Simpatico  v1.10
1 /*
2 * Simpatico - Simulation Package for Polymeric and Molecular Liquids
3 *
4 * Copyright 2010 - 2017, The Regents of the University of Minnesota
5 * Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
6 */
8 #include "Exchanger.h"
9 #include "Domain.h"
10 #include "Buffer.h"
11 #include <ddMd/chemistry/Atom.h>
12 #include <ddMd/chemistry/Group.h>
13 #include <ddMd/storage/AtomStorage.h>
14 #include <ddMd/storage/AtomIterator.h>
15 #include <ddMd/storage/GhostIterator.h>
16 #include <ddMd/storage/GroupExchanger.h>
17 #include <util/format/Dbl.h>
18 #include <util/global.h>
20 #include <algorithm>
21 #include <string>
23 #ifdef UTIL_DEBUG
25 #endif
27 namespace DdMd
28 {
29  using namespace Util;
31  /*
32  * Constructor.
33  */
35  : sendArray_(),
36  recvArray_(),
37  bound_(),
38  inner_(),
39  outer_(),
40  gridFlags_(),
41  boundaryPtr_(0),
42  domainPtr_(0),
43  atomStoragePtr_(0),
44  groupExchangers_(),
45  bufferPtr_(0),
46  pairCutoff_(-1.0),
47  timer_(Exchanger::NTime)
48  { groupExchangers_.reserve(8); }
50  /*
51  * Destructor.
52  */
54  {}
56  /*
57  * Set pointers to associated objects.
58  */
59  void Exchanger::associate(const Domain& domain, const Boundary& boundary,
60  AtomStorage& atomStorage, Buffer& buffer)
61  {
62  domainPtr_ = &domain;
63  boundaryPtr_ = &boundary;
64  atomStoragePtr_ = &atomStorage;
65  bufferPtr_ = &buffer;
66  }
68  /*
69  * Add a GroupExchanger to an internal list.
70  */
72  { groupExchangers_.append(groupExchanger); }
74  /*
75  * Allocate memory.
76  */
78  {
79  // Preconditions
80  if (!bufferPtr_->isInitialized()) {
81  UTIL_THROW("Buffer must be allocated before Exchanger");
82  }
84  int sendRecvCapacity = bufferPtr_->ghostCapacity()/2;
86  // Reserve space for all ghost send and recv arrays
87  int i, j;
88  for (i = 0; i < Dimension; ++i) {
89  for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
90  sendArray_(i, j).reserve(sendRecvCapacity);
91  recvArray_(i, j).reserve(sendRecvCapacity);
92  }
93  }
94  }
96  /*
97  * Set slab width used for ghosts.
98  */
99  void Exchanger::setPairCutoff(double pairCutoff)
100  { pairCutoff_ = pairCutoff; }
102  #ifdef UTIL_MPI
107  {
108  if (atomStoragePtr_->isCartesian()) {
109  UTIL_THROW("Error: Coordinates are Cartesian on entry to exchange");
110  }
111  exchangeAtoms();
112  exchangeGhosts();
113  }
115  /*
116  * void Exchanger::exchangeAtoms()
117  *
118  * Exchange ownership of local atoms and groups, set ghost plan.
119  *
120  * ------------------------------------------------------------------
121  * Precondition:
122  *
123  * Atomic coordinates must be in scaled [0,1] form on entry.
124  *
125  * ------------------------------------------------------------------
126  * Algorithm:
127  *
128  * - Loop over local atoms, create exchange and ghost communication
129  * plans for those beyond or near processor domain boundaries.
130  *
131  * - Add local atoms that will be retained by this processor but
132  * sent as ghosts to appropriate ghost send arrays.
133  *
134  * - Call GroupExchanger::markSpanningGroups for each registered
135  * GroupExchanger (e.g., bond, angle, dihedral). In this function:
136  *
137  * For each Group<N> {
138  * - Set ghost communication flags for groups that span
139  * or may span boundaries.
140  * - Clear pointers to ghost atoms in the group.
141  * }
142  * }
143  *
144  * - Clear all ghosts from the AtomStorage
145  *
146  * - Main loop over transfer directions:
147  *
148  * For each transfer directions (i and j) {
149  *
150  * For each local atom {
151  * if marked for exchange(i, j) {
152  * if gridDimension[i] > 1 {
153  * - add to sendAtoms array for removal
154  * - pack into send buffer
155  * } else {
156  * shift position to apply periodic b.c.
157  * }
158  * }
159  * }
160  *
161  * if gridDimension[i] > 1 {
162  * - Call packGroups for each group type.
163  * This packs groups containing atoms that are sent.
164  * - Remove exchanged atoms and empty groups
165  * - Send and receive data buffers
166  * for each atom in the receive buffer {
167  * - Unpack atom into AtomStorage
168  * - shift periodic boundary conditions
169  * - Determine if this is new home (or way station)
170  * - If atom is home, add to appropriate ghost arrays.
171  * }
172  * - Call unpackGroups for each group type.
173  * }
174  *
175  * } // end loop over transfer directions
176  *
177  * - Call GroupExchanger::markGhosts each type of group, to create
178  * ghost plans for local atoms that must be transferred because
179  * they belong to imcomplete groups. Within this function:
180  *
181  * for each Group<N>{
182  * if group is incomplete{
183  * for each direction (i and j) {
184  * if group is marked for ghost communication {
185  * set ghost flags in plan for local atoms in group
186  * }
187  * }
188  * }
189  * }
190  *
191  * ------------------------------------------------------------------
192  * Postconditions: Upon return:
193  * Each processor owns all atoms in its domain, and no others.
194  * Each processor owns all groups containing one or more local atoms.
195  * Ghost plans are set for all local atoms.
196  * Send arrays contain local atoms marked for sending as ghosts.
197  * The AtomStorage contains no ghost atoms.
