1 #ifndef SLIPLINK_MD_ANALYZER_FACTORY_CPP 2 #define SLIPLINK_MD_ANALYZER_FACTORY_CPP 4 #include "SliplinkMdAnalyzerFactory.h" 5 #include <mcMd/mdSimulation/MdSystem.h> 8 #include "Crosslinker.h" 11 #include "EndtoEndXYZ.h" 12 #include "LinkLengthDist.h" 13 #include "LinkLifeTime.h" 14 #include "SSChainDist.h" 16 #include "NLinkAverage.h" 17 #include "InterIntraLink.h" 18 #include "LinkLTPos.h" 41 if (className ==
"Crosslinker") {
44 else if (className ==
"G1MSD") {
47 else if (className ==
"EndtoEnd") {
50 else if (className ==
"EndtoEndXYZ") {
53 else if (className ==
"LinkLengthDist") {
56 else if (className ==
"LinkLifeTime") {
59 else if (className ==
"SSChainDist") {
62 else if (className ==
"VelProf") {
65 else if (className ==
"NLinkAverage") {
68 else if (className ==
"InterIntraLink") {
71 else if (className ==
"LinkLTPos") {
74 else if (className ==
"LinkMSD") {
Mean square end to end distance of a molecule.
Average number of crosslinks.
Number of inter and intramolecular links.
Evaluates msd of link ends along the chains.
virtual Analyzer * factory(const std::string &className) const
Return pointer to a new Analyzer object.
LinkLengthDist evaluates the distribution function of the lengths of the links.
MdSystem & system() const
Return reference to parent MdSystem.
End to end distance of a molecule.
Evaluates x-velocity profile as a function of z.
Abstract base for periodic output and/or analysis actions.
LinkLifeTime evaluates how long the slip-springs live.
SSChainDist evaluates the distribution of slip-springs along the chains.
Autocorrelation for vector separation of any two monomers on a molecule.
Analyzer to create crosslinks and output the resulting configuration.
virtual Analyzer * factory(const std::string &className) const
Return pointer to a new Analyzer object.
LinkLTPos evaluates how long the slip-springs live as a function of position along the chain...
Single-processor Monte Carlo (MC) and molecular dynamics (MD).