Linear chain of atoms of the same type.
A homopolymer is a chain of nAtom atoms with the same atomType (i.e., the same type id) connected by bonds of the same bondType.
If the code is compiled with angle potentials enabled (i.e., with SIMP_ANGLE defined), a Hompolymer may optionally have a bending potential between each sequence of three consecutive atoms. All angle potentials, if present, are characterized by the same angle potential type id, and are thus described by the same parameters.
If the code is compiled with dihedral potentials enabled (i.e., with SIMP_DIHEDRAL defined), a Hompolymer may optionally have a dihedral potential between each sequence of four consecutive atoms. All dihedral potentials, if present, are characterized by the same angle potential type id, and are thus described by the same parameters.
Homopolymerhe parameter file format is:
Square brackets indicate optional parameters, while parentheses indicate parameters whose presence or absence is conditional on the presence or absence or values of earlier parameters, as discussed in more detail below.
Parameters related angle and dihedral potentials (the last four parameters in this format) are valid only if the code has been compiled with angle and dihedral potentials enabled, respectively.
When the code is compiled with the relevant parameters enabled, the boolean parameters hasAngles and hasDihedrals are optional, and are both taken to be false by default if absent. The conditional parameters angleType and dihedral type are required if any and only if the following conditions are satisfied:
The parameter meanings are as follows:
moleculeCapacity | number of molecules for which memory is allocated | required |
nAtom | number of atoms (monomers) in chain | required |
atomType | monomer type id of all monomers | required |
bondType | bond type id of all bonds | required |
hasAngles | true iff molecule has angle potentials | optional (default false) |
angleType | angle type id of all angle potentials | conditional |
hasDihedrals | true iff molecule has dihedral potentials | optional (default false) |
dihedralType | dihedral type id of all dihedral potentials | conditional |
A parameter block to describe a flexible chain, with no angle or dihedral potentials, needs to include only the first three parameters. A parameter block to describe a work like chain must also include hasAngles, which should be set true, and an angleType parameter. A parameter block to describe a homogeneous polymer with angle and dihedral potentials must include all 7 possible parameters.