198  *
199  * ------------------------------------------------------------------
200  */
201  void Exchanger::exchangeAtoms()
202  {
203  stamp(START);
204  Vector lengths = boundaryPtr_->lengths();
205  double bound, slabWidth;
206  double coordinate, rshift;
207  AtomIterator atomIter;
208  Atom* atomPtr;
209  Plan* planPtr;
210  int i, j, jc, ip, jp, k, source, dest, nSend;
211  int shift;
212  bool isHome;
213  bool isGhost;
215  // Set domain and slab boundaries
216  for (i = 0; i < Dimension; ++i) {
217  slabWidth = pairCutoff_/lengths[i];
218  for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
219  // j = 0 sends to lower coordinate i, bound is minimum
220  // j = 1 sends to higher coordinate i, bound is maximum
221  bound = domainPtr_->domainBound(i, j);
222  bound_(i, j) = bound;
223  if (j == 0) { // Communicate with lower index
224  inner_(i,j) = bound + slabWidth;
225  outer_(i, j)= bound - slabWidth;
226  } else { // j == 1, communicate with upper index
227  inner_(i, j) = bound - slabWidth;
228  outer_(i, j) = bound + slabWidth;
229  }
230  sendArray_(i, j).clear();
231  }
232  if (domainPtr_->grid().dimension(i) > 1) {
233  gridFlags_[i] = 1;
234  } else {
235  gridFlags_[i] = 0;
236  }
237  }
239  // Compute communication plan for every local atom
240  atomStoragePtr_->begin(atomIter);
241  for ( ; atomIter.notEnd(); ++atomIter) {
243  planPtr = &atomIter->plan();
244  planPtr->clearFlags();
245  isHome = true;
246  isGhost = false;
248  // Cartesian directions
249  for (i = 0; i < Dimension; ++i) {
251  coordinate = atomIter->position()[i];
253  // Transmission direction
254  for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
256  // j = 0 sends to lower coordinate i
257  // j = 1 sends to higher coordinate i
259  // Index for conjugate (reverse) direction
260  if (j == 0) jc = 1;
261  if (j == 1) jc = 0;
263  if (j == 0) { // Communicate with lower index
264  if (coordinate < bound_(i, j)) {
265  planPtr->setExchange(i, j);
266  if (gridFlags_[i]) {
267  isHome = false;
268  }
269  if (coordinate > outer_(i, j)) {
270  planPtr->setGhost(i, jc);
271  isGhost = true;
272  }
273  } else {
274  if (coordinate < inner_(i, j)) {
275  planPtr->setGhost(i, j);
276  isGhost = true;
277  }
278  }
279  } else { // j == 1, communicate with upper index
280  if (coordinate > bound_(i, j)) {
281  planPtr->setExchange(i, j);
282  if (gridFlags_[i]) {
283  isHome = false;
284  }
285  if (coordinate < outer_(i, j)) {
286  planPtr->setGhost(i, jc);
287  isGhost = true;
288  }
289  } else {
290  if (coordinate > inner_(i, j)) {
291  planPtr->setGhost(i, j);
292  isGhost = true;
293  }
294  }
295  }
297  } // end for j
298  } // end for i
300  // Add atoms that will be retained by this processor,
301  // but will be communicated as ghosts to sendArray_
302  if (isGhost && isHome) {
303  for (i = 0; i < Dimension; ++i) {
304  for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
305  if (planPtr->ghost(i, j)) {
306  sendArray_(i, j).append(*atomIter);
307  }
308  }
309  }
310  }
312  } // end atom loop, end compute plan
313  stamp(ATOM_PLAN);
315  /*
316  * Set ghost communication flags for groups that span boundaries and
317  * clear pointers to ghosts in each Group after inspecting the Group.
318  * This function information uses old coordinate information about
319  * ghosts atoms, and so must be called before all ghosts are cleared.
320  *
321  * If a group has atoms both "inside" and "outside" boundary (i, j),
322  * the group is said to "span" the boundary, and ghost communication
323  * flag (i, j) is set for the Group. Otherwise, this ghost communication
324  * flag for the Group cleared. After finishing inspection of a Group,
325  * all pointers to ghost atoms within the Group are cleared.
326  *
327  * The function interface is defined in GroupExchanger, and is
328  * implemented by the GroupStorage<int N> class template.
329  */
331  // Set ghost communication flags for groups (see above)
332  for (k = 0; k < groupExchangers_.size(); ++k) {
333  groupExchangers_[k].markSpanningGroups(bound_, inner_, outer_,
334  gridFlags_);
335  }
336  stamp(INIT_GROUP_PLAN);
338  // Clear all ghost atoms from AtomStorage
339  atomStoragePtr_->clearGhosts();
340  stamp(CLEAR_GHOSTS);
342  #ifdef UTIL_DEBUG
344  int nAtomTotal;
345  atomStoragePtr_->computeNAtomTotal(domainPtr_->communicator());
346  int myRank = domainPtr_->gridRank();
347  if (myRank == 0) {
348  nAtomTotal = atomStoragePtr_->nAtomTotal();
349  }
350  for (k = 0; k < groupExchangers_.size(); ++k) {
351  groupExchangers_[k].isValid(*atomStoragePtr_,
352  domainPtr_->communicator(), false);
353  }
354  #endif
355  #endif
357  // Cartesian directions for exchange (0=x, 1=y, 2=z)
358  for (i = 0; i < Dimension; ++i) {
360  // Transmission direction
361  // j = 0 sends down to processor with lower grid coordinate i
362  // j = 1 sends up to processor with higher grid coordinate i
363  for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
365  // Index for conjugate (reverse) direction
366  if (j == 0) jc = 1;
367  if (j == 1) jc = 0;
369  source = domainPtr_->sourceRank(i, j); // rank to receive from
370  dest = domainPtr_->destRank(i, j); // rank to send to
371  bound = domainPtr_->domainBound(i, j); // bound for send
372  shift = domainPtr_->shift(i, j); // shift for periodic b.c.
