Simpatico  v1.10


This analyzer calculates partial structure factor for a specified species of molecule, for a specific set of pairs of atom types. See class documentation for a precise definition, and explanation of conventions for atom type indices.

See also


The parameter file format is:

interval int
outputFileName string
speciesId int
nAtomTypeIdPair int
atomTypeIdPairs Array< Pair<int> > [nAtomTypeIdPair]
nWave int
waveIntVectors Array< IntVector > [nWave]

in which

interval number of steps between data samples
outputFileName name of output file
speciesId integer index of molecular species
nAtomTypeIdPair number of pairs of atom type ids
atomTypeIdPairs Array in which each element is pair of atom types for which the structure factor should be calculated. Negative values of the type id can be used to indicate a sum over all atom types.
nWave number of reciprocal lattice vectors for which to calculate
waveIntVectors Array of reciprocal lattice wavevectors, expressed in terms of integer indices (Miller indices)

Output Files

At the end of the simulation: