PSCF v1.1
Symmetry-adapted Fourier basis for pseudo-spectral scft. More...
#include <Basis.h>
Classes | |
class | Star |
A list of wavevectors that are related by space-group symmetries. More... | |
class | Wave |
Wavevector used to construct a basis function. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
Basis () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
~Basis () | |
Destructor. More... | |
void | makeBasis (Mesh< D > const &mesh, UnitCell< D > const &unitCell, SpaceGroup< D > const &group) |
Construct basis for a specific mesh and space group. More... | |
void | makeBasis (Mesh< D > const &mesh, UnitCell< D > const &unitCell, std::string groupName) |
Construct basis for a specific mesh and space group name. More... | |
void | outputWaves (std::ostream &out, bool outputAll=false) const |
Print a list of all waves to an output stream. More... | |
void | outputStars (std::ostream &out, bool outputAll=false) const |
Print a list of all stars to an output stream. More... | |
bool | isValid () const |
Returns true if valid, false otherwise. More... | |
bool | isInitialized () const |
Returns true iff this basis is fully initialized. More... | |
int | nWave () const |
Total number of wavevectors. More... | |
int | nBasisWave () const |
Total number of wavevectors in uncancelled stars. More... | |
int | nStar () const |
Total number of stars. More... | |
int | nBasis () const |
Total number of nonzero symmetry-adapted basis functions. More... | |
Wave const & | wave (int id) const |
Get a specific Wave, access by integer index. More... | |
Star const & | star (int id) const |
Get a Star, accessed by integer star index. More... | |
Star const & | basisFunction (int id) const |
Get an uncancelled Star, accessed by basis function index. More... | |
int | waveId (IntVec< D > vector) const |
Get the integer index of a wave, as required by wave(int id). More... | |
Symmetry-adapted Fourier basis for pseudo-spectral scft.
Basis Functions, Waves, and Stars :
This class constructs a symmetry adapted Fourier basis for periodic structures with a specified space group symmetry. Each basis function is such an expansion is a periodic function that is invariant under translations by any Bravais lattice transtlation and under any symmetry operations of the specified space group. Each such basis function is also an eigenfunction of the Laplacian.
A Fourier series expansion of a periodic function that is invariant under under all translations in a specified Bravais lattice is given by expansion of plane waves with wavevectors that all belong to the corresponding reciprocal lattice. Components of all wavevectors are represented within the Basis class using reciprocal lattice basis vectors as a basis. In this coordinate system, the coordinates of of each reciprocal lattice vector (i.e., any allowed wavevector in the Fourier expansion of a periodic function) is given by a list of D integers, where D is the dimension of space. We often refer to the integer coefficients of a reciprocal lattice vector in this basis as the indices of the vector.
Each basis function in a symmetry-adapated Fourier basis is equal to a linear superposition of complex exponential plan waves associated with a set of reciprocal lattice vectors that are related by space group symmetry operations. We refer to such a set of symmetry related wavevectors throughout the code and documentation as a "star". For example, in any 3D cubic space group, the wavevectors in each star have coefficients {ijk} that are related by changes in sign of individual coefficients and/or permutations of the three indices. Each wave in the Fourier expansion of a function belongs to one and only one star. The basis function associated with a star is thus defined by specifying a complex-valued coefficient for the complex exponential plane wave exp(iG.r) associated with each wave G in the associated star, where we use G.r to represent a dot product of wavevector G and position vector r.
Wave and Star Arrays:
Individual wavevectors and stars are represented by instances of the local classes Basis::Wave and Basis::Star, respectively. After construction of a basis is completed by calling the makeBasis function, a Basis has a private array of waves (i.e., instances of Basis::Wave) and an array stars (instances of Basis::Star), which we will refer to in this documentation as the wave array and the star array. (The actual array containers are private member variables named waves_ and stars_, respectively). Individual elements of the wave array may be accessed by const reference by the accessor function wave(int id) function, and elements of the star array may be acccess by the function star(int id).
Elements of the wave array are listed in order of non-decreasing Cartesian wavevector magnitude, with wavevectors in the same star listed as as a consecutive block. Wavevectors within each star are listed in order of decreasing order as determined by the integer indices, as defined by the member function Wave::indicesBz, with more signficant digits on the left. For example, the waves of the {211} star of a cubic structure with full cubic symmetry will be listed in the order:
Further information about each wavevector and each star is contained in public member variables of the Wave::Wave and Wave::Star classes. See the documentation of these local classes for some further details.
