Simpatico  v1.10

Detailed Description

Two-dimensional array containers that store by objects value.

Matrix containers overload the () operator to return elements by refernce. If A is a matrix object A(i, j) returns element i, j of the matrix.

The Matrix base class defines a conventional matrix, in which all rows are the same length. The DMatrix and FMatrix subclasses use dynamically allocated and fixed-size arrays, respectively.

The RaggedMatrix base class and DRaggedMatrix subclass define two-dimensional containers in which different rows can have different lengths, though the list of row dimensions can be specified only once.


class  Util::DMatrix< Data >
 Dynamically allocated Matrix. More...
class  Util::DRaggedMatrix< Data >
 Dynamically allocated RaggedMatrix. More...
class  Util::FMatrix< Data, M, N >
 Fixed Size Matrix. More...
class  Util::Matrix< Data >
 Two-dimensional array container template (abstract). More...
class  Util::RaggedMatrix< Data >
 A 2D array in which different rows can have different lengths. More...