configuration bias moves internal segment regrowth moves |
CCfbRebridgeMove | Config-bias move for internal segment of a flexible linear polymer |
CCfbReptateMove | Configuration bias reptation move for a Linear species |
CCfbReptationMove | Configuration bias reptation move for a Linear species |
CCfbRingRebridgeMove | Configuration bias rebridge moves for ring molecules |
CCluster | Cluster of molecules |
CClusterHistogram | Identify micelle clusters in polymeric systems |
CClusterIdentifier | Identifies clusters of molecules, such as micelles |
CClusterLink | Molecule in a cluster |
CColVar | Abstract base class for collective variables |
CColVarPotentialTmpl | SpecialPotential that is a function of a collective variable |
CCommand | Command is an object that can be invoked from the command script |
CCommandManager | Manager for Command objects in an MdSimulation |
CComMSD | Molecular center of mass mean squared displacement |
CCompositionProfile | CompositionProfile evaluates the distribution of monomer positions along several user-specified directions |
CConfigIo | System configuration file reader and writer |
CConfigIoFactory | Default Factory for subclasses of ConfigIo |
CConfigWriter | Periodically dump system configuration to a new file |
CCoulombFactory | Factory for CoulombPotential objects |
CCrosslinker | Analyzer to create crosslinks and output the resulting configuration |
CCvBias | Bias potential as a function of a collective variable (CV) |
CDCDTrajectoryReader | TrajectoryReader for CHARMM ".dcd" data files |
CDdMdConfigIo | ConfigIo for DdMd data files |
CDdMdTrajectoryReader | TrajectoryReader for a DdMd trajectory file |
CDeformCommand | Command to deform the unit cell |
CDihedralFactory | Factory for subclasses of DihedralPotential |
CDihedralPotential | Interface for a Dihedral Potential |
CDihedralPotentialImpl | Implementation template for an DihedralPotential |
CDpdMove | DpdMove is a short dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulation |
CEndSwapMove | A move that swaps the ends of a linear hetero-polymer |
CEndtoEnd | End to end distance of a molecule |
CEndtoEndXYZ | Mean square end to end distance of a molecule |
CEnergyCalculator | Interface for a class that calculates a total energy |
CEwaldRSpaceAccumulator | Utility class to store r-space Coulomb energy and stress |
CExternalFactory | Factory for subclasses MdExternalPotential or McExternalPotential |
CExternalPotential | Abstract External Potential class |
CExternalPotentialImpl | Template implementation of ExternalPotential |
CG1MSD | Autocorrelation for vector separation of any two monomers on a molecule |
CGcSliplinkMove | Move to evolve the slip-springs |
CGenerator | Generates initial configurations for molecules of one species |
CGroup | A sequence of NAtom covalently interacting atoms |
CGroupRebridgeBase | Base class for rebridging a group of atoms forming a tetrahedron |
CHarmonicCvBias | Harmonic function of a collective variable (CV) |
CHomopolymerSemiGrandMove | A move that changes the type of a HomopolymerSG molecule |
CHomopolymerSG | A Homopolymer with a mutable type, for semigrand ensemble |
CHybridMdMove | HybridMdMove is a hybrid Molecular Dynamics MC move |
CHybridNphMdMove | HybridNphMove is a hybrid Molecular Dynamics MC move for NPT ensemble |
CInterIntraLink | Number of inter and intramolecular links |
CIntraBondStressAutoCorr | Autocorrelation for bond stress of a molecule |
CIntraBondTensorAutoCorr | Autocorrelation for bond stress of a molecule |
CIntraPairAutoCorr | Autocorrelation for vector separation of any two monomers on a molecule |
CIntraStructureFactor | Intramolecular contribution to the structure factor S(k) |
CIntraStructureFactorGrid | IntraStructureFactorGrid evaluates structure factors in Fourier space |
CLammpsConfigIo | ConfigIo for Lammps data files |
CLammpsDumpReader | TrajectoryReader for Lammps dump trajectory files |
CLammpsDumpWriter | Periodically write snapshots to a lammps dump (i.e., trajectory) file |
CLinearCvBias | Linear function of a collective variable (CV) |
CLinearGenerator | Generates random configurations for linear molecules |
CLinearPerturbation | A Perturbation that is a linear function of a parameter |
CLinearRouseAutoCorr | Autocorrelation for Rouse mode coefficients of a linear molecule |
CLinearSG | A mutable linear polymer, for semigrand ensemble |
CLink | A Link represents a crosslink between two Atoms |
CLinkAddEvent | Event signalling addition of Link to the LinkMaster |
CLinkFactory | Factory for subclasses of MdBondPotential or McBondPotential |
CLinkLengthDist | LinkLengthDist evaluates the distribution function of the lengths of the links |
CLinkLifeTime | LinkLifeTime evaluates how long the slip-springs live |
CLinkLTPos | LinkLTPos evaluates how long the slip-springs live as a function of position along the chain |
CLinkMaster | Manages all Link objects in a System |
CLinkMSD | Evaluates msd of link ends along the chains |
CLinkPotentialImpl | Template implementation of an BondPotential for links |
CLinkRemoveEvent | Event signalling removal of a Link from the LinkMaster |
CLinkResetEvent | Event signalling reset of Link to the LinkMaster |
CLogProgress | Periodically write step number to a Log file |
CMask | Set of Atoms for which pair interactions with a target Atom are "masked" |
CMcAnalyzerFactory | AnalyzerFactory for an McSimulation |
CMcAnalyzerManager | Manager for Analyzer objects in an McSimulation |
CMcBondEnergyAverage | McBondEnergyAverage averages of bond potential energy |
CMcCommandFactory | CommandFactory for an McSimulation |
CMcCommandManager | Command interpreter and Manager for an McSimulation |
CMcConfigIo | ConfigIo for MC simulations (no atom velocities) |
CMcCoulombPotential | Long-range part of Coulomb potential for MC |
CMcDeformCommand | Command to deform the unit cell |
CMcEnergyAnalyzer | Compute averages and output block averages of energy components |
CMcEnergyAverage | McEnergyAverage averages of total potential energy |
CMcEnergyOutput | Analyzer to output total potential energy |
CMcEnergyPerturbation | A Perturbation with a variable inverse temperature |
CMcExternalEnergyAverage | McExternalEnergyAverage averages of total external energy |
CMcExternalPerturbation | A Perturbation in the external potential external parameter |
CMcIntraBondStressAutoCorr | Autocorrelation for bond stress of a molecule |
CMcIntraBondTensorAutoCorr | Autocorrelation for bond stress of a molecule |
CMcMdConfigIo | Base class for default Mc and Md configIos |
CMcMove | McMove is an abstract base class for Monte Carlo moves |
CMcMoveFactory | McMoveFactory for an McSimulation |
CMcMoveManager | Manager for a set of McMove objects |
CMcMuExchange | Exchange chemical potential for semigrand ensemble |
CMcNVTChemicalPotential | McNVTChemicalPotential uses configuration bias algorithm to calculate the chemical potential of a linear chain |
CMcPairEnergyAverage | McPairEnergyAverage averages of total potential energy |
CMcPairExternalPerturbation | A Perturbation in the pair interaction epsilon(0,1) for any pair potential supporting setEpsilon() and in the external parameter for any external potential supporting setExternalParameter() |
CMcPairPerturbation | A Perturbation in the pair interaction epsilon(0,1) for any pair potential supporting setEpsilon() |
CMcPairPotential | A PairPotential for MC simulations (abstract) |
CMcPairPotentialImpl | Implementation template for an McPairPotential |
CMcPerturbationFactory | Default Factory for subclasses of Perturbation |
CMcPressureAverage | Analyzer to calculate average isotropic pressure |
CMcSimulation | A Monte-Carlo simulation of one McSystem |
CMcStressAutoCorrelation | Analyzer to calculate average isotropic pressure |
CMcSystem | A System for use in a Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation |
CMcSystemInterface | An interface to an McSystem |
CMcVirialStressTensorAverage | Periodically write (tensor) StressTensor to file |
CMdAnalyzerFactory | AnalyzerFactory for an MdSimulation |
CMdAnalyzerManager | Manager for Analyzer objects in an MdSimulation |
CMdColVar | Collective variables for MD simulation, with atom forces |
CMdCommandFactory | CommandFactory for an MdSimulation |
CMdCommandManager | Command interpreter and Command Manager for an MdSimulation |
CMdConfigIo | ConfigIo for MD simulations (includes velocities) |
CMdCoulombPotential | Coulomb potential for an Md simulation |
CMdDeformCommand | Command to deform the unit cell |
CMdEnergyAnalyzer | Compute averages and output block averages of energy components |
CMdEnergyOutput | Analyzer to output total potential and kinetic energies |
CMdEwaldPairPotentialImpl | Implementation of a pair potential for a charged system |
CMdEwaldPotential | Ewald Coulomb potential class for MD simulations |
CMdIntegrator | Abstract base for molecular dynamics integrators |
CMdIntegratorFactory | Default Factory for subclasses of MdIntegrator |
CMdIntraBondStressAutoCorr | Autocorrelation for bond stress of a molecule |
CMdIntraBondTensorAutoCorr | Autocorrelation for bond orientation of of a molecule |
CMdKineticEnergyAverage | MdKineticEnergyAverage averages of total kinetic energy |
CMdMove | MdMove is a simple NVE molecular Dynamics MC move |
CMdPairEnergyCoefficients | Analyzer to output the total pair energy and the sum of squares of the monomeric and molecular pair energy |
CMdPairPotential | An PairPotential for MD simulation |
CMdPairPotentialImpl | Implementation template for an MdPairPotential |
CMdPotentialEnergyAverage | MdPotentialEnergyAverage averages of total potential energy |
CMdPressureAverage | Calculate average scalar pressure for an MdSystem |
CMdSimulation | A molecular dynamics simulation of a single MdSystem |
CMdSpmePotential | Smooth Particle-Mesh Ewald Coulomb potential for MD simulations |
CMdStressAutoCorr | Analyzer to calculate average isotropic pressure |
CMdSystem | A System for Molecular Dynamics simulation |
CMdSystemInterface | An interface to an MdSystem |
CMdVirialStressTensorAverage | Periodically write (tensor) StressTensor to file |
CMolecule | A physical molecule (a set of covalently bonded Atoms) |
CMoleculeSetObserver | Observer interface |
CNLinkAverage | Average number of crosslinks |
CNphIntegrator | An explictly reversible/measure-preserving Parrinello-Rahman type NPH integrator |
CNveVvIntegrator | An NVE Verlet molecular dynamics integrator |
CNvtDpdVvIntegrator | A velocity-Verlet dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) integrator |
CNvtLangevinIntegrator | A NVT molecular dynamics integrator with a Langevin thermostat |
CNvtNhIntegrator | A Nose-Hoover NVT molecular dynamics integrator |
CPairFactory | Factory for subclasses MdPairPotential or McPairPotential |
CPairIterator | Iterator for pairs in a PairList |
CPairList | A Verlet neighbor list |
CPairPotential | Interface for a Pair Potential |
CPairSelector | Selection rule for pairs of Atoms |
CPerturbation | Model of parameter dependence in a free energy perturbation theory |
CPerturbDerivative | PerturbDerivative returns average value of Perturbation::derivative() |
CPointGenerator | Generator for monoatomic molecules (atoms) |
CPressureAverage | PressureAverage evaluates average pressure |
CRadiusGyration | Radius of gyration of a molecule |
CRDF | RDF evaluates the atomic radial distribution function |
CReplicaMove | Replica exchange Monte Carlo move using Gibbs sampling |
CReSetAtomEvent | Event signalling the reset of an atom from the LinkMaster |
CRigidDisplaceMove | Random rigid displacement of a molecule |
CRingOctaRebridgeMove | Molecule rebridging move for a Ring species |
CRingRouseAutoCorr | Autocorrelation for Rouse mode coefficients of a ring molecule |
CRingTetraRebridgeMove | Molecule move that attempt the exchange of interior pieces of one close rings |
CSemiGrandDistribution | Calculate distribution of type indices for mutable species |
CSimulation | The main object in a simulation, which coordinates others |
CSliplinker | Move to create and destroy slip-springs |
CSliplinkerAll | Move to create and destroy slip-springs |
CSliplinkerEnd | Move to create and destroy slip-springs |
CSliplinkMcAnalyzerFactory | Custom AnalyzerFactory for an McSimulation |
CSliplinkMcModule | Module for slip link simulation |
CSliplinkMcMoveFactory | Custom McMoveFactory |
CSliplinkMdAnalyzerFactory | Custom AnalyzerFactory for an MdSimulation |
CSliplinkMove | Move to evolve the slip-springs |
CSmpConfigIo | Common configuration file format for simpatico |
CSpecialExternal | Potential for testing purposes |
CSpecialFactory | Factory for specialized subclasses of SpecialPotential |
CSpecialPotential | Specialized potential for an MD simulation |
CSpecialPotentialFacade | SpecialPotential interface to an existing potential |
CSpeciesFactory | Default Factory for subclasses of Species |
CSpeciesManager | A Manager for a set of Species objects |
CSpeciesMutator | Mix-in class for mutable subclasses of Species |
CSSChainDist | SSChainDist evaluates the distribution of slip-springs along the chains |
CStressAutoCorr | Compute stress autocorrelation for an isotropic system |
CStressCalculator | Interface for a stress calculator |
CStressTensorAverage | Periodically write (tensor) StressTensor to file |
CStructureFactor | StructureFactor evaluates structure factors in Fourier space |
CStructureFactorGrid | StructureFactorGrid evaluates structure factors in Fourier space |
CStructureFactorP | StructureFactorP evaluates partial structure factors in Fourier space |
CStructureFactorPGrid | StructureFactorPGrid evaluates structure factors in Fourier space |
CSystem | A set of interacting Molecules enclosed by a Boundary |
CSystemAnalyzer | Template for Analyzer associated with one System |
CSystemAnalyzerFactory | AnalyzerFactory for any System (for mc or md) |
CSystemInterface | An interface to a System |
CSystemMove | An McMove that acts on one McSystem |
CTrajectoryReader | Trajectory file reader (base class) |
CTrajectoryReaderFactory | Default Factory for subclasses of TrajectoryReader |
CTrajectoryWriter | Periodically write snapshots to a lammps dump (i.e., trajectory) file |
CTypeDistribution | Calculate distribution of type indices for mutable species |
CVanHove | Evaluates the van Hove function S(k,t) for one or more wavevector k |
CVelProf | Evaluates x-velocity profile as a function of z |
►NSimp | Classes used by all simpatico molecular simulations |
CBend | A Bend calculates the angle between two vectors |
CBendForce | A BendForce computes derivatives of the angle between two vectors |
CBoundaryEnsemble | Statistical ensemble for changes in the periodic unit cell size |
CBoxExternal | A repulsive 9-3 potential confining particles within a box |
CCompensatedPair | Compensated pair potential for transient gel |
CCompositeBond | Composite bond potential |
CCosineAngle | A three body angle potential, as a function of angle cosine |
CCosineDihedral | A dihedral potential proportional to cos(phi) |
CCosineSqAngle | A three body angle potential, as a function of angle cosine |
CDiblock | A linear diblock copolymer chain |
CDpdPair | Soft pair potential used in dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulations of Groot, Warren et al |
CEnergyEnsemble | A statistical ensemble for energy |
CEwaldInteraction | Implementation of r-space and k-space Ewald Coulomb interactions |
CFeneBond | A finitely-extensible nonlinear element (FENE) bond potential |
CGeneralPeriodicExternal | A clipped cosine potential that induces ordering along directions specified by waveIntVectors, w_i |
CHarmonicAngle | A angle potential that is harmonic in the angle |
CHarmonicBond | A harmonic covalent bond potential |
CHarmonicL0Bond | A harmonic bond potential with zero rest length |
CHomopolymer | A Homopolymer species of chain molecules |
CHomoRing | A species of homogeneous ring molecules |
CLamellarOrderingExternal | A clipped cosine potential that induces lamellar ordering along the direction specified by perpDirection_ |
CLinear | A Species of linear polymers (abstract) |
CLJPair | A cutoff, shifted Lennard-Jones nonbonded pair interaction |
CLocalLamellarOrderingExternal | A clipped cosine potential that induces lamellar ordering along the direction specified by perpDirection_ in only a fraction of box specified by the parameter fraction along box length in parallelDirection_ |
CMonoclinicBoundary | A monoclinic periodic unit cell |
CMultiblock | A linear MULTIBLOCK copolymer chain |
CMultiHarmonicDihedral | A truncated Fourier series dihedral potential |
CNucleationExternal | A clipped cosine potential that induces ordering along directions specified by waveIntVectors, w_i |
COrthoBoxExternal | A repulsive 9-3 potential confining particles inside an orthogonal box along directions specified by indConfine_ |
COrthoRegion | A region with orthogonal edges parallel to the x, y, and z axes |
COrthorhombicBoundary | An orthorhombic periodic unit cell |
CPeriodicExternal | A clipped cosine potential that induces ordering along directions specified by waveIntVectors, w_i |
CPoint | A Species in which each Molecule contains only one Atom |
CRing | A Species of ring polymers (abstract) |
CSimplePeriodicExternal | A clipped cosine potential that induces ordering along directions specified by waveIntVectors, w_i |
CSlitExternal | A repulsive 9-3 potential confining particles along the z direction |
CSpecies | A Species represents a set of chemically similar molecules |
CSpeciesEnsemble | An ensemble for the number of molecules of one Species |
CSpeciesGroup | A Group of covalently interacting atoms within any molecule of one Species |
CSphericalTabulatedExternal | The potential is independent on the type of atoms |
CTorsion | Computes dihedral / torsion angle involving 3 bonds |
CTorsionForce | Computes derivatives of dihedral angle with respect to bond vectors |
CWcaPair | A Weeks-Chandler-Anderson (WCA) repulsive LJ interaction |
►NTools | Single-processor classes for pre- and post-processing MD trajectories |
CAnalyzer | Abstract base for periodic output and/or analysis actions |
CAnalyzerManager | Manager for a list of Analyzer objects |
CAtom | A point particle in an MD simulation |
CAtomMSD | Mean-squared displacement of specific atoms in specific species |
CAtomStorage | Container for a set of atoms |
CCell | A single cell in a CellList |
CCellAtom | Data for an atom in a CellList |
CCellList | A cell list used only to identify nearby atom pairs |
CChainMaker | Generates a simulation box full of randomly generated linear polymers |
CConfigReader | Abstract reader/writer for configuration files |
CConfigReaderFactory | Default Factory for subclasses of ConfigReader |
CConfiguration | An instantaneous molecular dynamics configuration |
CConfigWriter | Abstract reader/writer for configuration files |
CConfigWriterFactory | Default Factory for subclasses of ConfigWriter |
CDdMdConfigReader | Native / default DdMd format for configuration files |
CDdMdConfigWriter | Native / default DdMd format for configuration files |
CDdMdTrajectoryReader | Reader for lammps dump trajectory file format |
CGroup | A group of covalently interacting atoms |
CGroupStorage | A container for Group<N> objects |
CHoomdConfigReader | Reader for Hoomd-blue XML configuration files |
CHoomdConfigWriter | Hoomd-blue XML format for configuration files |
CLammpsDumpReader | Reader for lammps dump trajectory file format |
CLammpsDumpWriter | Write a trajectory in the Lammps dump format |
CLogStep | Write step number to log |
CMolecule | An Molecule has a sequence of atoms, and belongs to an Species |
CPairEnergy | Analyzer to compute total nonbonded pair energy |
CProcessor | A post-processor for analyzing outputs of MD simulations |
CProcessorAnalyzerFactory | Factory for Tools::Analyzer objects |
CProcessorAnalyzerManager | Manager for a list of Analyzer objects |
CSpecies | A set of identical molecules |
CTrajectoryReader | Abstract trajectory file reader |
CTrajectoryReaderFactory | Default Factory for subclasses of TrajectoryReader |
CTrajectoryWriter | Based class for classes that write trajectories to a single file |
CTypeMap | Map between type names and type ids |
►NUtil | Utility classes for scientific computation |
CAr1Process | Generator for a discrete AR(1) Markov process |
CArray | Array container class template |
CArrayIterator | Forward iterator for an Array or a C array |
CArraySet | A container for pointers to a subset of elements of an associated array |
CArrayStack | A stack of fixed capacity |
CAutoCorr | Auto-correlation function for one sequence of Data values |
CAutoCorrArray | Auto-correlation function for an ensemble of sequences |
CAutoCorrelation | Auto-correlation function, using hierarchical algorithm |
CAutoCorrStage | Hierarchical auto-correlation function algorithm |
CAverage | Calculates the average and variance of a sampled property |
CAverageStage | Evaluate average with hierarchical blocking error analysis |
CBegin | Beginning line of a composite parameter block |
CBinaryFileIArchive | Saving archive for binary istream |
CBinaryFileOArchive | Saving / output archive for binary ostream |
CBinomial | Class for binomial coefficients (all static members) |
CBit | Represents a specific bit location within an unsigned int |
CBlank | An empty line within a parameter file |
CBool | Wrapper for an bool value, for formatted ostream output |
CCardinalBSpline | A cardinal B-spline basis function |
CCArray2DParam | A Parameter associated with a 2D built-in C array |
CCArrayParam | A Parameter associated with a 1D C array |
CConstants | Mathematical constants |
CConstArrayIterator | Forward const iterator for an Array or a C array |
CConstPArrayIterator | Forward iterator for a PArray |
CDArray | Dynamically allocatable contiguous array template |
CDArrayParam | A Parameter associated with a DArray container |
CDbl | Wrapper for a double precision number, for formatted ostream output |
CDistribution | A distribution (or histogram) of values for a real variable |
CDMatrix | Dynamically allocated Matrix |
CDMatrixParam | A Parameter associated with a 2D built-in C array |
CDPArray | A dynamic array that only holds pointers to its elements |
CDRaggedMatrix | Dynamically allocated RaggedMatrix |
CDSArray | Dynamically allocated array with variable logical size |
CDSymmMatrixParam | A Parameter associated with a symmetric DMatrix |
CEnd | End bracket of a ParamComposite parameter block |
CException | A user-defined exception |
CFactory | Factory template |
CFArray | A fixed size (static) contiguous array template |
CFArrayParam | A Parameter associated with a FArray container |
CFileMaster | A FileMaster manages input and output files for a simulation |
CFlagSet | A set of boolean variables represented by characters |
CFlexPtr | A pointer that may or may not own the object to which it points |
CFMatrix | Fixed Size Matrix |
CFormat | Base class for output wrappers for formatted C++ ostream output |
CFPArray | Statically allocated pointer array |
CFSArray | A fixed capacity (static) contiguous array with a variable logical size |
CGArray | An automatically growable array, analogous to a std::vector |
CGPArray | An automatically growable PArray |
CGrid | A grid of points indexed by integer coordinates |
CGridArray | Multi-dimensional array with the dimensionality of space |
CGStack | An automatically growable Stack |
CIFunctor | Interface for functor that wraps a void function with one argument (abstract) |
CIFunctor< void > | Interface for functor that wraps a void function with no arguments (abstract) |
CInt | Wrapper for an int, for formatted ostream output |
CIntDistribution | A distribution (or histogram) of values for an int variable |
CIntVector | An IntVector is an integer Cartesian vector |
CLabel | A label string in a file format |
CList | Linked list class template |
CListArray | An array of objects that are accessible by one or more linked List objects |
CListIterator | Bidirectional iterator for a List |
CLng | Wrapper for a long int, for formatted ostream output |
CLog | A static class that holds a log output stream |