Discrete Fourier Transforms and Wavevector Aliasing :
This class is designed for contexts in which the values of real periodic functions are represented numerically by values evaluated on a regular grid of points within each primitive unit cell of the crystal, and in which a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is used to transform between Fourier and real-space representations of such function. Construction of a symmetry adapted Fourier basis requires a description of this spatial discretization grid, given by an instance of class Mesh<D>, in addition UnitCell<D> and SpaceGroup<D> objects.
Interpretation of indices for wavevectors in this context is complicated by the phenomena of ``aliasing" of wavevectors used in the Fourier expansion of periodic functions that are defined only at the nodes of a regular grid. In what follows, let N_i denote the the number of lattice grid points along direction i in a coordinate system in which Bravais lattice vectors are used as basis vectors to construct corresponding Cartesian vectors. Any two reciprocal lattice vectors for which the integer indices associate with any direction i differs by an integer multiple of N_i are equivalent in the sense that the equivalent that they yield equivalent values for the complex exponential exp(iG.r) for all values of r that lie on lattice nodes. Such vectors are referred to as aliases of one another. Two different schemes are used in here to assign a choose a unique choice for a list of indices for each distinct wavevector. (1) The "DFT" (discrete Fourier transform) indices of a wavevector is the choice of a list of indices such that the index associated with direction i, denoted by m_i, is in the range 0 <= m_i < N_i. (2) The "BZ" (Brillouin zone) indices of a wavevector is a list of indices of the wavevector or one of its aliases chosen such that the the Cartesian norm of the wavevector constructed as a linear superposition of reciprocal lattice vectors multiplied these indices is less than or equal to the norm of any other alias of the wavevector. In cases in which a set of two or more aliases of a wavevector have the same Cartesian norm, the BZ indices are chosen to be those of the member of the set for which the indices are "largest" when lists of indices are compared by treating earlier indices are more signficant, as done in the ordering of waves within a star in the waves array. The number of distinct waves in the waves array is equal to the number of grid points in the corresponding spatial mesh. Each wave has a unique list of DFT indices and also a unique list of BZ indices, which are listed in the "indicesDft" and "indicesBz" IntVec<D> members of the Basis<D>::Wave class. Values of the square magnitude of wavevectors are always computed using the indices of each wavevector. <b> Space Group Symmetry </b>: A space group symmetry is defined by a pair (R,t) in which R is a linear transformation that may represented as a matrix and t is a translation vector. The translation vector may be either zero or a vector whose components in a basis of Bravais lattice vectors are all fractions (i.e., translations by fractions of a unit cell). The effect of such a symmetry operation on a position vector r is to transform r to a tranformed position r' given by r' = R.r + t, where R.r represents the result of applying linear transformation (or matrix) R to vector r. Applying such a symmetry operation to a plane wave f(r) = exp(iG.r) with a wavevector G transforms f(r) into a different plane wave f'(r) given by f'(r) = exp[i G.(Rr + t)] = exp[i(G'.r + theta)] with a transformed wavevector G' given by G' = G.R, with a phase shift theta given by the dot product theta = G.t. This operation can be expressed using matrix notation by expressing all position vectors such as r, r' and t as column vectors, all wavevectors such as G and G' as row vectors, and a linear transformation denoted by R by a matrix. When applying symmetry operations to wavevectors defined using a discrete Fourier transform, the equation G' = G.R is interpreted using the representation of wavevectors G and G' using their BZ (Brillouin zone) indices. The plane waves in a star all have the same Cartesian magnitude, as a result of the fact that the linear transformation represented by R for a symmetry operation (R,t) must be a norm preserving (i.e., unitary) transformation such as a rotation, reflection or inversion. For any such operation, |G| = |G.R|, where |...| represents a Cartesian norm (i.e., a Euclidean norm defined using Cartesian representations of G and R). The requirement that a basis function be invariant under all of the symmetry operations in a space group imposes a set of relationships among the coefficients of different waves in the expansion of the basis function associated with a star. Suppose G and G' are two wavevectors in the same star that are related by a transformation or matrix R associated with a symmetry operation S=(R,t), such that G'=G.R. Let c and c' be the complex coefficients of planes waves associated with G and G' within the sum that defines a basis function. The requirement that the basis function be invariant under the action of symmetry S requires that c' = c exp(iG.t). The resulting set of requirements among all the waves in a star implies that the coefficients associated with different waves in a star must all have the same absolute magnitude, because |exp(iG.t)|=1, and imposes a set of relationships among the phases (complex arguments) of these coefficients. The magnitude of the coefficients