Simpatico  v1.10
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
McMd Namespace Reference

Single-processor Monte Carlo (MC) and molecular dynamics (MD). More...


class  Activate
 Static member functions to de-active and re-active atoms. More...
class  Analyzer
 Abstract base for periodic output and/or analysis actions. More...
class  AnalyzerManager
 Manager for a list of Analyzer objects. More...
class  AngleFactory
 Factory for subclasses of AnglePotential. More...
class  AnglePotential
 Interface for a Angle Interaction. More...
class  AnglePotentialImpl
 Implementation template for an AnglePotential. More...
class  Atom
 A point particle within a Molecule. More...
class  AtomDisplaceMove
 Random displacement of one atom. More...
class  AtomMSD
 Autocorrelation for vector separation of two atoms on a molecule. More...
class  AtomType
 Descriptor for a type of Atom. More...
class  AverageAnalyzer
 AverageAnalyzer averages of total potential energy. More...
class  BennettsMethod
 Bennett's method estimates free energy difference between two states. More...
class  BlockRadiusGyration
 Radius of gyration of different blocks in a molecule. More...
class  BondFactory
 Factory for BondPotential objects. More...
class  BondLengthDist
 BondLengthDist evaluates the distribution function of the lengths of the bonds. More...
class  BondPotential
 Abstract Bond Potential class. More...
class  BondPotentialImpl
 Implementation template for a BondPotential. More...
class  BoundaryAverage
 Average of boundary lengths and volume of simulation cell. More...
class  Cell
 A set of Atoms in a small region. More...
class  CellList
 A cell list for Atom objects in a periodic system boundary. More...
class  CellTag
 Location of the pointer to a particular Atom in a CellList. More...
class  CfbDoubleRebridgeMove
 configuration bias trimer double rebridge moves, to reconnect two chains. More...
class  CfbEndBase
 Base class for configuration bias (CFB) end regrowth moves. More...
class  CfbEndMove
 Configuration bias end regrowth move for flexible linear chains. More...
class  CfbLinear
 Base class for configuration bias (CFB) end regrowth moves. More...
class  CfbLinearEndMove
 Configuration bias end regrowth move for flexible linear chains. More...
class  CfbRebridgeBase
 Base class configuration bias moves internal segment regrowth moves. More...
class  CfbRebridgeMove
 Config-bias move for internal segment of a flexible linear polymer. More...
class  CfbReptateMove
 Configuration bias reptation move for a Linear species. More...
class  CfbReptationMove
 Configuration bias reptation move for a Linear species. More...
class  CfbRingRebridgeMove
 Configuration bias rebridge moves for ring molecules. More...
class  Cluster
 Cluster of molecules. More...
class  ClusterHistogram
 Identify micelle clusters in polymeric systems. More...
class  ClusterIdentifier
 Identifies clusters of molecules, such as micelles. More...
struct  ClusterLink
 Molecule in a cluster. More...
class  ColVar
 Abstract base class for collective variables. More...
class  ColVarPotentialTmpl
 SpecialPotential that is a function of a collective variable. More...
class  Command
 Command is an object that can be invoked from the command script. More...
class  CommandManager
 Manager for Command objects in an MdSimulation. More...
class  ComMSD
 Molecular center of mass mean squared displacement. More...
class  CompositionProfile
 CompositionProfile evaluates the distribution of monomer positions along several user-specified directions. More...
class  ConfigIo
 System configuration file reader and writer. More...
class  ConfigIoFactory
 Default Factory for subclasses of ConfigIo. More...
class  ConfigWriter
 Periodically dump system configuration to a new file. More...
class  CoulombFactory
 Factory for CoulombPotential objects. More...
class  Crosslinker
 Analyzer to create crosslinks and output the resulting configuration. More...
class  CvBias
 Bias potential as a function of a collective variable (CV). More...
class  DCDTrajectoryReader
 TrajectoryReader for CHARMM ".dcd" data files. More...
class  DdMdConfigIo
 ConfigIo for DdMd data files. More...
class  DdMdTrajectoryReader
 TrajectoryReader for a DdMd trajectory file. More...
class  DeformCommand
 Command to deform the unit cell. More...
class  DihedralFactory
 Factory for subclasses of DihedralPotential. More...
class  DihedralPotential
 Interface for a Dihedral Potential. More...
class  DihedralPotentialImpl
 Implementation template for an DihedralPotential. More...
class  DpdMove
 DpdMove is a short dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulation. More...
class  EndSwapMove
 A move that swaps the ends of a linear hetero-polymer. More...
class  EndtoEnd
 End to end distance of a molecule. More...
