8 #include "MdSystemInterface.h" 9 #include <mcMd/mdSimulation/MdSystem.h> 24 , pairPotentialPtr_(0)
27 , bondPotentialPtr_(0)
30 , anglePotentialPtr_(0)
33 , dihedralPotentialPtr_(0)
36 , externalPotentialPtr_(0)
bool hasExternal() const
Does an external potential exist?
DihedralPotential & dihedralPotential() const
Return DihedralPotential by reference.
An interface to a System.
bool hasBonds() const
Does a bond potential exist?
bool hasAngles() const
Does an angle potential exist?
ExternalPotential & externalPotential() const
Return ExternalPotential by reference.
MdPairPotential & pairPotential() const
Return MdPairPotential by reference.
virtual ~MdSystemInterface()
bool hasDihedrals() const
Does a dihedral potential exist?
Utility classes for scientific computation.
AnglePotential & anglePotential() const
Return AnglePotential by reference.
Single-processor Monte Carlo (MC) and molecular dynamics (MD).
A System for Molecular Dynamics simulation.
MdSystemInterface(MdSystem &mdSystem)
BondPotential & bondPotential() const
Return BondPotential by reference.