Simpatico  v1.10


This analyzer calculates the radii of gyration of blocks of atoms of the same type within a molecule and the mean-squared distanced between the center of mass of different blocks, for a specified species of molecule. This was written for use with block copolymers, but the definition of a "block" used here operationally mean "a set of all atoms of a specific atom type", without regard to whether they form a contiguous block within the molecular structure.

KNOWN BUG: The algorithm appears to assume that the chosen species will contain at least one atom every type of atom in the simulation (i.e., at least one atom of each type 0,...,nAtomType). This is correct only for a few situations, such as a melt of AB diblock copolymers, and will probably crash if this assumption is not correct.


The parameter file format is:

interval int
outputFileName string
samplePerBlock int
speciesId int

in which

interval number of steps between data samples
outputFileName name of output file
samplePerBlock number of samples averaged in each block average
speciesId integer index of molecular species


If nSamplePerBlock != 0, a time sequence of block average values of these quantities will be output to a file {outputFileName}.dat during the simulation. Final average values with error estimates are output to {outputFileName}.ave.