of all waves in a star is uniquely determined in this class by imposing a normalization condition requiring that the sum of squares of absolute magnitudes of coefficients of waves in a star be equal to unity, or that the square magnitude of each coefficient be the inverse of the number of distinct distinct waves in the star. The combination of this normalization condition and the phase conditions imposed by the requirement of invariance under space group symmetries defines the basis function associated with each star to within an overall complex prefactor of unit absolute magnitude (i.e., a phasor). Space group symmetries are represented internally in the class SpaceSymmetry<D> class using a coordinate system in which all position and translation vectors are expanded using the basis of Bravais basis vectors defined in UnitCell<D>, while wavevectors are expanded using the corresponding reciprocal lattice basis vectors. In this coordinate system, for any symmetry operation S = (R,t), elements of the matrix representation of the linear transformation R are all integers (usually 0, +1, or -1) and elements of the translation vector t are all rational numbers with small denominators (e.g., 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, etc.) in the range [0,1]. <b> Cancelled Stars </b> A star is said to be "cancelled" if there is no way to construct nonzero basis function from the waves in that star that is invariant under all of the elements of the space group. The notion of cancellation is equivalent to the notion of systematic cancellation used in analysis of Bragg scattering from crystals - waves belonging to cancelled stars exhibit systematic cancellation in scattering, and do not yield Bragg peaks. A star is cancelled iff, for any wavevector G in the star, there exist two symmetry operations S = (R,t) and S' = (R',t') in the space group for which G.R = G.R' but G.t != G.t'. It can shown that if this is satisfied for any wavevector in the star, it must be satisfied for all wavevector in the star. The Wave class has a bool member variable named cancel that is set true for cancelled stars and false otherwise. Each basis function in the symmetry-adapted Fourier basis is associated with a non-cancelled star. The class Star has two integer members named starId and basisId that correspond to different ways of indexing stars. The index starId is the index of the a star within an ordered list of all stars, including cancelled stars. The starId is also the array element index of the star with the stars_ array, which includes cancelled stars. The basisId of an uncancelled star is its index within a contracted list that contains only uncancelled stars, skipping over cancelled stars. The basisId is not defined for a cancelled star, and the member variable basisId is set to -1 all cancelled stars by convention. A single Star object may be accessed by its starId using the function Basis::star(int starId), and an uncancelled star may be accessed by its basisId using the function Basis::basisFunction(int basisId). <b> Open and Closed Stars </b> Every star is either "open" or "closed" under the action of the inversion operation. A star is closed under inversion if, for every wavevector G in the star, the negation -G is in the same star. The negation of a wavevector is defined by inverting all of its BZ indices. A star that is not closed under inversion, or "closed", is "open". In a basis for a crystal contains an inversion center, for which which the space group includes a symmetry operation r -> -r + t, all stars are closed. Open stars only apear in space groups that do not contain an inversion center. A crystal with an inversion center is said to be "centrosymmetric". Open stars thus only exist in space groups for non-centrosymmetric crystals. Open stars come in pairs that are related by inversion, such that for every wavevector G in one star in the pair, the negation -G is in the other star. Pairs of open stars that are related by inversion are listed consecutively in the Stars array, and correspond to neighboring blocks of waves in the waves array. The local Star class has an integer member "starInvert" that is set to if a star is closed, 1 if it is the first member of a pair of open stars that are related by inverse, and -1 if the is the second member of such a pair of stars.
Each star is assigned a unique characteristic wave that can be used as a unique identifier for the star. Local class Star has an IntVec<D> member named waveBz that lists the BZ indices of the characteristic wave of the star. The characteristic wave is taken to be the first wave in the star for stars with starInvert = 0 or starInvert = 1. In stars with startInvert = -1, the characteristic wave is taken to be the negation of the characteristic wave of its partner, which is the previous star.
Phase Conventions for Basis Functions
Closed stars: Phases of the coefficients of waves in each closed star are chosen so that the associated basis function is a real function of position. This is done by choosing coefficients such that the coefficient associated with each wavevector and its negation are complex conjugates. This requirement, together with the normalization condition, determines the basis function to within an overall sign. The sign of the basis function is fixed by requiring that the coefficient of the characteristic wave of the star (the first wave listed) has a non-negative real part, and a negative imaginary part in the special case in which the coefficient must be chosen to be pure imaginary.
