Simpatico  v1.10
Util namespace

Detailed Description

Group of modules containing classes in the Util namespace.


 Statistical operations (e.g., averages or autocorrelations) on a data sequence.
 Serialization of C++ objects to/from file or memory.
 Container Templates
 Container and iterator class templates.
 Crystal periodicity and symmetry groups.
 Output Format
 Utilities to simplify formatted C++ stream output.
 Mathematical constants and utilities.
 Miscellaneous Utilities
 Miscellaneous utility classes and functions.
 Managers and Factories
 A Manager is a container for items with a common base class.
 Parameter File IO
 Classes used to read parameters from a parameter file.
 Random numbers and processes.
 Signals (Observer Pattern)
 Classes used to implement the observer design pattern.
 Space (Vector, Tensor)
 Classes that represent spatial Vectors, Tensors, etc.
 Xml Tag Parsers
 Classes to verify and parse XML markup tags.