373  rshift = double(shift);
375  #ifdef UTIL_MPI
376  if (gridFlags_[i]) {
377  bufferPtr_->clearSendBuffer();
378  bufferPtr_->beginSendBlock(Buffer::ATOM);
379  }
380  #endif
382  // Choose atoms for sending, pack and mark for removal.
383  sentAtoms_.clear();
384  atomStoragePtr_->begin(atomIter);
385  for ( ; atomIter.notEnd(); ++atomIter) {
387  #ifdef UTIL_DEBUG
388  coordinate = atomIter->position()[i];
390  {
391  bool choose;
392  if (j == 0) {
393  choose = (coordinate < bound);
394  } else {
395  choose = (coordinate > bound);
396  }
397  assert(choose == atomIter->plan().exchange(i, j));
398  }
399  #endif
400  #endif
402  if (atomIter->plan().exchange(i, j)) {
404  #ifdef UTIL_MPI
405  if (gridFlags_[i]) {
406  sentAtoms_.append(*atomIter);
407  atomIter->packAtom(*bufferPtr_);
408  } else
409  #endif
410  {
412  #ifdef UTIL_DEBUG
414  assert(shift);
415  assert(coordinate > -1.0*fabs(rshift));
416  assert(coordinate < 2.0*fabs(rshift));
417  #endif
418  #endif
420  // Shift position if required by periodic b.c.
421  if (shift) {
422  atomIter->position()[i] += rshift;
423  }
425  #ifdef UTIL_DEBUG
426  coordinate = atomIter->position()[i];
427  assert(coordinate >= domainPtr_->domainBound(i, 0));
428  assert(coordinate < domainPtr_->domainBound(i, 1));
429  #endif
431  // For gridDimension==1, only nonbonded ghosts exist.
432  // The following assertion applies to these.
433  assert(!atomIter->plan().ghost(i, j));
435  #if UTIL_DEBUG
436  // Check ghost communication plan
437  if (j == 0 && atomIter->position()[i] > inner_(i, jc)) {
438  assert(atomIter->plan().ghost(i, 1));
439  } else
440  if (j == 1 && atomIter->position()[i] < inner_(i, jc)) {
441  assert(atomIter->plan().ghost(i, 0));
442  }
443  #endif
445  }
446  }
448  } // end atom loop
449  stamp(PACK_ATOMS);
451  /*
452  * Notes:
453  *
454  * (1) Removal of atoms cannot be done within the atom packing
455  * loop because element removal would invalidate the atom
456  * iterator.
457  *
458  * (2) Groups must be packed for sending before atoms are removed
459  * because the algorithm for identifying which groups to send
460  * references pointers to associated atoms.
461  */
463  #ifdef UTIL_MPI
464  // Send & receive buffers iff processor grid dimension(i) > 1
465  if (gridFlags_[i]) {
467  // End atom send block
468  bufferPtr_->endSendBlock();
470  // Pack groups that contain atoms marked for exchange.
471  // Remove empty groups from each GroupStorage.
472  for (k = 0; k < groupExchangers_.size(); ++k) {
473  groupExchangers_[k].pack(i, j, *bufferPtr_);
474  }
475  stamp(PACK_GROUPS);
477  // Remove chosen atoms (from sentAtoms) from atomStorage
478  nSend = sentAtoms_.size();
479  for (k = 0; k < nSend; ++k) {
480  atomStoragePtr_->removeAtom(&sentAtoms_[k]);
481  }
482  stamp(REMOVE_ATOMS);
484  // Send to processor dest and receive from processor source
485  bufferPtr_->sendRecv(domainPtr_->communicator(),
486  source, dest);
487  stamp(SEND_RECV_ATOMS);
489  // Unpack atoms into atomStorage
490  bufferPtr_->beginRecvBlock();
491  while (bufferPtr_->recvSize() > 0) {
493  atomPtr = atomStoragePtr_->newAtomPtr();
494  planPtr = &atomPtr->plan();
495  atomPtr->unpackAtom(*bufferPtr_);
496  atomStoragePtr_->addNewAtom();
498  if (shift) {
499  atomPtr->position()[i] += rshift;
500  }
502  #ifdef UTIL_DEBUG
503  // Check bounds on atom coordinate
504  coordinate = atomPtr->position()[i];
505  assert(coordinate > domainPtr_->domainBound(i, 0));
506  assert(coordinate < domainPtr_->domainBound(i, 1));
508  // Check ghost plan
509  assert(!planPtr->ghost(i, j));
510  if (j == 0) {
511  assert(planPtr->ghost(i, 1)
512  == (coordinate > inner_(i, 1)));
513  } else {
514  assert(planPtr->ghost(i, 0)
515  == (coordinate < inner_(i, 0)));
516  }
517  #endif
519  // Determine if new atom will stay on this processor.
520  isHome = true;
521  if (i < Dimension - 1) {
522  for (ip = i + 1; ip < Dimension; ++ip) {
523  if (gridFlags_[ip]) {
524  for (jp = 0; jp < 2; ++jp) {
525  if (planPtr->exchange(ip, jp)) {
526  isHome = false;
527  }
528  }
529  }
530  }
531  }
533  // If atom will stay, add to sendArrays for ghosts
534  if (isHome) {
535  for (ip = 0; ip < Dimension; ++ip) {
536  for (jp = 0; jp < 2; ++jp) {
537  if (planPtr->ghost(ip, jp)) {
538  sendArray_(ip, jp).append(*atomPtr);
539  }
540  }
541  }
542  }
544  }
545  bufferPtr_->endRecvBlock();
546  assert(bufferPtr_->recvSize() == 0);
547  stamp(UNPACK_ATOMS);
549  // Unpack groups
550  for (k = 0; k < groupExchangers_.size(); ++k) {
551  groupExchangers_[k].unpack(*bufferPtr_, *atomStoragePtr_);
552  }
553  stamp(UNPACK_GROUPS);
555  } // end if gridDimension > 1
556  #endif // ifdef UTIL_MPI
558  } // end for j (direction 0, 1)
559  } // end for i (Cartesian index)
561  /*
562  * At this point:
563  * No ghost atoms exist in AtomStorage.
