Simpatico  v1.10


This analyzer calculates a Van Hove function S(q,t) for a specified set of wavevectors. The van Hove function for each wavevector q is defined as an autocorrelation function for a Fourier amplitude that is defined using a mode vector, by assigning a weight coefficient to each atom type, as in the StructurFactor diagnostic. The array of atomTypeCoeffs parameters used here is equivalent to the "mode" arrays defined in StructureFactor class. See the class definition See the DdMd::VanHove class documentation for a precise definition of S(q,t).

See also


The parameter file format is:

interval int
outputFileName string
atomTypeCoeffs Array<double> [nAtomType]
nBuffer int
nWave int
waveIntVectors Array<IntVector> [nWave]

in which

interval number of steps between data samples
outputFileName name of output file
atomTypeCoeffs Each row is a vector of dimension nAtomType, which specifies a set of weight factors for different atom types in the calcultation of Fourier amplitudes.
nBuffer number of time separation values.
nWave number of reciprocal lattice wavevectors.
waves array of reciprocal lattice vectors, each specified on a separate line by 3 integer indices (Miller indices)


Consider a system with nAtomType = 2, with two monomer types 0 and 1. The correlation function for the composition, defined as a difference between the A and B monomer concentrations, can be calculated using the mode vector (1,-1). A parameter file input for calculating S(q,t) for the composition mode for 5 wavevectors along the x axis in a cubic or orthorhombic unit cell might look like this:

interval 1000
outputFileName VanHove
nBuffer 100
atomTypeCoeffs 1 -1
nWave 5
waveIntVectors 8 0 0
9 0 0
10 0 0
11 0 0
12 0 0

Output Files

At the end of a simulation, all of the structure factors are output in a file {outputFileName}.dat. Results for different wavevectors are listed consecutively in blocks. Each block begins with the integer indices (Miller indices) for the associated wavevector.