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In this section, we discuss details of how the most important data structures are organized in the implementation of the mcSim and mdSim single-processor programs. The organization of data in the parallel ddSim program is signficantly different.
The underlying organization of memory in mcSim and mdSim is not apparent from the public interface. The public interface of the System class allows Molecule objects to be accessed only through methods of a System that either return a Molecule of a particular species by reference, or initialize an iterator for all molecules of one Species. To access a particular atom, one must first obtain a reference or pointer to the parent Molecule, and then invoke a method of the Molecule that either returns a particular Atom by reference or that initializes an iterator for all atoms in one Molecule. Particular Group<NAtom> objects within a molecule, which represent covalent bonds (NAtom=2), angle groups and torsion groups can be accessed by patterns similar to those used for access Atoms.
The implementation of Simpatico actually uses a set of large arrays of Molecule, Atom, and Group objects, each of which acts as a sort of memory pool. Each of these arrays is a private member of the main Simulation object, and is allocated during the initialization of the simulation. Each of these arrays holds all of the Molecule, Atom, and Group objects that are available for use by molecules of any Species in any System during a simulation.
Each molecule object is permanently associated with a block of Atom objects in the global Atom array, a block of Bond (i.e,. Group<2>) objects in the global array of Bond objects, and so forth for Angle (Group<3>) and Torsion (Group<4>) objects. This association of each molecule with blocks of constitutent objects is created immediately after these arrays are allocated, by setting pointer members of each molecule to point to the first element of the associated blocks of Atom and Group<NAtom> objects. This association of Molecule objects with blocks of atoms and groups is permanent: It is never changed after it is created. Each Atom object also has a pointer to its parent Molecule, and each Molecule has a pointer to its parent Species, which are also set during initialization of the Simulation, and unchanged thereafter.
Molecule objects and associated blocks of atoms and Group objects are never created or destroyed after initialization. Ownership of a Molecule may, however, be transferred between a reservoir of unused molecules of that Species and a System, or (in Gibbs ensemble) between two Systems, by transferring a pointer to the molecule between appropriate containers. This is discussed in more detail below.
The private molecules_ array container of a Simulation holds all of the Molecule objects of that are available for all Species in a Simulation. Each species is assigned a contiguous block of Molecule elements within this array.
The number of molecules that is allocated for each species is the capacity of the Species. The capacity of the molecules_ array is thus given by the sum of the values of capacity() for all Species. The capacity of each species is specified in the parameter file. In Canonical and Gibbs ensembles, the total number of molecules of each Species is fixed, and so the capacity can be set equal to this actual number of molecules. In grand canonical ensembles, the Species capacity must be chosen to be large enough to accomodate any fluctuations that might be encountered during the simulation.
Each System in a Simulation has a container for each Species that that holds pointers to Molecules of that Species that are currently in the System. In addition, each Species object has a container, known as a reservoir, that holds pointers to "unused" molecules within the block of memory reserved for that species. The reservoir is implemented as a stack of pointers to Molecule objects (an ArrayStack < Molecule > container). The typedef Species::Reservoir is a synonym for ArrayStack < Molecule >. The container used by each System to hold molecules of one Species is an ArraySet < Molecule > object. The typedef System::MoleculeSet is a synonym for ArraySet < Molecule >. An ArraySet < Molecule > is a container for Molecule pointers that provides rapid O(1) random access and O(1) insertion and deletion, but that generally changes the order in which the Molecule* pointers are stored when a Molecule is removed.
When a Simulation is initialized, all the molecules of each Species are initially pushed onto the associated reservoir. Ownership of some or all of the molecules of each species is then transferred to a System when a configuration file is read. The configuration file for a System contains the actual number of molecules of each species in that System, as well as all of the atomic coordinates. Ownership of a molecule is transferred from the reservoir to a System by popping a molecule off the reservoir, using the pop() method of the Reservoir container, and then calling System::AddMolecule(Molecule&) to add it to the MoleculeSet for that Species in the System.
This data structure is designed to accomodate later implementation of simulations of open ensembles, in which molecules may be added to and removed from a System during a simulation. In grand-canonical ensemble, a Molecule may be transferred from a reservoir to a System by the same procedure as that used when reading a configuration file, and may be removed from a system by calling the system removeMolecule(Molecule&) method and then pushing the molecule onto the appropriate reservoir. In Gibbs ensemble, a Molecule may be transferred from one System to another by invoking the addMolecule() and removeMolecule() methods of the two System.
The organization of data in Simpatico is a result of the desire to: (1) Avoid dynamical allocation of memory after initialization of the simulation, (2) Arrange memory as much as possible in contiguous arrays, and (3) Allow for eventual extension to open ensemble simulations. Criteria (1) and (2) were motivated by efficiency considerations, in the belief that these criteria might be necessary to implement molecular dynamics with an efficiency that rivals that of well optimized MD programs.
Atom Objects
The atoms_ array of a Simulation holds all of the Atom objects that are available in a simulation, for all molecules of all species. When the initialization of a Simulation is completed, each Molecule object is associated with a contiguous block of Atom objects within this array. Molecules of the same Species are associated with contiguous blocks of Atoms within this array, creating a larger block of Atom objects associated with the Species. The size of the atoms_ array is chosen to be large enough to hold all of the Atoms associated with all molecules of all species. As already noted, the association between Molecules and blocks of Atoms is created during initialization, by setting a pointer in each Molecule to point to the first Atom in the associated block of the atoms_ array, and setting a pointer for each Atom that points to the parent Molecule object.
