Simpatico  v1.10


This analyzer computes the average of each component of the total energy, and optionally outputs block averages of all components during the simulation, if nSamplePerBlock > 0.

See also


The parameter file format is:

interval int
outputFileName string
[nSamplePerBlock int]
[coulombComponents bool]

with parameters

interval number of steps between data samples
outputFileName name of output file
nSamplePerBlock number of samples per block average (optional: default = 0)
coulombComponents true iff r-space and k-space recorded separately (optional: default = false)

The parameter nSamplePerBlock is optional, and defaults to nSamplePerBlock == 0 if absent, denoting no output of block averages.


During the simulation, if nSamplePerBlock > 0, block averages are output to the file {outputFileName}.dat. In this case a description of the format of this *.dat file, indicating a label for the data in each column, is output to the file {outputFileName}.fmt. If nSamplePerBlock == 0, this file is not created.

At the end of the simulation: