Simpatico  v1.10
mcSim - single-processor Monte-Carlo program

Single-processor Monte Carlo simulation program.


mcSim [-q] [-e] [-r file] [-p file] [-c file] [-i prefix] [-o prefix]

Command Line Options


Enable echoing of list of enabled and disabled compile-time options to log file, to document which version of the program was used.


Enable echoing of parameter file to log file as it is read. This option is often useful for debugging the parameter file.

-r file

Set the program to reads a binary restart file to continue a previous run. The restart file name is given by the argument "file".

-p file

Set the parameter file name, given by the argument "file". The -p and -r options are incompatible: A simulation must be initialized with either a parameter file or a restart file, but not both.

-c file

Set the command file name, given by the argument "file".

-i prefix

Set the input file path prefix, given by the argument "prefix". If not set here, this may also be set in the FileMaster block of the parameter file.

-o prefix

Set the output file path prefix, given by the argument "prefix". If not set here, this may also be set in the FileMaster block of the parameter file.