Group Objects
The Group objects of each type (i.e., Bonds, Angle, and Torsion objects) are also stored in a set of global arrays, which are DArray container members of the Simulation object. It is sufficient to discuss the Bond (or Group<2>) objects. All Bond objects needed construct all molecules of all Species are held in the bonds_ array. The organization of this array is closely analogous to that of the atoms_ array: Each Molecule is associated with a contiguous block of Bond objects, with consecutive Molecules consecutive blocks. Each Molecule contains a pointer to the first Bond in the associated Block. Each Bond contains pointers to the two associated Atom objects in the atoms_ array, and a bond type index. The identities of the two Atom objects are established during initialization of the simulation, using the description of covalent structure that is stored in the associate Species object, and never changes thereafter.
Arrays of Angle (Group<3>) and Torsion (Group<4>) objects have not yet been added, but will be organized and initialized in a manner closely analogous to that used for Bond objects.
Defining Chemical Structure: SpeciesGroup Objects
Each Species object contains a set of SpeciesGroup objects that specify the chemical structure of a generic Molecule of that Species. The set of Atoms involved in an N-body covalent interaction (i.e., a 2-body Bond, a 3-body Angle, or a 4-body torsion) are specified in a SpeciesGroup < N > object as a set of integer atom indices, in which the atoms of each molecule are indexed from 0 within each molecule. The resulting description of chemical structure of a generic molecule is used during initialization to assign pointers to specific Atom objects to Group objects that are associated with specific Molecules. Each SpeciesGroup is thus a template for initializing one Group within each molecule of the associated species.
Initialization Process
All required initialization of a simulation is done within the readParam() method of the main Simulation object. More generally, the initialization of each object in Simpatico is, as much as possible, carried out entirely within its readParam method. The readParam methods of McSimulation and MdSimulation subclasses both call Simulation::readParam() to carry out the initialization of basic data structures required by both types of Simulation.
Before allocating any memory for the data structures described above, Simulation::readParam() method invokes the readParam method of the SpeciesManager. This calls the readParam method of each species, and thus determines the capacity of each species (i.e., the number of molecules to be allocated) and the number of atoms, bonds, etc. per molecule of each species. This information is used to calculate the total number of molecules, atoms, and bonds needed, and the associated global arrays are allocated. After associations between molecules and blocks of Atom and Group<N> objects are created, Bond objects are initialized, and atom type ids are set, using the public interface of the Species class to describe the chemical structure of each species.
The last step of Simulation::readParam() is to push all of the molecules of each Species onto the associated reservoir. Molecules are initially added to the reservoir in reverse order, so that the first (lowest address) molecule is at the top of the stack. This is so that they can be popped off in sequential order (first molecule first), when the configuration file is read. The readParam() method of an McSimulation or MdSimulation also calls the readParam() method for the associated System object, which allocates and initializes the container for each Species in the associated System. After the main readParam() method returns, the System is empty, but is ready to read a configuration file.
The config file for a System is read by an associated ConfigIo object. When a config file is read, ownership of a specified number of molecules of each species (less than or equal to the capacity) is transferred from the reservoir to the System, and atomic positions are assigned to all atoms of these molecules. In simulations of closed systems, in which molecules are added to a System only when the configuration file is read, iteration over all molecules of a Species will thus traverse the molecule array and the associated blocks of the Atom and Group arrays sequentially.
In a long grand-canonical or Gibbs ensemble simulation, iteration over all molecules of a Species within one System will eventually lead to a random pattern access of Molecules and associated blocks of Atoms and Groups.
Atom Class Implementation
In order to keep each Atom object small for efficiency, the Atom class is implemented in a way that allows some of the logical attributes of an Atom to be stored in separate arrays, rather than as nonstatic members of the Atom class. All of the atom objects in a simulation are allocated in a single array, which is a private static member of the Atom class. The atoms_ array member of the main simulation object is actually an RArray<Atom> container that holds the address and and capacity of this static array, and that thus acts as an alias for this array. Other private static array members of Atom are allocated for attributes of an Atom that are not actually members of an Atom object. In the current implementation, the Mask associated with an atom, the pointer to its parent Molecule, and the associated force and velocity Vectors are all stored in such separate arrays. The accessor and setter methods associated with these attributes directly access these arrays, thus providing an interface identical to what one would expect if these attributes were stored as members of the Atom object. In order for this scheme to work, however, we must prohibit instantiation of individual Atom objects (by making the default and copy constructors private). This scheme requires that all of the Atom objects in a simulation be allocated at once by calling the static Atom::allocate() method, which allocates both the array of Atom objects and associated arrays of atom attributes, all of which use the same indexing scheme.
This peculiar implementation of the Atom class was motivated by efficiency, and by consideration of the nature of the inner loop in the calculation of nonbonded interactions. The inner loop of the calculation of nonbonded pair interactions in either an MC or an MD simulation involves an iteration of the neighbors of a particular "root" atom (using either a cell list in MC or a Verlet list in MD). This requires access to the Mask object associatd with the root atom, but requires access to only the position and type ids of its neighbors. The inner loop in MD also requires access to the force vector associated with both the root Atom and each interacting neighbor. In the current implementation, and Atom is a 32 byte object that contains only a position Vector, an atomic type id, and a global atom id, which is also the array index of the atom. In this case, an Atom object thus contains only the information required to calculate the pair interaction for each neighbor (its position and atomic type id) and the atom array index that is required to rapidly access the other attributes that are stored in separate arrays.
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