564  * All local atoms are on correct processor.
565  * No Groups are empty.
566  * All pointers to local atoms in Groups are set correctly.
567  * All pointers to ghost atoms in Groups are null.
568  */
570  #ifdef UTIL_DEBUG
572  // Validity checks
573  atomStoragePtr_->computeNAtomTotal(domainPtr_->communicator());
574  if (myRank == 0) {
575  assert(nAtomTotal = atomStoragePtr_->nAtomTotal());
576  }
577  atomStoragePtr_->isValid();
578  for (k = 0; k < groupExchangers_.size(); ++k) {
579  groupExchangers_[k].isValid(*atomStoragePtr_,
580  domainPtr_->communicator(), false);
581  }
582  #endif // ifdef DDMD_EXCHANGER_DEBUG
583  #endif // ifdef UTIL_DEBUG
585  // Set ghost communication flags for atoms in incomplete groups
586  for (k = 0; k < groupExchangers_.size(); ++k) {
587  groupExchangers_[k].markGhosts(*atomStoragePtr_, sendArray_,
588  gridFlags_);
589  }
590  stamp(MARK_GROUP_GHOSTS);
591  }
593  /*
594  * Exchange ghost atoms.
595  *
596  * Call immediately after exchangeAtoms and before rebuilding the
597  * neighbor list on time steps that require reneighboring. Uses
598  * ghost communication plans computed in exchangeAtoms.
599  */
600  void Exchanger::exchangeGhosts()
601  {
602  stamp(START);
604  // Preconditions
605  assert(bufferPtr_->isInitialized());
606  assert(domainPtr_->isInitialized());
607  assert(domainPtr_->hasBoundary());
608  if (atomStoragePtr_->nGhost() != 0) {
609  UTIL_THROW("atomStoragePtr_->nGhost() != 0");
610  }
612  double rshift;
613  Atom* atomPtr;
614  Atom* sendPtr;
615  int i, j, ip, jp, k, source, dest, shift, size;
617  // Clear all receive arrays
618  for (i = 0; i < Dimension; ++i) {
619  for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
620  recvArray_(i, j).clear();
621  }
622  }
624  #ifdef UTIL_DEBUG
625  double coordinate;
627  // Check send arrays
628  {
629  // Count local atoms marked for sending as ghosts.
630  FMatrix<int, Dimension, 2> sendCounter;
631  for (i = 0; i < Dimension; ++i) {
632  for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
633  sendCounter(i, j) = 0;
634  }
635  }
636  AtomIterator localIter;
637  Plan* planPtr;
638  atomStoragePtr_->begin(localIter);
639  for ( ; localIter.notEnd(); ++localIter) {
640  planPtr = &localIter->plan();
641  for (i = 0; i < Dimension; ++i) {
642  for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
643  if (planPtr->ghost(i, j)) {
644  ++sendCounter(i, j);
645  }
646  }
647  }
648  }
649  // Check consistency of counts with sendArray sizes.
650  for (i = 0; i < Dimension; ++i) {
651  for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
652  if (sendCounter(i, j) != sendArray_(i, j).size()) {
653  UTIL_THROW("Incorrect sendArray size");
654  }
655  }
656  }
657  }
658  #endif // ifdef DDMD_EXCHANGER_DEBUG
659  #endif // ifdef UTIL_DEBUG
660  stamp(INIT_SEND_ARRAYS);
662  // Cartesian directions
663  for (i = 0; i < Dimension; ++i) {
665  // Transmit directions
666  for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
668  // j = 0: Send ghosts near minimum bound to lower coordinate
669  // j = 1: Send ghosts near maximum bound to higher coordinate
671  // Shift on receiving node for periodic b.c.s
672  shift = domainPtr_->shift(i, j);
673  rshift = 1.0*shift;
675  #ifdef UTIL_MPI
676  if (gridFlags_[i]) {
677  bufferPtr_->clearSendBuffer();
678  bufferPtr_->beginSendBlock(Buffer::GHOST);
679  }
680  #endif
682  // Pack atoms in sendArray_(i, j)
683  size = sendArray_(i, j).size();
684  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
686  sendPtr = &sendArray_(i, j)[k];
688  #ifdef UTIL_MPI
689  if (gridFlags_[i]) {
690  // If grid dimension > 1, pack atom for sending
691  sendPtr->packGhost(*bufferPtr_);
692  } else
693  #endif
694  { // if grid dimension == 1
696  // Make a ghost copy of local atom on this processor
697  atomPtr = atomStoragePtr_->newGhostPtr();
698  recvArray_(i, j).append(*atomPtr);
699  atomPtr->copyLocalGhost(*sendPtr);
700  #if 0
701  atomPtr->setId(sendPtr->id());
702  atomPtr->setTypeId(sendPtr->typeId());
703  atomPtr->plan().setFlags(sendPtr->plan().flags());
704  atomPtr->position() = sendPtr->position();
705  #endif
706  if (shift) {
707  atomPtr->position()[i] += rshift;
708  }
709  atomStoragePtr_->addNewGhost();
711  #ifdef UTIL_DEBUG
712  // Validate shifted ghost coordinate
713  coordinate = atomPtr->position()[i];
714  if (j == 0) {
715  assert(coordinate > bound_(i, 1));
716  } else {
717  assert(coordinate < bound_(i, 0));
718  }
719  #endif
721  // Add to send arrays for any remaining directions
722  if (i < Dimension - 1) {
