1 #ifndef MCMD_HYBRID_NPH_MD_MOVE_H 2 #define MCMD_HYBRID_NPH_MD_MOVE_H 11 #include <mcMd/mcMoves/SystemMove.h> 12 #include <util/containers/DArray.h> 13 #include <util/space/Vector.h> 14 #include <mcMd/mdIntegrators/NphIntegrator.h> 54 virtual void readParameters(std::istream& in);
A System for use in a Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation.
HybridNphMove is a hybrid Molecular Dynamics MC move for NPT ensemble.
Saving / output archive for binary ostream.
Utility classes for scientific computation.
An McMove that acts on one McSystem.
An explictly reversible/measure-preserving Parrinello-Rahman type NPH integrator. ...
Dynamically allocatable contiguous array template.
Saving archive for binary istream.
Enumeration of the 7 possible Bravais lattice systems.
Single-processor Monte Carlo (MC) and molecular dynamics (MD).
A System for Molecular Dynamics simulation.