Simpatico  v1.10
Classes | Enumerations | Functions
DdMd Namespace Reference

Parallel domain decomposition (DD) MD simulation. More...


class  Analyzer
 Abstract base for periodic output and/or analysis actions. More...
class  AnalyzerFactory
 Factory for DdMd::Analyzer objects. More...
class  AnalyzerManager
 Manager for a list of Analyzer objects. More...
class  AngleFactory
 Factory for AnglePotential objects. More...
class  AnglePotential
 Abstract base class for computation of angle force and energies. More...
class  AnglePotentialImpl
 Implementation template for a AnglePotential. More...
class  AngleStorage
 Container for Group<3> (angle) objects. More...
class  Atom
 A point particle in an MD simulation. More...
class  AtomArray
 An array of Atom objects. More...
class  AtomCollector
 Class for collecting Atoms from processors to master processor. More...
struct  AtomContext
 Descriptor for context of an Atom within a molecule and species. More...
class  AtomDistributor
 Class for distributing Atoms among processors. More...
class  AtomIterator
 Iterator for all atoms owned by an AtomStorage. More...
class  AtomMap
 Associative container for finding atoms identified by integer id. More...
class  AtomStorage
 A container for all the atoms and ghost atoms on this processor. More...
class  AtomType
 Descriptor for a type of Atom. More...
class  AutoCorrAnalyzer
 Compute an autocorrelation function for a sequence of Data values. More...
class  AverageAnalyzer
 Analyze average and block averages of a single floating point variable. More...
class  BondFactory
 Factory for BondPotential objects. More...
class  BondPotential
 Abstract base class for computing bond forces and energies. More...
class  BondPotentialImpl
 Implementation template for a BondPotential. More...
class  BondStorage
 Container for for Group<2> (bond) objects. More...
class  BondTensorAutoCorr
 Calculate stress autocorrelation function. More...
class  Buffer
 Buffer for interprocessor communication. More...
class  Cell
 A single Cell in a CellList. More...
class  CellAtom
 Data for an atom in a CellList. More...
class  CellList
 A cell list used only to identify nearby atom pairs. More...
class  ConfigIo
 Abstract reader/writer for configuration files. More...
class  ConfigIoFactory
 Default Factory for subclasses of ConfigIo. More...
class  ConfigWriter
 Periodically write simulation configuration to a new file. More...
class  ConstAtomIterator
 Const iterator for all atoms owned by an AtomStorage. More...
class  ConstGhostIterator
 Iterator for all ghost atoms owned by an AtomStorage. More...
class  ConstGroupIterator
 Const iterator for all Group < N > objects owned by a GroupStorage < N >. More...
class  DdMdConfigIo
 Native / default format for configuration files. More...
class  DdMdGroupTrajectoryWriter
 Native binary trajectory format for ddSim, for one group. More...
class  DdMdOrderedConfigIo
 Native / default format for configuration files. More...
class  DdMdTrajectoryWriter
 Native binary trajectory format for ddSim. More...
class  DdTimer
 Class for measuring time intervals. More...
class  DihedralFactory
 Factory for DihedralPotential objects. More...
class  DihedralPotential
 Abstract base class for computing dihedral forces and energies. More...
class  DihedralPotentialImpl
 Implementation template for a DihedralPotential. More...
class  DihedralStorage
 Container for Group<4> (dihedral) objects. More...
class  Domain
 Decomposition of the system into domains associated with processors. More...
class  EnergyAnalyzer
 Compute averages and output block averages of energy components. More...
class  Exchanger
 Class for exchanging Atoms, Ghosts and Groups between processors. More...
class  ExternalEnergyAnalyzer
 Output and evaluate average of external energy. More...
class  ExternalEnergyAverage
 Periodically write simulation energies to Log output. More...
class  ExternalFactory
 Factory for ExternalPotential objects. More...
class  ExternalPotential
 Calculates external forces and energies for a parent Simulation. More...
class  ExternalPotentialImpl
 Implementation template for a ExternalPotential. More...
class  GhostIterator
 Iterator for all ghost atoms owned by an AtomStorage. More...
class  Group
 A group of covalently interacting atoms. More...
class  GroupCollector
 Class for collecting Groups from processors to master processor. More...
class  GroupDistributor
 Class template for distributing Group<N> objects among processors. More...
class  GroupExchanger
 Interface for a GroupStorage<N> for use in Exchanger. More...
class  GroupIterator
 Iterator for all Group < N > objects owned by a GroupStorage< N >. More...
class  GroupStorage
 A container for all the Group<N> objects on this processor. More...
class  Integrator
 An Integrator numerically integrates the equations of motion. More...
class  IntegratorFactory
 Factory for subclasses of Integrator (i.e., MD integrators). More...
class  KineticEnergyAnalyzer
 Output and evaluate average of kinetic energy. More...
class  LammpsConfigIo
 Lammps data file format for configuration files. More...
class  LammpsDumpWriter
 Write a trajectory in the Lammps dump format. More...
class  LogEnergy
 Periodically write simulation energies to Log output. More...
class  Mask
 Set of Atoms for which pair interactions with a parent Atom are "masked". More...
class  Modifier
 A Modifier can modify the time evolution of the simulation. More...
class  ModifierFactory
 Factory for DdMd::Modifier objects. More...
class  ModifierManager
 Manager for a set of Modifier objects. More...
class  NphIntegrator
 A reversible, symplectic NPH integrator (Anderson barostat). More...
class  NptIntegrator
 A reversible symplectic NPT integrator. More...
class  NveIntegrator
 A velocity-Verlet constant energy integrator. More...
class  NvtIntegrator
 A Nose-Hoover constant temperature, constant volume integrator. More...
class  NvtLangevinIntegrator
 A NVT molecular dynamics integrator with a Langevin thermostat. More...
class  OrderParamNucleation
 OrderParamNucleation is designed to evaluate a sort of composition profile in the specific case of nucleating a lamellar ordered phase in a small region at the center of a simulation cell. More...
class  OutputBoxdim
 Periodically write Boundary dimensions to file. More...
class  OutputEnergy
 Periodically write simulation energies to file. More...
class  OutputPairEnergies
 Periodically write pair energies to file. More...
class  OutputPressure
 Periodically write (scalar) pressure to file. More...
class  OutputStressTensor
 Periodically write (tensor) StressTensor to file. More...
class  OutputTemperature
 Periodically output kinetic temperature to file. More...
class  PairEnergyAnalyzer
 Compute and analyze pair energies. More...
class  PairEnergyAverage
 Compute average of pair energy. More...
class  PairFactory
 Factory for PairPotential objects. More...
class  PairIterator
 Iterator for pairs in a PairList. More...
class  PairList
 A Verlet nonbonded pair list. More...
class  PairPotential
 Abstract base class for computing nonbonded pair forces and energies. More...
class  PairPotentialImpl
 Implementation template for a PairPotential. More...
class  Plan
 Communication plan. More...
class  Potential
 A Potential represents a potential energy contribution. More...
class  PressureAnalyzer
 Sample and evaluate average of total pressure. More...
class  SerializeConfigIo
 Save / load configuration from / to an archive. More...
class  Simulation
 Main object for a domain-decomposition MD simulation. More...
class  SimulationAccess
 Provides access to members of Simulation object. More...
class  StressAnalyzer
 Output and evaluate average of stress tensor. More...
class  StressAutoCorr
 Compute stress autocorrelation function for a liquid. More...
class  StressAutoCorrelation
 Compute the shear stress autocorrelation function. More...
class  StructureFactor
 StructureFactor evaluates structure factors in Fourier space. More...
class  StructureFactorGrid
 StructureFactorGrid evaluates structure factors in Fourier space. More...
class  SymmTensorAverageAnalyzer
 Analyzer that computes average of a sequence of symmetric Tensor values. More...
class  TensorAverageAnalyzer
 Analyzer that computes averages and block averages of a single Tensor. More...
class  TrajectoryWriter
 Base class to write a trajectory to a single file. More...
class  TwoStepIntegrator
 A two-step velocity-Verlet style integrator. More...
class  VanHove
 Evaluates the van Hove function S(k,t) for one or more wavevector k. More...
class  VirialStressAnalyzer
 Output and evaluate average of virial stress tensor. More...
class  VirialStressTensor
 Periodically write virial stress tensor components to file. More...
class  VirialStressTensorAverage
 Compute average and output block averages of virial stress tensor. More...



std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, AtomType &atomType)
 istream extractor (>>) for an AtomType. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const AtomType &atomType)
 ostream inserter (<<) for an AtomType. More...
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, AtomType &atomType, const unsigned int version)
 Serialize an AtomType. More...
template<int N>
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, Group< N > &group)
 istream extractor (>>) for a Group. More...
template<int N>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Group< N > &group)
 ostream inserter (<<) for a Group. More...
template<class Archive , int N>
void serialize (Archive &ar, Group< N > &group, const unsigned int version)
 Serialize one Group<N>. More...
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, MaskPolicy &policy)
 istream extractor for a MaskPolicy. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, MaskPolicy policy)
 ostream inserter for an MaskPolicy. More...
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, MaskPolicy &policy, const unsigned int version)
 Serialize a MaskPolicy. More...
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, Plan &plan)
 istream extractor (>>) for a Plan. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Plan &plan)
 ostream inserter (<<) for a Plan. More...
void initStatic ()
 Guarantee initialization of all static class members in DdMd namespace. More...

Detailed Description

Parallel domain decomposition (DD) MD simulation.

Function Documentation

std::istream & DdMd::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
AtomType atomType 

istream extractor (>>) for an AtomType.


name mass

ininput stream
atomTypeAtomType to be read from stream
modified input stream

Definition at line 34 of file ddMd/chemistry/AtomType.cpp.

std::ostream & DdMd::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const AtomType atomType 

ostream inserter (<<) for an AtomType.

Format, one one line with no line break:

name mass

outoutput stream
atomTypeAtomType to be written to stream
modified output stream

Definition at line 44 of file ddMd/chemistry/AtomType.cpp.

References Util::Parameter::Precision, and Util::Parameter::Width.

template<class Archive >
void DdMd::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
AtomType atomType,
const unsigned int  version 

Serialize an AtomType.

atomTypeobject to be serialized
versionarchive version id

Definition at line 161 of file ddMd/chemistry/AtomType.h.

template<int N>
std::istream & DdMd::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
Group< N > &  group 

istream extractor (>>) for a Group.

ininput stream
groupGroup to be read from stream
modified input stream

Definition at line 378 of file ddMd/chemistry/Group.h.

template<int N>
std::ostream & DdMd::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Group< N > &  group 

ostream inserter (<<) for a Group.

Format on one line with no line break:

outoutput stream
groupGroup to be written to stream
modified output stream

Definition at line 392 of file ddMd/chemistry/Group.h.

References DdMd::Group< N >::serialize.

template<class Archive , int N>
void DdMd::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
Group< N > &  group,
const unsigned int  version 

Serialize one Group<N>.

Default implementation calls serialize method of data object. Can be overridden by any explicit specialization.

ararchive object
groupobject to be serialized
versionarchive version id
std::istream & DdMd::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
MaskPolicy policy 

istream extractor for a MaskPolicy.

ininput stream
policyMaskPolicy to be read
modified input stream

Definition at line 31 of file ddMd/chemistry/MaskPolicy.cpp.

References UTIL_THROW.

std::ostream & DdMd::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
MaskPolicy  policy 

ostream inserter for an MaskPolicy.

outoutput stream
policyMaskPolicy to be written
modified output stream

Definition at line 49 of file ddMd/chemistry/MaskPolicy.cpp.

References UTIL_THROW.

template<class Archive >
void DdMd::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
MaskPolicy policy,
const unsigned int  version 

Serialize a MaskPolicy.

ararchive object
policyMaskPolicy enum value to be serialized
versionarchive version id

Definition at line 57 of file ddMd/chemistry/MaskPolicy.h.

References Util::serializeEnum().

std::istream & DdMd::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
Plan plan 

istream extractor (>>) for a Plan.

ininput stream
planPlan to be read from stream
modified input stream

Definition at line 22 of file Plan.cpp.

References DdMd::Plan::clearExchange(), DdMd::Plan::clearGhost(), Util::Dimension, DdMd::Plan::setExchange(), and DdMd::Plan::setGhost().

std::ostream & DdMd::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Plan plan 

ostream inserter (<<) for a Plan.

Format, one one line with no line break:

outoutput stream
planPlan to be written to stream
modified output stream

Definition at line 58 of file Plan.cpp.

References Util::Dimension, DdMd::Plan::exchange(), and DdMd::Plan::ghost().

void DdMd::initStatic ( )

Guarantee initialization of all static class members in DdMd namespace.

Definition at line 18 of file ddMd/misc/initStatic.cpp.

References DdMd::Modifier::initStatic().