Simpatico  v1.10


This analyzer compute average nonbonded pair energy for particular pairs of species.

If nSamplePerBlock > 0, it outputs block average values every interval*nSamplePerBlock time steps. Each block average is an average of nSamplePerBlock values.

See also


The parameter file format is:

interval int
outputFileName string
nSamplePerBlock int
pairs Array<int> [2]

in which

interval number of steps between data samples
outputFileName name of output file
nSamplePerBlock number of samples per block average
pairs pairs is an array that stores two atom type indices


During the simulation, if nSamplePerBlock > 0, block averages are output to the file {outputFileName}.dat.

At the end of the simulation, parameters are echoed to file {outputFileName}.prm and final results for average and error analysis output to {outputFileName}.ave.