Simpatico  v1.10
3.1 Directory Structure

3.2 Namespaces (Next)

The following list explains the contents of the subdirectories of the root simpatico/ directory, and some of the most important subdirectories at the next level.

src/ - contains all C++ header (*.h) and source (*.cpp) files
util/ - Util namespace
simp/ - Simp namespace
mcMd/ - McMd namespace
ddMd/ - DdMd namespace
tools/ - Tools namespace
modules/ - modules for specific applications
test/ - unit test framework
bld/ - directories for object (*.o) files and libraries
serial/ - build directory for serial programs (mcSim and mdSim)
paralel/ - build directory for mpi programs (ddSim, mcSim_m, mdSim_m)
bin/ - default location for executables
scripts/ - utility scripts for manipulating data, etc.
examples/ - example input files for simulations
doc/ - documentation, including web documentation
html/ - location for html web pages, generated by doxygen
manual/ - source files for main html manual pages

The purposes of the code in each of the namespace level subdirectories of the src/ directory is described in subsequent pages. The bld/serial and bld/parallel directories, which are used in the build process, each have a tree of subdirectories similar to that of the src/ directory, but are each initially almost empty.

3 Source Code Overview (Up)         3.2 Namespaces (Next)