Basis functions associated with pairs of stars that are related by inversion are defined so as to be complex conjugates of one another. This is done by requiring that the coefficient of the characteristic wave of each such star is real and positive.
Fourier expansion of a real Function
The expansion of a real function with a specified space group symmetry is specified by specifying a real coefficient for each closed star and a pair of real coefficients for each pair of closed stars. The number of required real coefficients is thus the same as the same number as the number of uncancelled stars or basis functions. By convention, these coefficients should be stored in an array in which the index of the coefficient of a the basis function associated with a closed star is the same as the index of the closed star, and the indices of the two real coefficients of each pair of basis functions arising from open stars that are related by inversion correspond to the indices of these two stars.
Suppose two open stars stars that are related by inversion appear in the stars array with indices j and j+1. Let f(r) denote the basis function associated with star j and let its complex conjugate f^{*}(r) denote the basis function associated with star j+1. Let A denote an array of real coefficients used to expand a real periodic basis function. Let a = A[j] and b = A[j+1] denote the coefficients that appear in corresponding elements j and j + 1 of array A. The contribution of stars j and j+1 to the desired real periodic function is given by an expression
(a - ib) f(r) + (a + ib) f^{*}(r)
in which i denotes the square root of -1.
The contribution of a basis function f(r) associated with a closed star is simply given by the product of the associated real coefficient and this real basis function.
Pscf::Basis< D >::Basis |
Pscf::Basis< D >::~Basis |
void Pscf::Basis< D >::makeBasis | ( | Mesh< D > const & | mesh, |
UnitCell< D > const & | unitCell, | ||
SpaceGroup< D > const & | group | ||
) |
Construct basis for a specific mesh and space group.
This function implements the algorithm for constructing a basis. It is called internally by the overloaded makeBasis function that takes a file name as an argument rather than a SpaceGroup<D> object.
mesh | spatial discretization grid |
unitCell | crystallographic unitCell |
group | crystallographic space group |
Definition at line 68 of file Basis.tpp.
References Pscf::SpaceGroup< D >::checkMeshDimensions(), Pscf::Mesh< D >::dimensions(), Pscf::Mesh< D >::size(), and UTIL_THROW.
void Pscf::Basis< D >::makeBasis | ( | Mesh< D > const & | mesh, |
UnitCell< D > const & | unitCell, | ||
std::string | groupName | ||
) |
Construct basis for a specific mesh and space group name.
This function attempts to identify a file with a name given by groupName that contains a listing of all of the symmetry elements in the space group. It looks first for a file with the specified name defined relative to the current working directory. Failing that, it looks for a file with the specified name in a standard data directory tree that contains space group files for all possible space groups (i.e,. all 230 3D groups, 17 2D groups and 2 1d groups) with file names derived from international table names. Those files are located in the data/groups directory tree of the package root directory.
If a file containing a valid group is found, this function passes the resulting SpaceGroup<D> object to the overloaded function makeBasis(Mesh<D> const&, UnitCell<D> const&, SpaceGroup<D> const&).
This function throws an exception if a file with specified name is not found or does not contain a valid space group.
mesh | spatial discretization grid |
unitCell | crystallographic unitCell |
groupName | string identifier for the space group |
void Pscf::Basis< D >::outputWaves | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
bool | outputAll = false |
) | const |
void Pscf::Basis< D >::outputStars | ( | std::ostream & | out, |
bool | outputAll = false |
) | const |
bool Pscf::Basis< D >::isValid |
Returns true if valid, false otherwise.
Definition at line 918 of file Basis.tpp.
References Pscf::MeshIterator< D >::atEnd(), Pscf::MeshIterator< D >::begin(), Pscf::Vec< D, T >::negate(), and Pscf::MeshIterator< D >::position().
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
int Pscf::Basis< D >::nBasis |
inline |
inline |
inline |
int Pscf::Basis< D >::waveId | ( | IntVec< D > | vector | ) | const |
Get the integer index of a wave, as required by wave(int id).
This function returns the index of a wavevector within the wave
array, as required as in input to function Wave::wave(int id). The vector of input components is shifted internally to an equivalent value that lies within the conventional DFT mesh, in which all components are non-negative integers.
vector | vector of integer indices of a wave vector. |