class  EndtoEndXYZ
 Mean square end to end distance of a molecule. More...
class  EnergyCalculator
 Interface for a class that calculates a total energy. More...
class  EwaldRSpaceAccumulator
 Utility class to store r-space Coulomb energy and stress. More...
class  ExternalFactory
 Factory for subclasses MdExternalPotential or McExternalPotential. More...
class  ExternalPotential
 Abstract External Potential class. More...
class  ExternalPotentialImpl
 Template implementation of ExternalPotential. More...
class  G1MSD
 Autocorrelation for vector separation of any two monomers on a molecule. More...
class  GcSliplinkMove
 Move to evolve the slip-springs. More...
class  Generator
 Generates initial configurations for molecules of one species. More...
class  Group
 A sequence of NAtom covalently interacting atoms. More...
class  GroupRebridgeBase
 Base class for rebridging a group of atoms forming a tetrahedron. More...
class  HarmonicCvBias
 Harmonic function of a collective variable (CV). More...
class  HomopolymerSemiGrandMove
 A move that changes the type of a HomopolymerSG molecule. More...
class  HomopolymerSG
 A Homopolymer with a mutable type, for semigrand ensemble. More...
class  HybridMdMove
 HybridMdMove is a hybrid Molecular Dynamics MC move. More...
class  HybridNphMdMove
 HybridNphMove is a hybrid Molecular Dynamics MC move for NPT ensemble. More...
class  InterIntraLink
 Number of inter and intramolecular links. More...
class  IntraBondStressAutoCorr
 Autocorrelation for bond stress of a molecule. More...
class  IntraBondTensorAutoCorr
 Autocorrelation for bond stress of a molecule. More...
class  IntraPairAutoCorr
 Autocorrelation for vector separation of any two monomers on a molecule. More...
class  IntraStructureFactor
 Intramolecular contribution to the structure factor S(k) More...
class  IntraStructureFactorGrid
 IntraStructureFactorGrid evaluates structure factors in Fourier space. More...
class  LammpsConfigIo
 ConfigIo for Lammps data files. More...
class  LammpsDumpReader
 TrajectoryReader for Lammps dump trajectory files. More...
class  LammpsDumpWriter
 Periodically write snapshots to a lammps dump (i.e., trajectory) file. More...
class  LinearCvBias
 Linear function of a collective variable (CV). More...
class  LinearGenerator
 Generates random configurations for linear molecules. More...
class  LinearPerturbation
 A Perturbation that is a linear function of a parameter. More...
class  LinearRouseAutoCorr
 Autocorrelation for Rouse mode coefficients of a linear molecule. More...
class  LinearSG
 A mutable linear polymer, for semigrand ensemble. More...
class  Link
 A Link represents a crosslink between two Atoms. More...
class  LinkAddEvent
 Event signalling addition of Link to the LinkMaster. More...
class  LinkFactory
 Factory for subclasses of MdBondPotential or McBondPotential. More...
class  LinkLengthDist
 LinkLengthDist evaluates the distribution function of the lengths of the links. More...
class  LinkLifeTime
 LinkLifeTime evaluates how long the slip-springs live. More...
class  LinkLTPos
 LinkLTPos evaluates how long the slip-springs live as a function of position along the chain. More...
class  LinkMaster
 Manages all Link objects in a System. More...
class  LinkMSD
 Evaluates msd of link ends along the chains. More...
class  LinkPotentialImpl
 Template implementation of an BondPotential for links. More...
struct  LinkRemoveEvent
 Event signalling removal of a Link from the LinkMaster. More...
class  LinkResetEvent
 Event signalling reset of Link to the LinkMaster. More...
class  LogProgress
 Periodically write step number to a Log file. More...
class  Mask
 Set of Atoms for which pair interactions with a target Atom are "masked". More...
class  McAnalyzerFactory
 AnalyzerFactory for an McSimulation. More...
class  McAnalyzerManager
 Manager for Analyzer objects in an McSimulation. More...
class  McBondEnergyAverage
 McBondEnergyAverage averages of bond potential energy. More...
class  McCommandFactory
 CommandFactory for an McSimulation. More...
class  McCommandManager
 Command interpreter and Manager for an McSimulation. More...
class  McConfigIo
 ConfigIo for MC simulations (no atom velocities). More...
class  McCoulombPotential
 Long-range part of Coulomb potential for MC. More...
class  McDeformCommand
 Command to deform the unit cell. More...
class  McEnergyAnalyzer
 Compute averages and output block averages of energy components. More...
class  McEnergyAverage
 McEnergyAverage averages of total potential energy. More...
class  McEnergyOutput
 Analyzer to output total potential energy. More...
class  McEnergyPerturbation
 A Perturbation with a variable inverse temperature. More...
class  McExternalEnergyAverage
 McExternalEnergyAverage averages of total external energy. More...
