Simpatico  v1.10

Detailed Description

Array containers that store objects by value, and related iterators.

The Array containers that do not have a P prefix are one-dimensional array containers that store objects by value. These all overload the subscript [] operator to provide access to elements as references.

The DArray and FArray containers are simple wrappers for dynamically allocated and fixed-size C arrays, respectively. The DSArray and FSArray containers are dynamically and statically allocated arrays, respectively, that have both a fixed capacity but a variable logical size, with contiguous elements. The GArray container is a growable sized array, similar to a std::vector. Destructors for these arrays all delete the associated C array of objects.

An RArray < T > is an Array that is intended to be used as an alias for, or a shallow copy of, a target DArray, FArray or C array. An RArray contains a copy of the array address and capacity of the target array, where are copied by the RArray::associate() method. Like other array containers, an RArray overloads the [] operator to provide access to elements as references. The destructor of an RArray does not delete the associated C array.

A RingBuffer is a cylic buffer array for which the append() method adds elements to the end of a sequence if the buffer is not full, and overwrites the oldest element if it is.


class  Util::Array< Data >
 Array container class template. More...
class  Util::ArrayIterator< Data >
 Forward iterator for an Array or a C array. More...
class  Util::ConstArrayIterator< Data >
 Forward const iterator for an Array or a C array. More...
class  Util::DArray< Data >
 Dynamically allocatable contiguous array template. More...
class  Util::DSArray< Data >
 Dynamically allocated array with variable logical size. More...
class  Util::FArray< Data, Capacity >
 A fixed size (static) contiguous array template. More...
class  Util::FSArray< Data, Capacity >
 A fixed capacity (static) contiguous array with a variable logical size. More...
class  Util::GArray< Data >
 An automatically growable array, analogous to a std::vector. More...
class  Util::GridArray< Data >
 Multi-dimensional array with the dimensionality of space. More...
class  Util::Pair< Data >
 An array of exactly 2 objects. More...
class  Util::RArray< Data >
 An Array that acts as a reference to another Array or C array. More...
class  Util::RingBuffer< Data >
 Class for storing history of previous values in an array. More...