723  for (ip = i + 1; ip < Dimension; ++ip) {
724  for (jp = 0; jp < 2; ++jp) {
725  if (atomPtr->plan().ghost(ip, jp)) {
726  sendArray_(ip, jp).append(*atomPtr);
727  }
728  }
729  }
730  }
732  }
734  }
735  stamp(PACK_GHOSTS);
737  #ifdef UTIL_MPI
738  // Send and receive buffers
739  if (gridFlags_[i]) {
741  bufferPtr_->endSendBlock();
743  source = domainPtr_->sourceRank(i, j);
744  dest = domainPtr_->destRank(i, j);
745  bufferPtr_->sendRecv(domainPtr_->communicator(), source, dest);
746  stamp(SEND_RECV_GHOSTS);
748  // Unpack ghosts and add to recvArray
749  bufferPtr_->beginRecvBlock();
750  while (bufferPtr_->recvSize() > 0) {
752  atomPtr = atomStoragePtr_->newGhostPtr();
753  atomPtr->unpackGhost(*bufferPtr_);
754  if (shift) {
755  atomPtr->position()[i] += rshift;
756  }
757  recvArray_(i, j).append(*atomPtr);
758  atomStoragePtr_->addNewGhost();
760  // Prohibit sending back ghost in reverse direction
761  if (j == 0) {
762  atomPtr->plan().clearGhost(i, 1);
763  }
765  // Add to send arrays for remaining directions
766  if (i < Dimension - 1) {
767  for (ip = i + 1; ip < Dimension; ++ip) {
768  for (jp = 0; jp < 2; ++jp) {
769  if (atomPtr->plan().ghost(ip, jp)) {
770  sendArray_(ip, jp).append(*atomPtr);
771  }
772  }
773  }
774  }
776  #ifdef UTIL_DEBUG
777  // Validate ghost coordinate on the receiving processor.
778  coordinate = atomPtr->position()[i];
779  if (j == 0) {
780  assert(coordinate > bound_(i, 1));
781  } else {
782  assert(coordinate < bound_(i, 0));
783  }
784  #endif
786  }
787  bufferPtr_->endRecvBlock();
788  stamp(UNPACK_GHOSTS);
790  }
791  #endif // ifdef UTIL_MPI
793  } // end for transmit direction j = 0, 1
795  } // end for Cartesian index i
798  // Find ghost atoms for all incomplete groups
799  for (k = 0; k < groupExchangers_.size(); ++k) {
800  groupExchangers_[k].findGhosts(*atomStoragePtr_);
801  }
803  #ifdef UTIL_DEBUG
805  atomStoragePtr_->isValid();
806  for (k = 0; k < groupExchangers_.size(); ++k) {
807  groupExchangers_[k].isValid(*atomStoragePtr_,
808  domainPtr_->communicator(), true);
809  }
810  #endif // ifdef DDMD_EXCHANGER_DEBUG
811  #endif // ifdef UTIL_DEBUG
813  stamp(FIND_GROUP_GHOSTS);
814  }
816  /*
817  * Update ghost atom coordinates.
818  *
819  * Call on time steps for which no reneighboring is required.
820  */
822  {
823  stamp(START);
824  if (!atomStoragePtr_->isCartesian()) {
825  UTIL_THROW("Error: Coordinates not Cartesian on entry to update");
826  }
828  Atom* atomPtr;
829  int i, j, k, source, dest, size, shift;
831  for (i = 0; i < Dimension; ++i) {
832  for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
834  // Shift on receiving processor for periodic boundary conditions
835  shift = domainPtr_->shift(i, j);
837  if (gridFlags_[i]) {
839  // Pack ghost positions for sending
840  bufferPtr_->clearSendBuffer();
841  bufferPtr_->beginSendBlock(Buffer::UPDATE);
842  size = sendArray_(i, j).size();
843  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
844  atomPtr = &sendArray_(i, j)[k];
845  atomPtr->packUpdate(*bufferPtr_);
846  }
847  bufferPtr_->endSendBlock();
848  stamp(PACK_UPDATE);
850  // Send and receive buffers
851  source = domainPtr_->sourceRank(i, j);
852  dest = domainPtr_->destRank(i, j);
853  bufferPtr_->sendRecv(domainPtr_->communicator(), source, dest);
854  stamp(SEND_RECV_UPDATE);
856  // Unpack ghost positions
857  bufferPtr_->beginRecvBlock();
858  size = recvArray_(i, j).size();
859  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
860  atomPtr = &recvArray_(i, j)[k];
861  atomPtr->unpackUpdate(*bufferPtr_);
862  if (shift) {
863  boundaryPtr_->applyShift(atomPtr->position(), i, shift);
864  }
865  }
866  bufferPtr_->endRecvBlock();
867  stamp(UNPACK_UPDATE);
869  } else {
871  // If grid().dimension(i) == 1, then copy positions of atoms
872  // listed in sendArray to those listed in the recvArray.
874  size = sendArray_(i, j).size();
875  assert(size == recvArray_(i, j).size());
876  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
877  atomPtr = &recvArray_(i, j)[k];
878  atomPtr->copyLocalUpdate(sendArray_(i, j)[k]);
879  #if 0
880  atomPtr->position() = sendArray_(i, j)[k].position();
881  #endif
882  if (shift) {
883  boundaryPtr_->applyShift(atomPtr->position(), i, shift);
884  }
885  }
886  stamp(LOCAL_UPDATE);
888  }
890  } // transmit direction j = 0, 1
892  } // Cartesian direction i = 0, ..., Dimension - 1
894  }
896  /*
897  * Update ghost atom forces.
898  *
899  * Call on time steps for which no reneighboring is required,
900  * if reverse communication is enabled.
