Simpatico  v1.10


This analyzer computes the chemical potential of a linear molecule, using a configuration bias insertion algorithm.

TODO: The parameter file format and meaning of the parameters for this analyzer are not well documented. Input required from class author T. Ghasimakbari.

See also


The parameter file format is:

interval int
outputFileName string
nSamplePerBlock int
nTrial int
nMolecule int
speciesId int
EMin double
EMax double
EenBin double
Emin double
Emax double
EcnBin double
Emmin double
Emmax double
EmnBin double
BRmin double
BRmax double
BRnBin double

in which

interval number of steps between data samples
outputFileName name of output file
nSamplePerBlock number of samples per block average
speciesId integer index of molecule species


During the simulation, if nSamplePerBlock > 0, block averages are output to the file {outputFileName}.dat. If nSamplePerBlock == 0, this file is not created.

At the end of the simulation: