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McMd::PairPotential Class Referenceabstract

Detailed Description

Interface for a Pair Potential.

Definition at line 35 of file mcMd/potentials/pair/PairPotential.h.

#include <PairPotential.h>

Inheritance diagram for McMd::PairPotential:
McMd::EnergyCalculator McMd::StressCalculator McMd::McPairPotential McMd::MdPairPotential McMd::McPairPotentialImpl< Interaction > McMd::MdEwaldPairPotentialImpl< Interaction > McMd::MdPairPotentialImpl< Interaction >

Public Member Functions

virtual ~PairPotential ()
 Destructor (does nothing) More...
Pair Interaction Interface
virtual double energy (double rsq, int iAtomType, int jAtomType) const =0
 Return pair energy for a single pair. More...
virtual double forceOverR (double rsq, int iAtomType, int jAtomType) const =0
 Return force / separation for a single pair. More...
virtual void set (std::string name, int i, int j, double value)=0
 Modify a parameter, identified by a string. More...
virtual double get (std::string name, int i, int j) const =0
 Get a parameter value, identified by a string. More...
virtual double maxPairCutoff () const =0
 Return maximum cutoff distance. More...
virtual std::string interactionClassName () const =0
 Return name of pair interaction class (e.g., "LJPair"). More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from McMd::EnergyCalculator
virtual void computeEnergy ()=0
 Calculate the total nonBonded pair energy for the associated System. More...
virtual void unsetEnergy ()
 Mark the energy as unknown. More...
double energy ()
 Return the energy contribution, compute if necessary. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from McMd::StressCalculator
virtual void computeStress ()
 Compute and store the stress tensor. More...
virtual void unsetStress ()
 Mark the stress as unknown. More...
void computeStress (Tensor &stress)
 Get pair stress tensor. More...
void computeStress (Vector &pressures)
 Get the xx, yy, zz non-Coulomb pair pressures. More...
void computeStress (double &pressure)
 Get the scalar pressure. More...
bool createsStress () const
 Return false if subclass does not generate stress. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from McMd::StressCalculator
 StressCalculator (bool createsStress=true)
 Constructor (protected to prevent direct instantiation). More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual McMd::PairPotential::~PairPotential ( )

Destructor (does nothing)

Definition at line 43 of file mcMd/potentials/pair/PairPotential.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual double McMd::PairPotential::energy ( double  rsq,
int  iAtomType,
int  jAtomType 
) const
pure virtual
virtual double McMd::PairPotential::forceOverR ( double  rsq,
int  iAtomType,
int  jAtomType 
) const
pure virtual
virtual void McMd::PairPotential::set ( std::string  name,
int  i,
int  j,
double  value 
pure virtual

Modify a parameter, identified by a string.

nameparameter name
itype index of first atom
jtype index of first atom
valuenew value of parameter

Implemented in McMd::MdPairPotentialImpl< Interaction >, McMd::MdEwaldPairPotentialImpl< Interaction >, and McMd::McPairPotentialImpl< Interaction >.

Referenced by McMd::McCommandManager::readStandardCommand(), and McMd::MdCommandManager::readStandardCommand().

virtual double McMd::PairPotential::get ( std::string  name,
int  i,
int  j 
) const
pure virtual

Get a parameter value, identified by a string.

nameparameter name
itype index of first atom
jtype index of first atom

Implemented in McMd::MdPairPotentialImpl< Interaction >, McMd::MdEwaldPairPotentialImpl< Interaction >, and McMd::McPairPotentialImpl< Interaction >.

virtual double McMd::PairPotential::maxPairCutoff ( ) const
pure virtual
virtual std::string McMd::PairPotential::interactionClassName ( ) const
pure virtual

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