901  */
903  {
904  stamp(START);
905  Atom* atomPtr;
906  int i, j, k, source, dest, size;
908  for (i = Dimension - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
909  for (j = 1; j >= 0; --j) {
911  if (gridFlags_[i]) {
913  // Pack ghost forces for sending
914  bufferPtr_->clearSendBuffer();
915  bufferPtr_->beginSendBlock(Buffer::FORCE);
916  size = recvArray_(i, j).size();
917  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
918  atomPtr = &recvArray_(i, j)[k];
919  atomPtr->packForce(*bufferPtr_);
920  }
921  bufferPtr_->endSendBlock();
922  stamp(PACK_FORCE);
924  // Send and receive buffers (reverse direction)
925  source = domainPtr_->destRank(i, j);
926  dest = domainPtr_->sourceRank(i, j);
927  bufferPtr_->sendRecv(domainPtr_->communicator(),
928  source, dest);
929  stamp(SEND_RECV_FORCE);
931  // Unpack ghost forces
932  bufferPtr_->beginRecvBlock();
933  size = sendArray_(i, j).size();
934  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
935  atomPtr = &sendArray_(i, j)[k];
936  atomPtr->unpackForce(*bufferPtr_);
937  }
938  bufferPtr_->endRecvBlock();
939  stamp(UNPACK_FORCE);
941  } else {
943  // If grid().dimension(i) == 1, then copy forces of atoms
944  // listed in sendArray to those listed in the recvArray.
946  size = recvArray_(i, j).size();
947  assert(size == sendArray_(i, j).size());
948  for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
949  atomPtr = &sendArray_(i, j)[k];
950  atomPtr->force() += recvArray_(i, j)[k].force();
951  }
952  stamp(LOCAL_FORCE);
954  }
956  } // transmit direction j = 1 or 0
958  } // Cartesian direction i
960  }
962  /*
963  * Output statistics.
964  */
965  void Exchanger::outputStatistics(std::ostream& out, double time, int nStep)
966  {
967  // Precondition
968  if (!domainPtr_->isMaster()) {
969  UTIL_THROW("May be called only on domain master");
970  }
972  /*
973  * Just before calling this function on the master processor, the
974  * invoking function must call the following functions on all processors:
975  *
976  * - Integrator::computeStatistics(MPI::IntraComm&)
977  * - Exchanger::timer().reduce(MPI::IntraComm&)
978  */
980  int nAtomTot = atomStoragePtr_->nAtomTotal();
981  int nProc = 1;
982  #ifdef UTIL_MPI
983  nProc = domainPtr_->communicator().Get_size();
984  #endif
987  double factor1 = 1.0/double(nStep);
988  double factor2 = double(nProc)/(double(nStep)*double(nAtomTot));
989  double factor3 = 100.0/time;
991  out << std::endl;
992  out << " "
993  << " T/M [sec] "
994  << " T*P/(N*M) "
995  << " Percent (%)" << std::endl;
997  double atomExchangeT = 0.0;
998  double ghostExchangeT = 0.0;
999  double updateT = 0.0;
1001  // Exchanger::exchangeAtoms()
1002  double AtomPlanT = timer_.time(Exchanger::ATOM_PLAN);
1003  atomExchangeT += AtomPlanT;
1004  out << "AtomPlan "
1005  << Dbl(AtomPlanT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1006  << Dbl(AtomPlanT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1007  << Dbl(AtomPlanT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1008  double InitGroupPlanT = timer_.time(Exchanger::INIT_GROUP_PLAN);
1009  atomExchangeT += InitGroupPlanT;
1010  out << "InitGroupPlan "
1011  << Dbl(InitGroupPlanT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1012  << Dbl(InitGroupPlanT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1013  << Dbl(InitGroupPlanT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1014  double ClearGhostsT = timer_.time(Exchanger::CLEAR_GHOSTS);
1015  atomExchangeT += ClearGhostsT;
1016  out << "ClearGhosts "
1017  << Dbl(ClearGhostsT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1018  << Dbl(ClearGhostsT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1019  << Dbl(ClearGhostsT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1020  double PackAtomsT = timer_.time(Exchanger::PACK_ATOMS);
1021  atomExchangeT += PackAtomsT;
1022  out << "PackAtoms "
1023  << Dbl(PackAtomsT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1024  << Dbl(PackAtomsT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1025  << Dbl(PackAtomsT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1026  double PackGroupsT = timer_.time(Exchanger::PACK_GROUPS);
1027  atomExchangeT += PackGroupsT;
1028  out << "PackGroups "
1029  << Dbl(PackGroupsT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1030  << Dbl(PackGroupsT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1031  << Dbl(PackGroupsT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1032  double RemoveAtomsT = timer_.time(Exchanger::REMOVE_ATOMS);
1033  atomExchangeT += RemoveAtomsT;
1034  out << "RemoveAtoms "
1035  << Dbl(RemoveAtomsT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1036  << Dbl(RemoveAtomsT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1037  << Dbl(RemoveAtomsT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1038  double SendRecvAtomsT = timer_.time(Exchanger::SEND_RECV_ATOMS);
1039  atomExchangeT += SendRecvAtomsT;
1040  out << "SendRecvAtoms "
1041  << Dbl(SendRecvAtomsT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1042  << Dbl(SendRecvAtomsT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1043  << Dbl(SendRecvAtomsT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1044  double UnpackAtomsT = timer_.time(Exchanger::UNPACK_ATOMS);
1045  atomExchangeT += UnpackAtomsT;
1046  out << "UnpackAtoms "
1047  << Dbl(UnpackAtomsT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1048  << Dbl(UnpackAtomsT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1049  << Dbl(UnpackAtomsT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1050  double UnpackGroupsT = timer_.time(Exchanger::UNPACK_GROUPS);
1051  atomExchangeT += UnpackGroupsT;
1052  out << "UnpackGroups "
1053  << Dbl(UnpackGroupsT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1054  << Dbl(UnpackGroupsT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1055  << Dbl(UnpackGroupsT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1056  double MarkGroupGhostsT = timer_.time(Exchanger::MARK_GROUP_GHOSTS);
1057  atomExchangeT += MarkGroupGhostsT;
