Simpatico  v1.10
MC/MD Analyzers

Detailed Description

Analyzers for either MC or MD simulations.


class  McMd::BennettsMethod
 Bennett's method estimates free energy difference between two states. More...
class  McMd::PerturbDerivative
 PerturbDerivative returns average value of Perturbation::derivative(). More...
class  McMd::LogProgress
 Periodically write step number to a Log file. More...
class  McMd::AtomMSD
 Autocorrelation for vector separation of two atoms on a molecule. More...
class  McMd::BlockRadiusGyration
 Radius of gyration of different blocks in a molecule. More...
class  McMd::BondLengthDist
 BondLengthDist evaluates the distribution function of the lengths of the bonds. More...
class  McMd::BoundaryAverage
 Average of boundary lengths and volume of simulation cell. More...
class  McMd::ComMSD
 Molecular center of mass mean squared displacement. More...
class  McMd::ConfigWriter
 Periodically dump system configuration to a new file. More...
class  McMd::IntraBondStressAutoCorr< SystemType >
 Autocorrelation for bond stress of a molecule. More...
class  McMd::IntraBondTensorAutoCorr< SystemType >
 Autocorrelation for bond stress of a molecule. More...
class  McMd::IntraPairAutoCorr
 Autocorrelation for vector separation of any two monomers on a molecule. More...
class  McMd::IntraStructureFactor
 Intramolecular contribution to the structure factor S(k) More...
class  McMd::IntraStructureFactorGrid
 IntraStructureFactorGrid evaluates structure factors in Fourier space. More...
class  McMd::LinearRouseAutoCorr
 Autocorrelation for Rouse mode coefficients of a linear molecule. More...
class  McMd::PressureAverage< SystemType >
 PressureAverage evaluates average pressure. More...
class  McMd::RadiusGyration
 Radius of gyration of a molecule. More...
class  McMd::RDF
 RDF evaluates the atomic radial distribution function. More...
class  McMd::RingRouseAutoCorr
 Autocorrelation for Rouse mode coefficients of a ring molecule. More...
class  McMd::StressAutoCorr< SystemType >
 Compute stress autocorrelation for an isotropic system. More...
class  McMd::StressTensorAverage< SystemType >
 Periodically write (tensor) StressTensor to file. More...
class  McMd::StructureFactor
 StructureFactor evaluates structure factors in Fourier space. More...
class  McMd::StructureFactorGrid
 StructureFactorGrid evaluates structure factors in Fourier space. More...
class  McMd::StructureFactorP
 StructureFactorP evaluates partial structure factors in Fourier space. More...
class  McMd::StructureFactorPGrid
 StructureFactorPGrid evaluates structure factors in Fourier space. More...
class  McMd::SystemAnalyzerFactory
 AnalyzerFactory for any System (for mc or md). More...
class  McMd::VanHove
 Evaluates the van Hove function S(k,t) for one or more wavevector k. More...
class  McMd::SystemAnalyzer< SystemType >
 Template for Analyzer associated with one System. More...
class  McMd::LammpsDumpWriter
 Periodically write snapshots to a lammps dump (i.e., trajectory) file. More...
class  McMd::TrajectoryWriter
 Periodically write snapshots to a lammps dump (i.e., trajectory) file. More...
class  McMd::AverageAnalyzer< SystemType >
 AverageAnalyzer averages of total potential energy. More...