class  McExternalPerturbation
 A Perturbation in the external potential external parameter. More...
class  McIntraBondStressAutoCorr
 Autocorrelation for bond stress of a molecule. More...
class  McIntraBondTensorAutoCorr
 Autocorrelation for bond stress of a molecule. More...
class  McMdConfigIo
 Base class for default Mc and Md configIos. More...
class  McMove
 McMove is an abstract base class for Monte Carlo moves. More...
class  McMoveFactory
 McMoveFactory for an McSimulation. More...
class  McMoveManager
 Manager for a set of McMove objects. More...
class  McMuExchange
 Exchange chemical potential for semigrand ensemble. More...
class  McNVTChemicalPotential
 McNVTChemicalPotential uses configuration bias algorithm to calculate the chemical potential of a linear chain. More...
class  McPairEnergyAverage
 McPairEnergyAverage averages of total potential energy. More...
class  McPairExternalPerturbation
 A Perturbation in the pair interaction epsilon(0,1) for any pair potential supporting setEpsilon() and in the external parameter for any external potential supporting setExternalParameter(). More...
class  McPairPerturbation
 A Perturbation in the pair interaction epsilon(0,1) for any pair potential supporting setEpsilon(). More...
class  McPairPotential
 A PairPotential for MC simulations (abstract). More...
class  McPairPotentialImpl
 Implementation template for an McPairPotential. More...
class  McPerturbationFactory
 Default Factory for subclasses of Perturbation. More...
class  McPressureAverage
 Analyzer to calculate average isotropic pressure. More...
class  McSimulation
 A Monte-Carlo simulation of one McSystem. More...
class  McStressAutoCorrelation
 Analyzer to calculate average isotropic pressure. More...
class  McSystem
 A System for use in a Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation. More...
class  McSystemInterface
 An interface to an McSystem. More...
class  McVirialStressTensorAverage
 Periodically write (tensor) StressTensor to file. More...
class  MdAnalyzerFactory
 AnalyzerFactory for an MdSimulation. More...
class  MdAnalyzerManager
 Manager for Analyzer objects in an MdSimulation. More...
class  MdColVar
 Collective variables for MD simulation, with atom forces. More...
class  MdCommandFactory
 CommandFactory for an MdSimulation. More...
class  MdCommandManager
 Command interpreter and Command Manager for an MdSimulation. More...
class  MdConfigIo
 ConfigIo for MD simulations (includes velocities). More...
class  MdCoulombPotential
 Coulomb potential for an Md simulation. More...
class  MdDeformCommand
 Command to deform the unit cell. More...
class  MdEnergyAnalyzer
 Compute averages and output block averages of energy components. More...
class  MdEnergyOutput
 Analyzer to output total potential and kinetic energies. More...
class  MdEwaldPairPotentialImpl
 Implementation of a pair potential for a charged system. More...
class  MdEwaldPotential
 Ewald Coulomb potential class for MD simulations. More...
class  MdIntegrator
 Abstract base for molecular dynamics integrators. More...
class  MdIntegratorFactory
 Default Factory for subclasses of MdIntegrator. More...
class  MdIntraBondStressAutoCorr
 Autocorrelation for bond stress of a molecule. More...
class  MdIntraBondTensorAutoCorr
 Autocorrelation for bond orientation of of a molecule. More...
class  MdKineticEnergyAverage
 MdKineticEnergyAverage averages of total kinetic energy. More...
class  MdMove
 MdMove is a simple NVE molecular Dynamics MC move. More...
class  MdPairEnergyCoefficients
 Analyzer to output the total pair energy and the sum of squares of the monomeric and molecular pair energy. More...
class  MdPairPotential
 An PairPotential for MD simulation. More...
class  MdPairPotentialImpl
 Implementation template for an MdPairPotential. More...
class  MdPotentialEnergyAverage
 MdPotentialEnergyAverage averages of total potential energy. More...
class  MdPressureAverage
 Calculate average scalar pressure for an MdSystem. More...
class  MdSimulation
 A molecular dynamics simulation of a single MdSystem. More...
class  MdSpmePotential
 Smooth Particle-Mesh Ewald Coulomb potential for MD simulations. More...
class  MdStressAutoCorr
 Analyzer to calculate average isotropic pressure. More...
class  MdSystem
 A System for Molecular Dynamics simulation. More...
class  MdSystemInterface
 An interface to an MdSystem. More...
class  MdVirialStressTensorAverage
 Periodically write (tensor) StressTensor to file. More...
class  Molecule
 A physical molecule (a set of covalently bonded Atoms). More...
class  MoleculeSetObserver
 Observer interface. More...
class  NLinkAverage
 Average number of crosslinks. More...
class  NphIntegrator
 An explictly reversible/measure-preserving Parrinello-Rahman type NPH integrator. More...
class  NveVvIntegrator
 An NVE Verlet molecular dynamics integrator. More...
class  NvtDpdVvIntegrator
 A velocity-Verlet dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) integrator. More...
class  NvtLangevinIntegrator
 A NVT molecular dynamics integrator with a Langevin thermostat. More...
class  NvtNhIntegrator
 A Nose-Hoover NVT molecular dynamics integrator. More...
class  PairFactory
 Factory for subclasses MdPairPotential or McPairPotential. More...
class  PairIterator
 Iterator for pairs in a PairList. More...
class  PairList
 A Verlet neighbor list. More...
class  PairPotential
 Interface for a Pair Potential. More...
class  PairSelector
 Selection rule for pairs of Atoms. More...
class  Perturbation
 Model of parameter dependence in a free energy perturbation theory. More...
class  PerturbDerivative
 PerturbDerivative returns average value of Perturbation::derivative(). More...
class  PointGenerator
 Generator for monoatomic molecules (atoms). More...
class  PressureAverage
 PressureAverage evaluates average pressure. More...
class  RadiusGyration
 Radius of gyration of a molecule. More...
class  RDF
 RDF evaluates the atomic radial distribution function. More...
class  ReplicaMove
 Replica exchange Monte Carlo move using Gibbs sampling. More...
struct  ReSetAtomEvent
 Event signalling the reset of an atom from the LinkMaster. More...
class  RigidDisplaceMove
 Random rigid displacement of a molecule. More...
class  RingOctaRebridgeMove
 Molecule rebridging move for a Ring species. More...
class  RingRouseAutoCorr
 Autocorrelation for Rouse mode coefficients of a ring molecule. More...
class  RingTetraRebridgeMove
 Molecule move that attempt the exchange of interior pieces of one close rings. More...
class  SemiGrandDistribution
 Calculate distribution of type indices for mutable species. More...
class  Simulation
 The main object in a simulation, which coordinates others. More...
class  Sliplinker
 Move to create and destroy slip-springs. More...
class  SliplinkerAll
 Move to create and destroy slip-springs. More...
class  SliplinkerEnd
 Move to create and destroy slip-springs. More...
class  SliplinkMcAnalyzerFactory
 Custom AnalyzerFactory for an McSimulation. More...
class  SliplinkMcModule
 Module for slip link simulation. More...
class  SliplinkMcMoveFactory
 Custom McMoveFactory. More...
class  SliplinkMdAnalyzerFactory
 Custom AnalyzerFactory for an MdSimulation. More...
class  SliplinkMove
 Move to evolve the slip-springs. More...
class  SmpConfigIo
 Common configuration file format for simpatico. More...
class  SpecialExternal
 Potential for testing purposes. More...
class  SpecialFactory
 Factory for specialized subclasses of SpecialPotential. More...
class  SpecialPotential
 Specialized potential for an MD simulation. More...
class  SpecialPotentialFacade
 SpecialPotential interface to an existing potential. More...
class  SpeciesFactory
 Default Factory for subclasses of Species. More...
class  SpeciesManager
 A Manager for a set of Species objects. More...
class  SpeciesMutator
 Mix-in class for mutable subclasses of Species. More...
class  SSChainDist
 SSChainDist evaluates the distribution of slip-springs along the chains. More...
class  StressAutoCorr
 Compute stress autocorrelation for an isotropic system. More...
class  StressCalculator
 Interface for a stress calculator. More...
class  StressTensorAverage
 Periodically write (tensor) StressTensor to file. More...
class  StructureFactor
 StructureFactor evaluates structure factors in Fourier space. More...
class  StructureFactorGrid
 StructureFactorGrid evaluates structure factors in Fourier space. More...
class  StructureFactorP
 StructureFactorP evaluates partial structure factors in Fourier space. More...
class  StructureFactorPGrid
 StructureFactorPGrid evaluates structure factors in Fourier space. More...
class  System
 A set of interacting Molecules enclosed by a Boundary. More...
class  SystemAnalyzer
 Template for Analyzer associated with one System. More...
class  SystemAnalyzerFactory
 AnalyzerFactory for any System (for mc or md). More...
class  SystemInterface
 An interface to a System. More...
class  SystemMove
 An McMove that acts on one McSystem. More...
class  TrajectoryReader
 Trajectory file reader (base class). More...
class  TrajectoryReaderFactory
 Default Factory for subclasses of TrajectoryReader. More...
class  TrajectoryWriter
 Periodically write snapshots to a lammps dump (i.e., trajectory) file. More...
class  TypeDistribution
 Calculate distribution of type indices for mutable species. More...
class  VanHove
 Evaluates the van Hove function S(k,t) for one or more wavevector k. More...
class  VelProf
 Evaluates x-velocity profile as a function of z. More...