1058  out << "MarkGroupGhosts "
1059  << Dbl(MarkGroupGhostsT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1060  << Dbl(MarkGroupGhostsT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1061  << Dbl(MarkGroupGhostsT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1062  double SendArraysT = timer_.time(Exchanger::INIT_SEND_ARRAYS);
1063  atomExchangeT += SendArraysT;
1064  out << "SendArrays "
1065  << Dbl(SendArraysT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1066  << Dbl(SendArraysT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1067  << Dbl(SendArraysT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1068  out << "Atom Exchange (Tot) "
1069  << Dbl(atomExchangeT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1070  << Dbl(atomExchangeT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1071  << Dbl(atomExchangeT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1072  out << std::endl;
1074  // Exchanger::exchangeGhosts
1075  double PackGhostsT = timer_.time(Exchanger::PACK_GHOSTS);
1076  ghostExchangeT += PackGhostsT;
1077  out << "PackGhosts "
1078  << Dbl(PackGhostsT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1079  << Dbl(PackGhostsT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1080  << Dbl(PackGhostsT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1081  double SendRecvGhostsT = timer_.time(Exchanger::SEND_RECV_GHOSTS);
1082  ghostExchangeT += SendRecvGhostsT;
1083  out << "SendRecvGhosts "
1084  << Dbl(SendRecvGhostsT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1085  << Dbl(SendRecvGhostsT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1086  << Dbl(SendRecvGhostsT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1087  double UnpackGhostsT = timer_.time(Exchanger::UNPACK_GHOSTS);
1088  ghostExchangeT += UnpackGhostsT;
1089  out << "UnpackGhosts "
1090  << Dbl(UnpackGhostsT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1091  << Dbl(UnpackGhostsT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1092  << Dbl(UnpackGhostsT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1093  double FindGroupGhostsT = timer_.time(Exchanger::FIND_GROUP_GHOSTS);
1094  ghostExchangeT += FindGroupGhostsT;
1095  out << "FindGroupGhosts "
1096  << Dbl(FindGroupGhostsT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1097  << Dbl(FindGroupGhostsT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1098  << Dbl(FindGroupGhostsT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1099  out << "Ghost Exchange (Tot) "
1100  << Dbl(ghostExchangeT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1101  << Dbl(ghostExchangeT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1102  << Dbl(ghostExchangeT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1103  out << std::endl;
1105  // Exchanger::update()
1106  double PackUpdateT = timer_.time(Exchanger::PACK_UPDATE);
1107  updateT += PackUpdateT;
1108  out << "PackUpdate "
1109  << Dbl(PackUpdateT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1110  << Dbl(PackUpdateT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1111  << Dbl(PackUpdateT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1112  double SendRecvUpdateT = timer_.time(Exchanger::SEND_RECV_UPDATE);
1113  updateT += SendRecvUpdateT;
1114  out << "SendRecvUpdate "
1115  << Dbl(SendRecvUpdateT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1116  << Dbl(SendRecvUpdateT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1117  << Dbl(SendRecvUpdateT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1118  double UnpackUpdateT = timer_.time(Exchanger::UNPACK_UPDATE);
1119  updateT += UnpackUpdateT;
1120  out << "UnpackUpdate "
1121  << Dbl(UnpackUpdateT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1122  << Dbl(UnpackUpdateT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1123  << Dbl(UnpackUpdateT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1124  double LocalUpdateT = timer_.time(Exchanger::LOCAL_UPDATE);
1125  updateT += LocalUpdateT;
1126  out << "LocalUpdate "
1127  << Dbl(LocalUpdateT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1128  << Dbl(LocalUpdateT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1129  << Dbl(LocalUpdateT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1130  out << "Update (Tot) "
1131  << Dbl(updateT*factor1, 12, 6) << " "
1132  << Dbl(updateT*factor2, 12, 6) << " "
1133  << Dbl(updateT*factor3, 12, 6, true) << std::endl;
1134  out << std::endl;
1136  }
1137  #endif // ifdef UTIL_MPI
1139 }
void addNewGhost()
Register the most recent new ghost atom.
void setGhost(int i, int j)
Set ghost flag for direction i, j (set true).
Definition: Plan.h:83
bool beginRecvBlock()
Begin to receive a block from the recv buffer.
Definition: Buffer.cpp:271
Atom * newAtomPtr()
Returns pointer an address available for a new Atom.
int typeId() const
Get atom type index.
const int Dimension
Dimensionality of space.
Definition: Dimension.h:19
void update()
Update ghost atom coordinates.
Definition: Exchanger.cpp:821
A Vector is a Cartesian vector.
Definition: Vector.h:75
void unpackUpdate(Buffer &buffer)
Unpack updated ghost position from recv buffer.
int nAtomTotal() const
Get total number of atoms on all processors.
void sendRecv(MPI::Intracomm &comm, int source, int dest)
Receive from processor send and send to processor recv.
Definition: Buffer.cpp:319
unsigned int flags() const
Return raw flags unsigned int.
Definition: Plan.h:128
int ghostCapacity() const
Maximum number of ghost atoms for which space is available.
Definition: Buffer.cpp:152
bool isInitialized() const
Has this Domain been initialized by calling readParam?
Definition: Domain.h:349
int sourceRank(int i, int j) const
Rank of the processor from which to receive for transfer (i, j).
Definition: Domain.h:322
void setTypeId(int Id)
Set the atom type index.
void setId(int Id)
Set unique global id for this Atom.
const Vector & lengths() const
Get Vector of unit cell lengths by const reference.
An orthorhombic periodic unit cell.
int shift(int i, int j) const
Shift to be applied to sent coordinates in transfer (i, j).
