Simpatico  v1.10
External Interaction Class Interface

External interaction classes are used in external potential class templates to implement pair potential classes both the McMd and DdMd namespaces, in the templates McMd::ExternalPotentialImpl and DdMd::ExternalPotentialImpl, respectively. These templates call specific functions by name, and thus define an implicit interface that must be implemented by all pair interaction classes.

Here is a prototype class definition that shows the signatures for all of the required functions, for a hypothetical interaction class called External:

class External : public ParamComposite
// Mutators
// Set nAtomType value.
// \param nAtomType number of atom types.
void setNAtomType(int nAtomType);
// Set pointer to Boundary.
// \param boundary Boundary object (used to calculate distances).
void setBoundary(Boundary &boundary);
// Read parameters for this pair interaction function.
// \pre nAtomType must have been set, by calling setNAtomType().
// \param in input stream
virtual void readParameters(std::istream &in);
// Load internal state from an archive.
// \param ar input/loading archive
virtual void loadParameters(Serializable::IArchive &ar);
// Save internal state to an archive.
// \param ar output/saving archive
virtual void save(Serializable::OArchive &ar);
// Modify a parameter, identified by a name string.
// \param name parameter name
// \param i atom type index 1
// \param j atom type index 2
// \param value new value of parameter
void set(std::string name, int i, int j, double value);
// Accessors
// Returns external potential energy of a particle of type i.
// \param d distance to the nearest boundary
// \param i type of particle (not used)
// \return external potential energy
double energy(double d, int i) const;
// Returns external potential energy of a single particle.
// \param position atomic position Vector
// \param i atom type.
// \return external potential energy
double energy(const Vector& position, int i) const;
// Returns magnitude of the repulsive force.
// \param d distance from the nearest wall.
// \param i atom type id (not used)
// \return force scalar
double forceScalar(double d, int i) const;
// Returns force caused by the external potential.
// \param position atom position
// \param type atom type id
// \param force force on the atom (on output)
void getForce(const Vector& position, int type, Vector& force) const;
// Get a parameter value, identified by a string.
// \param name parameter name
// \param i atom type index 1
// \param j atom type index 2
double get(std::string name, int i, int j) const;