11#include <util/param/ParamComposite.h>
13#include <pspg/solvers/WaveList.h>
14#include <pspg/field/FieldIo.h>
15#include <pspg/field/FFT.h>
17#include <pscf/crystal/Basis.h>
18#include <pscf/crystal/SpaceGroup.h>
19#include <pscf/mesh/Mesh.h>
20#include <pscf/crystal/UnitCell.h>
256 std::string groupName_;
275 {
return unitCell_; }
280 {
return unitCell_; }
320 {
return waveList_; }
325 {
return waveList_; }
346 {
return groupName_; }
348 #ifndef PSPG_DOMAIN_TPP
Symmetry-adapted Fourier basis for pseudo-spectral scft.
Description of a regular grid of points in a periodic domain.
Spatial domain and spatial discretization for a periodic structure.
FFT< D > & fft()
Get the FFT object by reference.
void setUnitCell(UnitCell< D > const &unitCell)
Set the unit cell, given a UnitCell<D> object.
FieldIo< D > & fieldIo()
Get associated FieldIo object.
void readRGridFieldHeader(std::istream &in, int &nMonomer)
Read initialization data from header of an r-grid field file.
UnitCell< D >::LatticeSystem lattice() const
Get the lattice system (enumeration value).
std::string groupName() const
Get group name.
SpaceGroup< D > const & group() const
Get the SpaceGroup object by const reference.
UnitCell< D > & unitCell()
Get UnitCell by reference.
WaveList< D > & waveList()
Get the WaveList object by reference.
Mesh< D > & mesh()
Get the spatial Mesh by reference.
void setFileMaster(FileMaster &fileMaster)
Create association with a FileMaster, needed by FieldIo.
Basis< D > & basis()
Get the Basis by reference.
void makeBasis()
Construct basis if not done already.
virtual void readParameters(std::istream &in)
Read body of parameter block (without opening and closing lines).
Fourier transform wrapper for real data.
File input/output operations for fields in several file formats.
Container for wavevector data.
Crystallographic space group.
Base template for UnitCell<D> classes, D=1, 2 or 3.
A fixed capacity (static) contiguous array with a variable logical size.
A FileMaster manages input and output files for a simulation.
An object that can read multiple parameters from file.
C++ namespace for polymer self-consistent field theory (PSCF).
Utility classes for scientific computation.