typedef Group< 3 > Angle
 Group of 3 Atoms involved in an angle potential. More...
typedef Group< 2 > Bond
 A Group of 2 covalently bonded Atoms. More...
typedef Group< 4 > Dihedral
 Group of the 4 Atoms in a dihedral interaction. More...
typedef FSArray< const Bond *, Species::MaxBondPerAtomAtomBondArray
 Array to hold pointers to bonds that contain a specific atom. More...
typedef FSArray< const Angle *, Simp::Species::MaxAnglePerAtomAtomAngleArray
 Array to hold pointers to angles that contain a specific atom. More...
typedef FSArray< const Dihedral *, Simp::Species::MaxDihedralPerAtomAtomDihedralArray
 Array to hold pointers to Dihedrals that contain a specific atom. More...
typedef Pair< int > sendRecvPair
 A pair of receiving and sending partner ranks. More...



std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, PairSelector &selector)
 istream extractor (>>) for a PairSelector object. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PairSelector &selector)
 ostream inserter (<<) for a PairSelector object. More...
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, PairSelector::PairType &type)
 istream extractor (>>) for a PairSelector::PairType enum. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PairSelector::PairType &type)
 ostream inserter (<<) for a PairSelector::PairType enum. More...
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, PairSelector &selector, const unsigned int version)
 Serialize a PairSelector. More...
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, PairSelector::PairType &type, const unsigned int version)
 Serialize a PairSelector. More...
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, AtomType &atomType)
 istream extractor (>>) for an AtomType. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const AtomType &atomType)
 ostream inserter (<<) for an AtomType. More...
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, AtomType &atomType, const unsigned int version)
 Serialize an AtomType. More...
void getAtomBonds (const Atom &atom, AtomBondArray &bonds)
 Fill an array of pointers to Bonds that contain an Atom. More...
void getAtomAngles (const Atom &atom, AtomAngleArray &angles)
 Fill an array of pointers to Angles that contain an Atom. More...
void getAtomDihedrals (const Atom &atom, AtomDihedralArray &dihedrals)
 Fill an array of pointers to Dihedrals that contain an Atom. More...
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &in, MaskPolicy &policy)
 istream extractor for a MaskPolicy. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, MaskPolicy policy)
 ostream inserter for an MaskPolicy. More...
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, MaskPolicy &policy, const unsigned int version)
 Serialize a MaskPolicy. More...
GeneratorgeneratorFactory (Species &species, McSystem &system)
 Instantiates generator for on species in an McSystem. More...
GeneratorgeneratorFactory (Species &species, MdSystem &system)
 Instantiates generator for on species in an MdSystem. More...
void commitMpiTypes ()
 Commit all MPI data types needed for Mc and Md simulations. More...

