Simpatico  v1.10
Monte Carlo Moves

Detailed Description

This module contains all McMove (Monte Carlo Move) classes.

McMove is an abstract base class. Each subclass represents a specific MC moves algorithm.

See also
User documentation


class  McMd::CfbEndBase
 Base class for configuration bias (CFB) end regrowth moves. More...
class  McMd::CfbRebridgeBase
 Base class configuration bias moves internal segment regrowth moves. More...
class  McMd::GroupRebridgeBase
 Base class for rebridging a group of atoms forming a tetrahedron. More...
class  McMd::AtomDisplaceMove
 Random displacement of one atom. More...
class  McMd::DpdMove
 DpdMove is a short dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulation. More...
class  McMd::HybridMdMove
 HybridMdMove is a hybrid Molecular Dynamics MC move. More...
class  McMd::HybridNphMdMove
 HybridNphMove is a hybrid Molecular Dynamics MC move for NPT ensemble. More...
class  McMd::MdMove
 MdMove is a simple NVE molecular Dynamics MC move. More...
class  McMd::RigidDisplaceMove
 Random rigid displacement of a molecule. More...
class  McMd::CfbDoubleRebridgeMove
 configuration bias trimer double rebridge moves, to reconnect two chains. More...
class  McMd::CfbEndMove
 Configuration bias end regrowth move for flexible linear chains. More...
class  McMd::CfbLinear
 Base class for configuration bias (CFB) end regrowth moves. More...
class  McMd::CfbLinearEndMove
 Configuration bias end regrowth move for flexible linear chains. More...
class  McMd::CfbRebridgeMove
 Config-bias move for internal segment of a flexible linear polymer. More...
class  McMd::CfbReptateMove
 Configuration bias reptation move for a Linear species. More...
class  McMd::CfbReptationMove
 Configuration bias reptation move for a Linear species. More...
class  McMd::EndSwapMove
 A move that swaps the ends of a linear hetero-polymer. More...
class  McMd::McMove
 McMove is an abstract base class for Monte Carlo moves. More...
class  McMd::McMoveFactory
 McMoveFactory for an McSimulation. More...
class  McMd::McMoveManager
 Manager for a set of McMove objects. More...
class  McMd::CfbRingRebridgeMove
 Configuration bias rebridge moves for ring molecules. More...
class  McMd::RingOctaRebridgeMove
 Molecule rebridging move for a Ring species. More...
class  McMd::RingTetraRebridgeMove
 Molecule move that attempt the exchange of interior pieces of one close rings. More...
class  McMd::HomopolymerSemiGrandMove
 A move that changes the type of a HomopolymerSG molecule. More...
class  McMd::SystemMove
 An McMove that acts on one McSystem. More...