CManager | Template container for pointers to objects with a common base class |
CMatrix | Two-dimensional array container template (abstract) |
CMeanSqDispArray | Mean-squared displacement (MSD) vs |
CMemory | Provides method to allocate array |
CMemoryCounter | Archive to computed packed size of a sequence of objects, in bytes |
CMemoryIArchive | Input archive for packed heterogeneous binary data |
CMemoryOArchive | Save archive for packed heterogeneous binary data |
CMethodFunctor | Functor that wraps a one-argument class member function |
CMethodFunctor< Object, void > | Functor that wraps a class member function with no arguments |
CMpiFileIo | Identifies whether this processor may do file I/O |
CMpiLoader | Provides methods for MPI-aware loading of data from input archive |
CMpiLogger | Allows information from every processor in a communicator, to be output in rank sequence |
CMpiStructBuilder | A MpiStructBuilder objects is used to create an MPI Struct datatype |
CMpiTraits | Default MpiTraits class |
CMpiTraits< bool > | MpiTraits<bool> explicit specialization |
CMpiTraits< char > | MpiTraits<char> explicit specialization |
CMpiTraits< DdMd::AtomType > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits<AtomType> |
CMpiTraits< DdMd::MaskPolicy > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits<MaskPolicy> |
CMpiTraits< double > | MpiTraits<double> explicit specialization |
CMpiTraits< float > | MpiTraits<float> explicit specialization |
CMpiTraits< int > | MpiTraits<int> explicit specialization |
CMpiTraits< IntVector > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits<IntVector> |
CMpiTraits< long > | MpiTraits<long> explicit specialization |
CMpiTraits< long double > | MpiTraits<long double> explicit specialization |
CMpiTraits< McMd::AtomType > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits<AtomType> |
CMpiTraits< McMd::MaskPolicy > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits<MaskPolicy> |
CMpiTraits< McMd::PairSelector > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits<PairSelector> |
CMpiTraits< McMd::PairSelector::PairType > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits<PairSelector::PairType> |
CMpiTraits< MonoclinicBoundary > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits<MonoclinicBoundary> |
CMpiTraits< Pair< int > > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits< Pair<int> > |
CMpiTraits< Rational > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits<Rational> |
CMpiTraits< short > | MpiTraits<short> explicit specialization |
CMpiTraits< Simp::BoundaryEnsemble > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits<Simp::BoundaryEnsemble> |
CMpiTraits< Simp::BoundaryEnsemble::Type > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits<Simp::BoundaryEnsemble::Type> |
CMpiTraits< Simp::EnergyEnsemble > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits<Simp::EnergyEnsemble> |
CMpiTraits< Simp::EnergyEnsemble::Type > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits<Simp::EnergyEnsemble::Type> |
CMpiTraits< Simp::OrthorhombicBoundary > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits<OrthorhombicBoundary> |
CMpiTraits< Simp::SpeciesEnsemble > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits<Simp::SpeciesEnsemble> |
CMpiTraits< Simp::SpeciesEnsemble::Type > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits<Simp::SpeciesEnsemble::Type> |
CMpiTraits< Simp::SpeciesGroup< 2 > > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits< SpeciesGroup<2> > |
CMpiTraits< Simp::SpeciesGroup< 3 > > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits< SpeciesGroup<3> > |
CMpiTraits< Simp::SpeciesGroup< 4 > > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits< SpeciesGroup<4> > |
CMpiTraits< Tensor > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits<Tensor> |
CMpiTraits< unsigned char > | MpiTraits<unsigned char> explicit specialization |
CMpiTraits< unsigned int > | MpiTraits<unsigned int> explicit specialization |
CMpiTraits< unsigned long > | MpiTraits<unsigned long> explicit specialization |
