Simpatico  v1.10


This analyzer calculates the Van Hove function S(q,t), also known as the intermediate structure factor, for a single specified "mode" vectors, which defines weighting factors for different atom types, and a specified set of one or more reciprocal lattice wavevectors.

See the McMd::VanHove class documentation for a precise mathematical definition of S(q,t). Also see the example input file below.

See also


The parameter file format is:

interval int
outputFileName string
atomTypeCoeffs Array<double>[nAtomType]
nBuffer int
nWave int
waveIntVectors Array<IntVector> [nWave]

in which

interval number of steps between data samples
outputFileName name of output file
atomTypeCoeff An array of dimension nAtomType that specifies weight factors for different atom types in the calculation of Fourier modes.
nBuffer Number of past values of Fourier components stored in the buvfer, and number of values of the correlation function.
nWave number of reciprocal lattice wavevectors.
waves array of reciprocal lattice vectors, each specified on a separate line by 3 integer indices (Miller indices)

See the example input in the McMd::VanHove class documentation.

Output Files

At the end of a simulation, all of the structure factors are output in a file {outputFileName}.dat . (TODO: Further details of format needed).