Definition: Domain.h:340
void unpackForce(Buffer &buffer)
Unpack updated position of ghost Atom from recv buffer.
bool exchange(int i, int j) const
Get bool exchange flag for direction i, j.
Definition: Plan.h:113
Vector & position()
Get position Vector by reference.
bool ghost(int i, int j) const
Get ghost flag for direction i, j.
Definition: Plan.h:122
void beginSendBlock(int sendType)
Initialize a data block.
Definition: Buffer.cpp:223
void setFlags(unsigned int flags)
Set all flags (contains all bits).
Definition: Plan.h:98
void allocate()
Allocate all required memory.
Definition: Exchanger.cpp:77
Wrapper for a double precision number, for formatted ostream output.
Definition: Dbl.h:39
File containing preprocessor macros for error handling.
void clearFlags()
Clear all flags (set all to false, set flags_ = 0).
Definition: Plan.h:104
A point particle in an MD simulation.
Parallel domain decomposition (DD) MD simulation.
void unpackAtom(Buffer &buffer)
Unpack an atom from a recv buffer and receive ownership.
void setExchange(int i, int j)
Set exchange flag for direction i, j (set true).
Definition: Plan.h:65
int id() const
Get unique global index for this atom.
void addGroupExchanger(GroupExchanger &groupExchanger)
Add a GroupExchanger to an internal list.
Definition: Exchanger.cpp:71
void addNewAtom()
Finalize addition of the most recent new atom.
void copyLocalUpdate(Atom const &sendAtom)
Copies position of local atom to update this ghost atom.
int dimension(int i) const
Get grid dimension along Cartesian direction i.
Definition: Grid.h:159
MPI::Intracomm & communicator() const
Return Cartesian communicator by reference.
Definition: Domain.h:257
void setPairCutoff(double pairCutoff)
Set width of slab for ghosts.
Definition: Exchanger.cpp:99
void packForce(Buffer &buffer)
Pack update of ghost Atom force into send buffer.
void associate(const Domain &domain, const Boundary &boundary, AtomStorage &atomStorage, Buffer &buffer)
Set pointers to associated objects.
Definition: Exchanger.cpp:59
int gridRank() const
Get rank of this processor in the processor grid.
Definition: Domain.h:304
#define UTIL_THROW(msg)
Macro for throwing an Exception, reporting function, file and line number.
Definition: global.h:51
double time(int id) const
Get accumulated time for interval i, average per processor.
Definition: DdTimer.cpp:61
void packGhost(Buffer &buffer)
Pack a ghost Atom into a send buffer.
Definition: Exchanger.cpp:53
Definition: Exchanger.cpp:34
int nGhost() const
Return current number of ghost atoms on this processor.
bool notEnd() const
Is the current pointer not at the end of the PArray?
Utility classes for scientific computation.
Definition: accumulators.mod:1
void outputStatistics(std::ostream &out, double time, int nStep)
Output statistics.
Definition: Exchanger.cpp:965
int recvSize() const
Number of unread items left in current recv block.
Definition: Buffer.cpp:495
A container for all the atoms and ghost atoms on this processor.
const Grid & grid() const
Return processor Grid by const reference.
Definition: Domain.h:268
Atom * newGhostPtr()
Returns pointer an address available for a new ghost Atom.
void packUpdate(Buffer &buffer)
Pack updated ghost position into send buffer.
void computeNAtomTotal(MPI::Intracomm &communicator)
Compute the total number of local atoms on all processors.
bool isValid() const
Return true if the container is valid, or throw an Exception.
bool isMaster() const
Is this the master processor (gridRank == 0) ?
Definition: Domain.h:313
Buffer for interprocessor communication.
Definition: Buffer.h:217
Decomposition of the system into domains associated with processors.
Definition: Domain.h:31
Vector & force()
Get force Vector by reference.
void copyLocalGhost(Atom const &sendAtom)
Copies data from local atom to update this ghost atom.
Class for exchanging Atoms, Ghosts and Groups between processors.
Definition: Exchanger.h:35
double domainBound(int i, int j) const
Get one boundary of the domain owned by this processor.
Definition: Domain.cpp:190
void applyShift(Vector &r, int i, int t) const
Shift Cartesian Vector r by multiple t of a Bravais lattice vector.
bool isCartesian() const
Are atom coordinates Cartesian (true) or generalized (false)?
Interface for a GroupStorage<N> for use in Exchanger.
void clearGhost(int i, int j)
Clear ghost flag for direction i, j (set false).
Definition: Plan.h:92
Communication plan.
Definition: Plan.h:45
void endSendBlock(bool isComplete=true)
Finalize a block in the send buffer.
Definition: Buffer.cpp:247
bool isInitialized() const
Has this Buffer been initialized?
Definition: Buffer.cpp:158
int destRank(int i, int j) const
Rank of the processor to which to send for transfer (i, j).
Definition: Domain.h:331
void exchange()
Exchange local atoms and ghosts.
Definition: Exchanger.cpp:106
void clearGhosts()
Clear all ghost atoms.
void unpackGhost(Buffer &buffer)
Unpack a ghost Atom from a recv buffer.
bool hasBoundary() const
Has an associated Boundary been set?
Definition: Domain.h:355
Iterator for all atoms owned by an AtomStorage.
Definition: AtomIterator.h:24
Plan & plan()
Get communication plan by reference.
void clearSendBuffer()
Clear the send buffer.
Definition: Buffer.cpp:212
void endRecvBlock()
Finish processing a block in the recv buffer.
Definition: Buffer.cpp:301
void reverseUpdate()
Update ghost atom forces.
Definition: Exchanger.cpp:902
void begin(AtomIterator &iterator)
Set iterator to beginning of the set of atoms.
void removeAtom(Atom *atomPtr)
Remove a specific Atom.