Detailed Description

Single-processor Monte Carlo (MC) and molecular dynamics (MD).

Typedef Documentation

Array to hold pointers to bonds that contain a specific atom.

Definition at line 30 of file getAtomGroups.h.

Array to hold pointers to angles that contain a specific atom.

Definition at line 53 of file getAtomGroups.h.

Array to hold pointers to Dihedrals that contain a specific atom.

Definition at line 69 of file getAtomGroups.h.

typedef Pair<int> McMd::sendRecvPair

A pair of receiving and sending partner ranks.

Definition at line 29 of file ReplicaMove.h.

Function Documentation

std::istream & McMd::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
PairSelector selector 

istream extractor (>>) for a PairSelector object.

Format: pairType atom1TypeId atom2TypeId

ininput stream
selectorPairSelector to be read from stream
modified input stream

Definition at line 82 of file PairSelector.cpp.

Referenced by McMd::AtomType::charge().

std::ostream & McMd::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const PairSelector selector 

ostream inserter (<<) for a PairSelector object.

Format: pairType atom1TypeId atom2TypeId

outoutput stream
selectorPairSelector to be written to stream
modified output stream

Definition at line 93 of file PairSelector.cpp.

References Util::Parameter::Width.

Referenced by McMd::AtomType::charge().

std::istream & McMd::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
PairSelector::PairType type 

istream extractor (>>) for a PairSelector::PairType enum.

ininput stream
typePairType to be read from stream
modified input stream

Definition at line 107 of file PairSelector.cpp.

References UTIL_THROW.

std::ostream & McMd::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const PairSelector::PairType type 

ostream inserter (<<) for a PairSelector::PairType enum.

outoutput stream
typePairSelector::PairType to be written to stream
modified output stream

Definition at line 128 of file PairSelector.cpp.

References UTIL_THROW.

template<class Archive >
void McMd::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
PairSelector selector,
const unsigned int  version 

Serialize a PairSelector.

Default implementation calls serialize method of data object. Can be overridden by any explicit specialization.

ararchive object
selectorobject to be serialized
versionarchive version id

Definition at line 167 of file PairSelector.h.

References McMd::PairSelector::operator<<, and McMd::PairSelector::operator>>.

Referenced by McMd::ConfigWriter::~ConfigWriter(), McMd::LammpsDumpWriter::~LammpsDumpWriter(), McMd::StressTensorAverage< SystemType >::~StressTensorAverage(), and McMd::TrajectoryWriter::~TrajectoryWriter().

template<class Archive >
void McMd::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
PairSelector::PairType type,
const unsigned int  version 

Serialize a PairSelector.

Default implementation calls serialize method of data object. Can be overridden by any explicit specialization.

ararchive object
typeobject to be serialized
versionarchive version id

Definition at line 203 of file PairSelector.h.

References Util::serializeEnum().

std::istream & McMd::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
AtomType atomType 

istream extractor (>>) for an AtomType.


name [string] mass [double] charge [double]

ininput stream
atomTypeAtomType to be read from stream
modified input stream

Definition at line 69 of file mcMd/chemistry/AtomType.cpp.

std::ostream & McMd::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const AtomType atomType 

ostream inserter (<<) for an AtomType.

Format, one one line with no line break:

name mass [charge]

outoutput stream
atomTypeAtomType to be written to stream
modified output stream

Definition at line 84 of file mcMd/chemistry/AtomType.cpp.

References Util::Parameter::Precision, and Util::Parameter::Width.

template<class Archive >
void McMd::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
AtomType atomType,
const unsigned int  version 

Serialize an AtomType.

ararchive object
atomTypeobject to be serialized
versionarchive version id

Definition at line 235 of file mcMd/chemistry/AtomType.h.

void McMd::getAtomBonds ( const Atom atom,
AtomBondArray bonds 
void McMd::getAtomAngles ( const Atom atom,
AtomAngleArray angles 
void McMd::getAtomDihedrals ( const Atom atom,
AtomDihedralArray dihedrals 
std::istream & McMd::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
MaskPolicy policy 

istream extractor for a MaskPolicy.

ininput stream
policyMaskPolicy to be read
modified input stream

Definition at line 31 of file mcMd/chemistry/MaskPolicy.cpp.

References UTIL_THROW.

std::ostream & McMd::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
MaskPolicy  policy 

ostream inserter for an MaskPolicy.

outoutput stream
policyMaskPolicy to be written
modified output stream

Definition at line 49 of file mcMd/chemistry/MaskPolicy.cpp.

template<class Archive >
void McMd::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
MaskPolicy policy,
const unsigned int  version 

Serialize a MaskPolicy.

ararchive object
policyobject to be serialized
versionarchive version id

Definition at line 57 of file mcMd/chemistry/MaskPolicy.h.

References Util::serializeEnum().

void McMd::commitMpiTypes ( )

Commit all MPI data types needed for Mc and Md simulations.

Definition at line 31 of file McMd_mpi.cpp.

References Simp::commitMpiSpeciesGroupTypes(), Util::Pair< Data >::commitMpiType(), Util::Vector::commitMpiType(), Util::IntVector::commitMpiType(), and commitMpiTypes().

Referenced by commitMpiTypes(), and McMd::Simulation::Simulation().