CMpiTraits< unsigned short > | MpiTraits<unsigned short> explicit specialization |
CMpiTraits< Util::LatticeSystem > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits<LatticeSystem> |
CMpiTraits< Vector > | Explicit specialization MpiTraits<Vector> |
CMpiTraitsNoType | Base class for MpiTraits with no type |
CMTRand | Generates double floating point numbers in the half-open interval [0, 1) |
CMTRand53 | Generates 53 bit resolution doubles in the half-open interval [0, 1) |
CMTRand_closed | Generates double floating point numbers in the closed interval [0, 1] |
CMTRand_int32 | Mersenne Twister random number generator engine |
CMTRand_open | Generates double floating point numbers in the open interval (0, 1) |
CNode | Linked List Node, class template |
CNotifier | Abstract template for a notifier (or subject) in the Observer design pattern |
CObserver | Abstract class template for observer in the observer design pattern |
COptionalLabel | An optional Label string in a file format |
CPair | An array of exactly 2 objects |
CParamComponent | Abstract base class for classes that input and ouput parameters to file |
CParamComposite | An object that can read multiple parameters from file |
CParameter | A single variable in a parameter file |
CPArray | An array that only holds pointers to its elements |
CPArrayIterator | Forward iterator for a PArray |
CPointGroup | Group of crystal symmetries with no translations |
CPointSymmetry | A PointSymmetry represents a crystallographic point group symmetry |
CPolynomial | A Polynomial (i.e, |
CRadialDistribution | Distribution (or histogram) of values for particle separations |
CRaggedMatrix | A 2D array in which different rows can have different lengths |
CRandom | Random number generator |
CRArray | An Array that acts as a reference to another Array or C array |
CRational | A Rational number (a ratio of integers) |
CRingBuffer | Class for storing history of previous values in an array |
CScalarParam | Template for a Parameter object associated with a scalar variable |
CScopedPtr | A very simple RAII pointer |
CSerializable | Abstract class for serializable objects |
CSetable | Template for a value that can be set or declared null (i.e., unknown) |
CSignal | Notifier (or subject) in the Observer design pattern |
CSignal< void > | Notifier (or subject) in the Observer design pattern (zero parameters) |
CSSet | Statically allocated array of pointers to an unordered set |
CStr | Wrapper for a std::string, for formatted ostream output |
CSymmetryGroup | Class template for a group of elements of type Symmetry |
CSymmTensorAverage | Calculates averages of all components of a Tensor-valued variable |
CTensor | A Tensor represents a Cartesian tensor |
CTensorAverage | Calculates averages of all components of a Tensor-valued variable |
CTextFileIArchive | Loading archive for text istream |
CTextFileOArchive | Saving archive for character based ostream |
CTimer | Wall clock timer |
CVector | A Vector is a Cartesian vector |
CXdrFileIArchive | Loading / input archive for binary XDR file |
CXdrFileOArchive | Saving / output archive for binary XDR file |
CXmlAttribute | Parser for an XML attribute |
CXmlBase | Base class for classes that parse XML markup tags |
CXmlEndTag | Parser for an XML end tag |
CXmlStartTag | Parser for an XML start tag |
CXmlXmlTag | Parser for an XML file declaration tag (first line in file) |
CCommandLine | Abstraction of a C array of command line arguments |
CCompositeTestRunner | A TestRunner comprised of one or more child TestRunners |
CParamFileTest | A UnitTest with a built-in input file |
CTestA | This example shows how to construct and run a single UnitTest class |
CTestB | Trivial UnitTest B |
CTestException | An exception thrown by a failed unit test |
CTestRunner | Abstract base class for classes that run tests |
CUnitTest | UnitTest is a base class for classes that define unit tests |
CUnitTestRunner | Template for a TestRunner that runs test methods of an associated UnitTest |